Prophetic scrolls 269

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 269

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Prophecy fulfilling: A financial institute gives this report: Date: Wed May 26, 1999 – TheEuroBank.Com is a new site provided by PEI as a public service free of charge and dedicated to following this trend of moving toward a pure electronic currency. New Zealand has already announced publicly that it will eliminate all currency replacing the NZ dollar with an electronic form that may be used through a debit card system. This is the most important development in the history of money and it threatens the future of everyone’s ultimate financial freedom, and hence enhances the collection of all taxes. Some are also arguing that this will eliminate the drug traffic at the same time not to mention illegal arms sales etc. While this is debatable, the trend is clearly a decisive one that cannot be denied.

All of the above leads to a marked society. Evidently a cashless society. (Rev.13:16-17) – James 5:1-3 says that governments would hoard gold and silver just before the Lord would return. (Vr.8)

Foreshadows continuing – In 1908 a rare anti matter atomic asteroid exploded over the Siberian wilderness and leveled over 10,000 square miles of timber! Shock waves went around the world! – Before, or one hundred years later from this date, could it be possible that atomic war do the same thing from this Russian vicinity?

Continuing vital knowledge of prophecy – Science is unveiling prophecy that has been foretold in advance! – News Report – Bursts from sun may eclipse Y2K- Explosions of energy can cause blackouts and satellite problems! As if Year 2000 computer problems are not enough, stormy weather predicted for the sun early next year also could torment Earth’s modern technology. That could mean celebrating the end of the millennium in the dark, with a dead cellular phone. Ships and planes relying on satellites for navigation might have trouble. Even spacewalking astronauts are at risk. Researchers, using new techniques, are forecasting that the sun is going to enter the most violent and disruptive part of its 11-year cycle beginning in January, when computers around the world struggle to cope with possible problems caused by the Y2K bug. Severe solar storms erupting with massive bursts of magnetic energy and radiation are expected to continue at their peak until April. Solar flares and coronal mass ejections – solar explosions that can equal a million-megaton bombs – send waves of energy toward the Earth. – The Scriptures already gave us prophecy about the sun later in the century. Next, the Bible gives us even a more cataclysmic picture! (Rev. 16:1-10)

Celestial summer and the falling star showers – The Heavens Luke 21:25 – There will be multitudes of celestial signs from the spiritual stand point and the scientific from now until we cross the century! Already we have seen enormous omens and prophetic portents of His coming and involving nations and worldwide events! Some asteroids have fallen and larger ones are on their way! Also, alarming sights, and wonders have been seen in the supernatural lights! Some are God’s chariots, others are satanic forces! Some demonic lights of late have been documented by policemen and airmen. Where they appeared over water and shot streams of light into it and then sped away! Several witnesses said, as one came down, out of the light came real small creatures! They were so startled they couldn’t move as beams of some sort knocked them down leaving them dazed and of ill feeling! Some of these are akin to fantasy and illusion and are getting into a kind of sorcery like phenomenon. Vr.11 reveals fearful and all type signs would appear just before Jesus returns and the anti-christ appears! We are at the threshold! Watch and pray daily! We are living in a very unusual and mysterious hour as you shall see in the months ahead!

Reprint from Scroll #150-written over a decade ago. –

The age of deception – It will take on a multitude of forms, but we will list a few ways this will appear! – It will forerun satan’s man in strong delusion, lying signs and wonders that are not Scriptural.. .similar to how Moses was challenged! – witchcraft, sorcery and the occult will flourish in all directions in contempt of God’s true miraculous! – Also wizardry in computers, electronics and the wrong type video games! – One game called Dungeons and Dragons has caused some teenagers to murder people already! …New movies of horror and fantasy bringing terror through special effects will take its toll on the mind of the youth! – The prince of darkness will use electronics, computers and new inventions of science to control the minds of the people until the final deceiver arrives on the scene! – A true spell-binder of astonishment!.. .His presence will intoxicate them into false worship! – The images of the nether world fascinate and bewitch their visions and minds with subtle feelings, sensuality of the underworld of satan! – His potions and spirits possessing mankind! – The women at this time will never have felt a more evil spell! – The men likewise will receive a new lease of wickedness! – a potion of madness is awaiting those who have rejected Christ! – Jesus takes His elect out…for it will be no place to live during this time of the near future!

Prophecy and the God of forces (Dan. 11:38-39) – This reveals man will invent and use all type of forces to benefit, control and finally destroy mankind! – At first man discovered the forces of electricity and then that he could divide or split the atom by a formula wherein atomic fire and poison came out destroying all in its wake! – Ps. 29:7, reveals the Lord is beyond man! – The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire! – The very force of His voice can split the atom deeper than ever, beyond the protons! – And a lake of fire can cover the earth! – (Rev. 20:9) – And these sayings are faithful and true! Also the Lord’s voice can upset the magnetic forces of the earth! (Isa. 24:1, 19-20) – The Scriptures say when he speaks it thunders! – In this we are to believe that He either creates or destroys whatsoever He will! – His voice can become like lightning when He speaks, it thunders world-wide! – Yea, and in that day My voice shall be heard over the earth!

Jehovah Jireh and Rphah – The Lord heals and provides! – We would like to close with this Ps. 105:37, He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes. – It may not be with silver and gold, but He will supply us with what we need until the last one is in (crossed over) and there will not be one feeble one among them! In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye we are caught up!

Scroll #269