Prophetic scrolls 273

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 273

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Quick short work – Dramatic and powerful events as predicted are taking place now! The Scripts predicted the sudden changes from 1995 onward, concerning technology and the media and the magic of electronics! The prophet Dan 9: 26-27 said a flood of events would occur just before the end of the age, and then desolation! – Dan.12: 4 foretold of the increase of super knowledge and swiftness! We could describe this in many ways, like TV, radio, aircraft, cars and etc. – Right now through fiber optics, satellite and electronics, in a twinkling of an eye they can circle the globe with news; you might say with minute-to-minute news! Technology has reached the point of bringing the world into a global unit. So events are being reported like the speed of light. “Also, the gospel is being carried just as fast! The former and latter rain has come together and the beginning and end will be close together!” We are in the hour of the swift messenger indeed. When the gospel reaches a certain point, the elect will be caught up. “No wonder the Lord gives a clue when He said, ‘Behold, I come quickly 3 times!’ Then He said, ‘in a moment in the twinkling of an eye!” It would be sudden and unexpected! “He said, ‘as a snare shall it come upon the whole world.” – The Tribulation is nearing! The two witnesses will appear! (Rev. chap.11) – They are completing the first part of the Jewish Covenant and at the right moment, it will be confirmed! People are telling me that things are happening so unexpected and quickly that unless they read the Scripts prophecies, they would never have been prepared for such unbelievable events! Also, the 4 elements are changing the face of the earth. Run prophecy, run! More is yet to occur, as one event eclipses another! And as a flash of lightning this age shall end as the world is caught in a trap! It is entering a magic fantasy world of no return! As a peaceful figure positions himself for a takeover. This false deceiver is alive now! A wizard that will use technology to magnify himself. As knowledge will still increase more. Watch and pray!

Awonderful but yet a fearful time ahead – A staggering and stunning occurrence will approach as a thief in the night. The powers of the heavens and the earth will shake with shock waves to come! “The Holy Spirit speaks the earth is in a moment of decision! A double measure of the spirit is here and a double measure of worldliness is here too! The spirit reveals He will pour out more judgment even as He rains righteousness upon His people! This is the exact hour of preparation! The night cometh when neither man nor woman shall work. Note: I might add besides fearful sights, earth shattering and geological upheavals are soon in order! The Scripts predicted the quakes in the Middle East, Turkey, Greece, etc. – We see startling omens in the heavens. (Luke 21:11) Also more volcanic and earth activity around the world. Remember the coma vision in part? Wherein a young man was set down and saw the modern Los Angeles, cars and etc! Things begin to shake and break-up. Then he said he was in the 4th dimension and he was transferred upward. He saw even the earth tilt and everything between the San Bernardino Mountains and Los Angeles slid into the sea! The Grand Canyon closes in and then Boulder Dam, Nevada breaking up! In this cataclysmic vision he saw San Francisco flipping over like a pancake! It was a horrifying experience! He did not know the exact date, but according to some near him, it was close to this century, one side or the other!

Continuing – I saw by the spirit an awesome sight somewhat differently, but the similar catastrophic wherein I saw fire in the sea! Los Angeles was sliding into the sea and then parts of California, all the way up, begin following the same pattern! In LA, the earth opened up and cars and busses disappeared and there was something like ashes falling everywhere! This was given to me over 40 years ago along with the major quakes leading to it. Since then by satellite, they have seen great fire beds, plates, or volcanic activity in the sea! And in the last few years, as a foreview of this prophecy, homes and golf courses all along California have begun to fall into the sea, as seen on the Internet and the TV. This may well take place at anytime. They just had a 7.1 quake in the desert. Had it been LA, buildings would have come crashing down. An ominous warning! Watch! It could be a matter of days before the whole thing is complete when it starts! I’ve always felt the Translation would take place just before, or right after and because of world shaking events people would not give much credence to what secretly happened! Then other events would also block people from seeing when the missing saints over the earth went with Jesus!

2000 Forward – Should the Lord not appear in the year 2000 as some think, then the world in its ignorance would scoff and laugh just like in the days of Noah. But just after the Ark’s completion, suddenly thunder, lightning and rain came! “Remember,” Jesus said, “be ye also ready, in an hour ye think not.” Although we watch, sinners and even Christians would go back into their old ways. Jesus said it would be like the days of Sodom and Noah. (Read II Peter chap.3) wherein he revealed this same off guard and ignorance! A real revelation, the chapter went on to reveal the elements melt with fire, atomic war! He used the word a thousand years as a day explaining the millennium! Then he explains that the earth and heavens are burnt-up after the millennium and white throne judgment. He takes it a step forward in revealing we therefore look for new heavens and a new earth blending into eternity! Paul helped him to write such a magnificent revelation. Very significant for our day and time!

Population captivated by things yet to come – Here are some short events – This planet will be spellbound as the world crosses over on the other side of the century with a new president, and the vital events that are surrounding the political and religious world! As the Scripts said, the cycles like swirling events tell us of a planet out of touch with reality! Rev.17 is shadowing the rising over the world. As we can already see Commercial Babylon (Rev.18) through the Internet and the market is trading day and night! But it will be after drastic changes it will go into the mark of the beast.

Science perversion – prophecy – Remember the Scripts projected 20 years ago, people would be selling their sperm and the seed of women-embryos-like in a store. Here is a news article, quote: Models Auction Eggs Online. Los Angeles – Beautiful models offered their eggs for sale in an Internet auction Monday, touching off a fierce debate over the ethics of what is being called “Darwin at his very best.” A Web site run by fashion photographer, Ron Harris, is aimed at parents who want good-looking babies – and who would pay up to $150,000 for the privilege. The Web site contains glamorous photos of the women and boasts that the models are in excellent health. But no information about their intelligence, education or medical history was provided. Two of the models said they were single, one said she was married with a 5-year-old daughter. Jesus mentioned in His course of prophecy about Sodom and especially the events of the flood and how unique and imperative at this momentous age. Gen. chap 6 something else occurred at that time besides the unrighteous mixing their seed. The word beautiful was used in this manner. The Hebrew description said some type of fallen watchers (sons of God) saw the daughters of men that were beautiful and took for themselves many! (Polygamy). But something horrifying took place out of order and giants evidently 12 to 15 feet sprang forth! Violence was created; the imagination was constantly evil so much that God had to do away with this type of creation except for Noah and his family. So we see the cataclysmic flood. Like today there was a great population explosion, violence and science is repeating in another way! 6 billion people are here now. Explosive judgments are ahead! Man is dealing with cells, the DNA, cloning and etc. in other parts of nature where angels fear to tread. – Any way you look at it, something dreadful occurred in Gen. Chap.6. And so today out of the above no telling what terrible occurrences will evolve! The good will not be greater than the bad in consequences! “When men play God the Almighty shakes the earth and they must stand before Him and His awesome power!”

Celestial warnings – Not only are astronomers and scientists seeing unusual activity in the heavens, but the government (NASA) is watching some mysterious puzzlement’s concerning asteroids, deep space and etc. The Scriptures have been fulfilling! The Scripts have given definite occurrences! Signals and signs of the end are everywhere. And the year 2000 will not be silent concerning these matters! – Let us end this on a joy and expectation note! James 5:7-8 tells us to be patient as the Lord waiteth for His precious fruit of the former and latter rain. – Vr.8, Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.

Scroll #273