Prophetic scrolls 272

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 272

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Write the vision — Several years ago in the prophecy I saw water, water, water and heard it. Also a great shaking with it. The first part of this came to pass in 1997-98. I said it would reach from the Gulf of Mexico clear up through the southern states and it did. There was a quake in Texas. Just before it started I repeated there was yet more to come! And it was. Just after some great quakes some mighty hurricanes like Floyd and Irene dropped down water not only in Florida, but wiped out much property on the beaches and destroyed all the way up to North Carolina where many houses were covered with water. The likes not seen in this century! The spirit of prophecy is deadly accurate! Note: Typhoon, and tidal waves are coming! From now through the Tribulation the Arctic Poles is going to affect the world! At this writing some of the worst fires seen are taking place in California. Also, October 18-19, Mt. Etna volcano exploded again! We see the element of fire is working and the sun producing droughts. “This planet should prepare for events that have not been seen in 6000 years!”

Continuing— During this last water and great solar eclipse of the century, killer quakes leveled cities in Turkey, Greece, Taiwan, Mexico! And a 7.1 hit in the desert of California near the area called Joshua Tree and 29 Palms. They said if it would have struck L.A. dozens of buildings would have tumbled down and massive death and destruction would have followed! It rattled Arizona and Nevada. Remember the Coma Vision and my prophecy? This is a preview of some more and the big one to come! We also see divine providence in all of this. After some Crusades I was just about to cross back into California near the district of 29 Palms and Joshua Tree. Remember I was called to walk up in the wilderness like desert and sit under a juniper tree, but evidently it was a Joshua Tree. “The Lord told me he was going to give me some partners and that I was to move out of California into Arizona and be in a building that He would provide!” Note: the name Joshua Tree, and Joshua carried the people of Israel across to the Promise Land. So we are nearing the Translation period and fulfilling the last prophecies that involved the Lord’s children. Praise Him! The evidence is before us. Destiny proves it. Eccl. chapter 3.

Remarkable revelation — Paul said, the things seen are made out of things not seen! He said also that our bodies would be like unto His(Jesus). Transformed into beautiful glowing light. So beautiful that the mist of the Holy Spirit could turn us into a rainbow. (Anyway, the body will do amazing things, unimaginable to the natural. In Rev.4:3 Jesus set and was surrounded by a rainbow. (Read Ezek.1:26-27) Vr.28, as the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spake.” Paul said, behold I show you a mystery. And he described the position of the saints as the sun, the moon and the stars in their positions. (I Cor.15:40-41, 51-52) — I preached that white light from the sun could be like a rainbow even as Jesus or our bodies, because He could well do it. Nevertheless, here is a revelation that I discovered from a science book. Read it with spiritual understanding! Quote: When do you see a rainbow? When the sun comes out after a morning or late afternoon shower. Sunlight looks white. But it is really made up of many different colors. The sun’s rays strike the drops of rain in the sky. This breaks the white light into the colors of the rainbow-red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. — In a twinkling of an eye we will be changed into eternity with Jesus and a glorified body. Praise Him! Believe me when you see what He has reserved for those who love Him in His different dominions, no words will be able to describe it. “Stand firm saith the Lord in My Word.” The world is entering into last travailing throes. Note: We shall leave before the last great woes!

Strange phenomena and prophecy – Speaking of the sun, along with floods, great winds and then tremendous droughts! We are ending an 11 year period of the sun’s cycle spots, etc. into another cycle 2000-01 onward, a different type reaching one peak as the century ends! Jesus said in Luke 21:25, he mentions the sun and told of the weather, the seas and waves roaring! People in perplexity and distress not knowing which way to turn, and we are seeing it now! Before Armageddon the world will enter its greatest droughts and storms. Note: I also predicted the president would have more problems. And the Scripts said there would be unexpected unusual surprises in politics and the presidential cycles of election! According to the news, look at the various types of people who unexpectedly entered the race! And the presidential cycle that runs throughout January 2001. Besides this we will see overwhelming events and shock waves concerning every facet of society and elements. Remember the Scripts said we would cross the century in a fire storm. We have already seen some of this in droughts, fires and so on and later atomic. Pakistan and India tested atomic bombs. These types of things and other events will bring false peace! Be alert. Pray for our youth and the Lord’s people daily.

Sky plans — pleasure palaces — modern Babylon — Hilton studies building space hotel- Los Angeles (AP) – As NASA assembles the international space station high above the Earth, private lodging and travel companies are taking a serious look at orbiting hotels and other projects that could make space the final frontier of tourism. Interest in space tourism was piqued this week, when Hilton Hotels Inc. disclosed that it is looking into the feasibility of a space hotel. “We want to take a hard look at it and see if Hilton can be first into space,” Hilton isn’t alone. Owner of the Las Vegas-based Budget Suites of America lodging chain, has committed $500 million to the goal of building a “cruise ship” that would fly from Earth orbit to the moon and back. He formed a new company, Bigelow Aerospace, to pursue the project. Other companies will try beside these. Also Armageddon probably will occur before even NASA completes all of their projects! —The Japanese said years ago that they were going to put pleasure and Resorts in space. A little like Las Vegas including women, vice and etc.. But before they finish it all Jesus translates us! These Scriptures may have double prophecies! — Obad.1:4 — Isa.60:8 — Deut.30:4 — Amos 9:2 — It looks like mans Tower of Babel will fall sooner than he thinks! The rest of it may occur way up in the Millennium! — These Scriptures cover our age and perhaps God will allow man in the Millennium to explore the heavens for a good cause, until Satan is loosed again in Rev. 20:3.

Numerical and celestial prophecy — Science (astronomy) revealed on Nov.15-16, 1999 Mercury would cross in front of the sun. This has only happened 13 other times in this century. 13 is an awe-some sign associated with rebellion, the coming of the world dictator (Rev.13) and drastic changes over the whole world because the sun is involved. This will involve food, crops, commercialism and commerce, finally leading to Rev.6:5-8. It foreshadows the years ahead and across the century! I wrote on this phenomena in an earlier Scroll 179. Three planets come close together within a 5 degree circle, April 11, 2000. Then there is a grand alignment May 5, 2000. — A partial solar eclipse on Christmas 2000. All of this reveals the arrival of a world dictator, the Tribulation and finally Armageddon in the years following! “When we put all of these together the events of the 90’s will triple on the other side of the century.” It reveals we are entering a very unexpected, mysterious, stunning and volatile age! — Note: Job 38:32-33 has worked throughout the ages! Jesus foretold as the age ends Luke 21:11, 25 – Ps. 19 — “All confirms prophetic astronomy as a sign!”

Controlling destiny — Dan. 2:21, And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding— The Lord knows from the beginning to the end. (Isa.46:10) – Blessed is the man (or woman) who trusteh in the Lord!

Scroll #272