Prophetic scrolls 267

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 267

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


As predicted — We are living in a world of sudden and unexpected events with global impact! “We moved in a new era of laser and electronic gods of inventions coupled with magic of special effects!” A fantasy world. A false god of illusion is on the horizon! It seems that society is moving from reality to make believe. The weather and shock waves of Yugoslavia has awakened some to seek God’s Word! —All should prepare for we haven’t seen anything yet. “The world is headed for some real perilous events!” We have certainly been warned through the celestial about wars!

Continuing — Comet Hale – Bopp appeared in 1997, one of the most amazing in history! Large with 3 streaming tails. I predicted the century would close with cataclysmic events! The rest of this year and 2000 will not let up! Celestial sign- A total solar eclipse took place in China (east) in sight of the great Comet Hale – Bopp. A few days later another rare event in the west (California and etc.) a lunar eclipse took place in sight of the Comet. The way this occurred, for the future this is real a significant sign! It was! Look at the events concerning the weather and war! — Also since then scientists have seen awesome startling events in the heavens! I predicted 1999 about celestial.

Date Line 1999 — Here is a unique up to date startling phenomenon of the moon. January 1999 started off with two full moons in the same month! — Rare! Look at this, no full moon in February; and then two full moons in March! The news said it began an unusual series of full moons not seen in more than eight decades! This last occurred in 1915. — This is a distinctive sign. — It shows tremendous events occurring now and for years ahead; weather, science, constitutional crisis and society that climax with Rev. 6:12, where the moon becomes as blood!

Celestial wonder — Also in about 1980, Pluto and Neptune traded places in their distance to the sun! Now after 20 years, it shifts back around March, 1999 (this occurs only about every 250 years). After this the Yugoslavia War broke out and much more is ahead before the century ends! Also God will give more heavenly wonders matching the Scriptures! At different periods as they cross the century they are going to get so much calamity from the heavens and sea! The celestial warning — fiery future! The earth can expect fireballs, huge asteroids, star fragments, and swift moving comets! Heavenly activity both in signs and destruction will be abundant! Tremendous winds and tidal waves will also be associated! — “The 4 elements will rage!”

Continuing — We reprint this part from Scroll #178 Prophetic astronomy — “An important and great sign often overlooked — Jesus said, signs in the heavens would play a vital role in revealing His return! The Scriptures tell us as the age closes the heavens will declare His coming! — Prophetic astronomy is cosmic knowledge of the Holy Spirit! It is not astrology for it only knows in part and misleads! (The wise men were correct and knew exactly who and where Jesus was!) — But Jesus is greater than the magi for which we shall see! Job. 38:32 says, Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth (the 12 signs of the Zodiac) in his season?” — Gen. 1:14, “The Lord said, And let them, (the stars, sun and moon) be for signs, and for seasons and for days, and for years! So we see the stars will be meeting appointments preordained by God! They did at His first coming and they will again at His second coming!”

How wonderful the spirit moves as He inspired me to return back to this scroll: confirming His Words! Jesus is altogether lovely and generous to forewarn us of all these events! Who can search Him out? His Word is like a flaming sword, His spirit is a spinning wheel sending forth lightning among our enemies! He doeth comfort us in perilous times! — Note: For proof Rev.12:1, the sun clothed woman with the sun and moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars. — Vr.6 shows the Tribulation seed fled. — Just like the people of Kosova and Albania! We are seeing a preview of the Great Tribulation! Remember about the sun and moon above about the other.

Dateline – cryptic prophecy — Given in 16th Century — “A new law will occupy a new land around Syria, Judea and Palestine. The great barbarian Empire will crumble before the century of the sun is finished! —The first two lines describes the creation of the state of Israel. Barbarian means Arab Empire! It unveils Israel will triumph before the end of the 20th century! — The key word, when the century of the sun is finished meaning by the year 2000. Praise Him!” — The prophecy is right. Israel has defeated the Arabs in every War. But we now see there is a final War (Armageddon) on the other side of the century. When the sun becomes black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon becomes as blood. (Rev. 6:12)

The heavens will burn -“An Ancient Jewish prophet gave his prophecy. Quote: — “The sky will burn at forty- five degrees, fire approaches the great New City! Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up when they want to have proof of the Normans! —We know New York county lies between 40 and 45 degrees parallel on the map! — Scattered flames is widespread; a description of the Atomic Bomb. It explodes in the sky sending fire downward! — Proof of the Normans; this includes France and English Channel! — Somehow the Common Market countries fail to warn or it was unclear if they would join in the counter attack! (We know it as coming from the North! — Ezek. 38) -“The Bible mentions scattered flames, thunder, noise and fire in conjunction with Atomic desolation! Also (Rev. 18:8-10) Attention: Any large city now should may well be watching for a nuclear or chemical terrorist at any time, or a runaway atomic bomb may hit at any moment! Unexpected and sudden events can happen at any hour as predicted.

Prophecy given in the early 30’s — As you remember the Scripts said a woman would enter politics more so, and we have seen an onslaught and some in very important positions in the 90’s. Quote: Now the prophecy — in the vision there arose up in America a most beautiful, but cruel woman. She held the people in her complete power. I believed that this was the rise of the Roman Catholic Church. Though I knew it could possibly be a vision of some woman rising in great power in America due to a popular vote by women. — Note: He could not clearly understand all of it, it could be both. But my first choice is like the Scripts, it is the rise and shadow of mystery Babylon. (Rev. 17: 1-6) Over the world and definitely including the USA. This system is already involved in the wars underneath and will be in some more! Then false peace!

Prophecy — century on — We find out by checking the past up to several hundred years ago real Bible leaders felt the anti-christ would rise around the turn of this century! “A peace like maker!” From the end of this century onward we are due for some great cataclysmic super quakes! We do not know the exact dates! But California should be praying for God to alert them soon! “Also after the year 2000 nothing will ever be seen like the drastic changes and occurrences, etc.!”

Scroll #267