Prophetic scrolls 270

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 270

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Age ending prophecy — Solomon said, There is nothing new under the sun concerning mans ways, and that good and evil would continue right down until the end of the age! “Also God knows from the beginning until the end of man’s journey!” — Right now 1999 like a speed of light the earth is moving into a total new era, as one cycle ends another one begins! Through the god of electronics, fiber optics and sky satellite communications the world is becoming a global unit. It is moving into a stage of ominous darkness and evil snare! (But the elect are moving toward light and in a moment in a twinkling of an eye they will be translated away! They will be out of earth’s curse into a new dimension, Paradise. Rev. 4:1-3) —Then the world will move into a dictator control and finally a fiery holocaust. Many of the earth’s cities will wake as if a lake of fire was over them! “Abomination of desolation will certainly pay them in full for worshipping a false god!”

Scripts fulfillment — In July President Clinton said in a speech that the world is enjoying the wonders of technology that has risen so quickly. He said uniting us into a global family. After many crises it will be for a short period. “While man is inventing all of these wonderful things and discoveries that we spoke of they still will not be able to cure many of the diseases and plagues that are yet coming! Plus famine, violence, war or the travailing of nature, storms, quakes and etc.!” With all their inventions they can not even stop the immoral rampage in the USA or elsewhere! The president and his wife on the one hand has done quite a bit to help the poor and elderly, but on the other hand divine providence associated to the president’s moves is setting up later for the Revived Roman Empire and Rev. 13:1 and the image unto the beast here. (Verses 13-15) — Remember when the Scripts said when many women entered politics and children act like men, Jesus would be at the door! Note: In fact mans inventions has caused more immorality and their special effects has increased more witchcraft and sorcery! Spielberg and Lucas have made several pictures concerning wizardry, sorcery and phantasm. Later Mr. Spielberg made a movie about an asteroid falling. If he is expecting one he is going to get the answers to his prayers. (Rev. 8:8-10) — “Yea, I have created all things well, but soon as the earth turns in its beauty it will also turn in its fire! The destruction and desolation shall not be withheld because of its wickedness and idolatry! My words of judgment shall be fulfilled! Watch ye therefore and seek Me daily!”

Continuing prophecy — We are definitely in the midnight hour of the latter times. What an hour to behold and awesome events! On the one hand apostasy and on the other an outpouring! As the Scripts predicted the unexpected and surprises would occur and mysterious events would appear. We have seen this along with the most lurid wickedness since Sodom. In the news it was revealed in PA. Quote: “17 children are involved in sex ring, police say: A ring of children as young as 7 in a small Pennsylvania community taught each other to have sex, and a half-dozen of them have been charged in juvenile court.”

The children, who were or are students at Northeastern Middle School or York Haven Elementary School, hid their activities from adults but readily answered questions asked by police. Their candor was all the more troubling, Newberry Township Police Chief Bill Myers said. “These kids knew that what they were doing wasn’t right, but they didn’t know it was as bad as it was.” “There was a naiveté about the legal and moral consequences.” Six children have been charged in juvenile court on charges including rape, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and indecent assault, said. At least one or two have been convicted and sent to juvenile detention facilities, he said; their sentences are sealed by juvenile court. Incidents of incest were discovered but not pursued criminally, Myers said. No adults were charged. The case has now been closed. The activity were started 21/2 years ago with just a few children, and by the time authorities learned of it in December it involved 17 youngsters ages 7 to 16, police said. Many of the children first became involved as victims, then they repeated what they learned with other children. The assaults occurred in homes and elsewhere, such as in wooded areas. After a birthday party, one of the 16-year-olds learned that one of the 11-year-old boys had been molesting a 7-year -old neighbor, and told the victim’s mother about it. When that woman went to police, the girl, now 17, admitted that she had been having sex with an 11-year-old boy. The girl who made the revelation was convicted of rape, because the difference in ages between her and the boy was more than four years. — And concerning another article it said free oral sex with all the other additions for client. It seems the X- rated movies has now polluted into an X-rated world. God’s judgments grinds slow but they also grind fine! — — Since the last Presidential election up until now, July 1999, we have witnessed massive changes and vital prophecy! Watch religion and the rest of the presidential cycles! By 2001 the world at this point will not be able to believe exactly the impact that this planet will receive concerning every facet of society and natures earth. — At also the proper — time a world messiah who is alive now will slip in peacefully! He will be a commercial wizard and will finally have undisputed control over the world’s wealth! (Reprint)

Prophetic knowledge — “The Scriptures admonish us to listen closely to what God has to say about the future and how He will instruct us in the latter days! Prov. 8:1, ‘Doth not wisdom cry? And understanding put forth her voice?’ — Vr. 4, ‘Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man!’—Vrs. 33-35, ‘Hear instructions, and be wise, and refuse it not. Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For who so findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord!’”— Now let us see what problems and conditions this world will be facing concerning the future! — For the Holy Spirit will show us things to come and prepare us for the escape into the heavenly arms the translation of the Lord Jesus!” — “The problems that will face mankind will be his inventions, foolishness and his own deception!”

“During Jesus’ first appearance He worked powerful and great miracles, even raising of the dead! — And just before His return we are working some mighty miracles of healing, some are creative, remarkable things are occurring! — He has also raised cases from death unto life! — And upon His return the dead will rise again and we will be caught up together in the air to meet Him!” — “As He gave salvation before, He is giving salvation to many now!”

The scriptures — Eccl. 7:29, “Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out Many inventions!” — “The only answer for people is, the Lord Jesus and His salvation!” — “Prepare! Watch and pray, for as a snare shall all of these things come upon the earth!” — “The Scriptures say, a man’s wisdom makes his face to shine!” (Eccl. 8:1) — “Because understanding has been given!” —

Scroll #270