Prophetic scrolls 271

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 271

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


God has always revealed the future – (Gen. 18:17, 19) -“Wherein he did not hide from Abraham the coming destruction. And the saints of God will not be left in ignorance either! While we will not know the day or hour of His Second Coming, we will know the time and the season (1 Thess 5:4) through a prophet!” (Amos 3:7-8) – “In important things God Himself is a date setter. Let us let the Scriptures prove this!” – “He set a date for Israel to come out of Egypt. He set a date for the destruction of Sodom. (Gen. 19:13) – He set a date for the birth of Jesus (see below)! – He set a date for the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem to take place during a 40-year period following the prophecy!” . . . “He forecast 120 years in advance of the flood! (Gen. 6:3) – The Egyptian judgment forecast 400 years ahead! (Gen. 15:13-14) – The entrance into Canaan 40 years in advance! (Num 14:33-34) -The breaking up of Ephraim forecast 65 years! (Isa. 7:8) – Return from Babylon foreknown 70 years before! (Dan. 9:2) – The death of the Messiah 483 years in advance! (Dan. 9:25-26) – Resurrection of Jesus 3 days ahead! (Matt.12:40) -The end of Millennium given 1,000 years ahead!” (Rev. 20:7) – “Let us consider this, not only did the Old Testament reveal the fact of the coming Messiah, it actually told the date of the event!” (Dan. 9:25-26) – “The prophecy declared that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem until the ‘Messiah be cut off’ was to be a total of 69 weeks of years or 483 years later! -Right on target. He came! 4 BC. and died 30 A.D. and was resurrected into Eternity! – The above is significant, and it takes into consideration that God will reveal to His people the times and season of his coming, but not the exact day or hour – The most important crisis of all, the ending of the age, will be shown to them!” – Note: So we see God will not hide from us His last day movement. It is said that we will not know the day nor the hour of His translation, but through the prophetic Scriptures, celestial and numerical values we would know within a short season of it! We give some good insight below.

The signature of time – The Lord gives us some very unique and special numerical prophecy! So rare that they may not have occurred but several times in the last 2000 years or so and only once this century! Here is the date. September, the 9th month, the 9th day, 1999. Herein we have 5 nines. Five is the number of grace; the 9’s are multipliable judgments! So we see grace is running out fast and that the cup of iniquity is reaching its fullness! A signal that the elect will be caught up soon! And then as the cup overflows the wrath and judgments will begin on a grander scale than before! This is a warning, not only to His children, but also to a blind world seemingly. This is an amazing significance in prophecy ahead! Remember Jesus one time wrote in the sand in front of the Pharisees! Now He is giving us His signature of time in many ways!

The scriptures say, Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith – (Heb.12:2) The author of Genesis clear through the finisher of Rev. often called the book of the Lord Jesus. He is the Alpha and Omega. He knows from the beginning to the end! To us He is from A to Z. Jesus said, look up for your redemption draweth nigh. Look up meaning He would give us celestial signs just before his return!

The celestial speak – (Ps. 19). As predicted in the Scripts we have already had some astounding omens, but here is another rarity that took place over the last few months. So many events occurred that it would take a book to list them all during this period. In July a lunar eclipse took place and the heavenly bodies in the constellation formed a Grand Cross. As the last total solar eclipse of this century took place! Plus the Bright and Morning Star Venus has transitioned the sign Leo for the longest time (3 months) that we can remember ending its stay in Oct. All of the heavenly bodies were very strange during the summer. And we have certainly seen the changes, raging of society and the travailing of the weather! The sun played a part in the droughts in more than 7 states and other unusual phenomenon. (Luke 21:25) Note: the Scripts predicted the coming of Comets. And in 1997 out of nowhere came a new one called Hale-Bopp (comet of the century), and as predicted, nothing has been the same since! After the August solar eclipse made its path across Turkey throughout Europe, etc. super quakes hit Turkey and Greece. The news said its devastation was unbelievable in magnitude and destruction! Killer quakes were foretold in our literature! Also in January 21, 2000, a total lunar eclipse will take place and another total one, July 16. But, in July they call it a trio rarity because 2 smaller partial solar eclipses take place! Called a life time phenomenon to see! The Lord Jesus is forewarning from now and until the earth crosses over into the next century some startling, and unexpected, incredible events will have taken place. There are some more important other things.

Run devil run – This is a fulfillment of prophecy! Time is short, a shocking revelation but true! Quote: Proctor & gamble comes out Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 -The President of Proctor & Gamble appeared on the Sally Jesse Raphael Show on Monday, July 19, 1999. He announced that “due to the openness of our society, he was coming out of the closet about his association with the Church of Satan.” He stated that a large portion of his profits from Proctor & Gamble products goes to support this satanic church. When asked by Sally Jesse if stating this on TV would hurt his business. He replied, “there are not enough Christians in the United States to make a difference,” – (If their stock or sales drops they may think twice!) The symbol of a ram’s horn, which will appear on each product beginning on January 1, 2000. The ram’s horn will form the 666, which is known as Satan’s number. – (Rev.13) – Most people are unaware of these subtle transactions; everyone has used them. Here are just a few of their products, etc. We will list other products later. Tide, Spic & Span. Folgers, Crisco, Luvs & Pamper Diapers, etc. – In the latter times, Paul said this, read II Tim. Chap. 3, also Rev. 12:12.

The giant merger – The president of CBS said the merging with Viacom would be the largest media transaction in history! It is said it will cover anything from children programs, news, sports, movies and adult entertainment! By the year 2000 the news said it would go global! Viacom was associated to many of the past X-rated movies. Also, they were bold enough to say they knew what the people wanted in the future! The world is fast being polluted by not only wickedness, but by magic and sorcery, etc. It’s now becoming a global X-rated world. The age is ending! The Scripts predicted this, plus uniting of world Babylon mystery and commercial! (Rev. chaps. 17 and 18)

The long awaited covenant – As you know by the news, the first part of the Jewish-Arab Covenant has been signed! Israel’s new leader said, “we have now entered a new era!” Next, when the outer Arab nations accept, a world leader, etc will confirm it. There will be some crisis before it is completed, but this is one of the most vital signs of prophecy given in this century of Jesus return! Events are happening over night, while many churches are asleep! – lsa.28:15, said it would work into a covenant of hell and death – Dan.9:26-27 tells the future of it. At some point overnight it could occur! “Be ye also ready”! – Just before the signing, many celestial omens took place in the heavens! (July-Sept)

This generation – Matt.24:33-34 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the door. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things are fulfilled. It means when we see all of these things coming together at the same time (and we are seeing them now) that Jesus spoke of including nature, Israel and etc. It’s been hard for some ministers to explain this particular type generation. Some prophetic scholars say it started in 1948-1953. Others say it could not have started until Israel during its war received back the old city (Jerusalem), in 1967. It is said then the 40 year period started. If so, all would be over with, Tribulation, Armageddon, etc. By the year 2000-2008. – If so, the elect leave much earlier! By the signs we know that it could occur in the very near future! We are at the season. Amen! –The electronic god in inventions and technology alone is a sign of His quick return! (Dan. 12:4)

Watch and pray – The translation is couched in a mystery – all types of cults and religions of sort believe that in the year 2000 God will bring some great judgment, and others believe His return! But if He does not appear the world and many lukewarm churches will scoff and laugh! Just like in Noah’s day, but lightning and thunder finally struck! After a while, the world will go back to sleep! But remember the warning! “Jesus said, in an hour ye think not the Son of Man cometh!” The first thousand years won’t even start until Jan. 2001— So we see how many will be thrown off guard, even foolish virgins and etc. “We are in the midnight hour now!” Regardless, we are to watch and pray daily. But, you can see the wisdom, in an hour ye think not. But the elect will know the mystery because of certain signs! Hold fast! Anyway you look at it, it is soon! At any moment, He will seal His in and close the door like the Ark!

Scroll #271