Prophetic scrolls 265

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 265

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Celestial phenomenon in prophecy! — (Luke 21:25) — Events are moving with swiftness of lightning! Global electronics are bringing prophetic news almost daily. Some say, “What’s next? The ending of the Church Age and the caught up ones!” Every facet of the Scripts and spoken Word are thundering their fulfillments daily involving society, sea, earth, heavens and beneath the earth! What an hour!

Here are some heavenly signs — When man walked up on the moon (1969) it truly was a significant prophecy! — “Jesus will return in this same generation of this sign!” And now 30 years later, they are starting their International space station! From the year 2000 until 2004 before they finish it, we should expect some assassinations here and worldwide! Plus tremendous knowledge increase and tribulation occurrences!

Date Line 1999 — Here is a unique up to date startling phenomenon of the moon. January 1999 started off with two full moons in the same month! — Rare! Look at this, no full moon in February; and then two full moons in March! The news said it began an unusual series of full moons not seen in more than eight decades! This last occurred in 1915. —This is a distinctive sign. — It shows tremendous events occurring now and for years ahead; weather, science, constitutional crisis and society that climax with Rev. 6:12, where the moon becomes as blood!

Celestial wonder —Also in about 1980, Pluto and Neptune traded places in their distance to the sun! Now after 20 years, it shifts back around March, 1999 (this occurs only about every 250 years) — In the past periods, great structural building changes have occurred — this has transpired on the earth since the 80’s. “Occurring with the 2 full moons, this is tremendous evidence of momentous things ahead!” — Plus, there will be a shifting in world politics! “Scripturally, the moon symbolizes the woman! Watch this in the future!”

Next continuing — eclipse of century — And before this in July of 1999, the degrees, star formation and conjunctions of different heavenly bodies foretell of looming International crisis leading to and out of the century! “The last total eclipse of the century will take place August 11, 1999” This shows the world is eclipsing into a future age of awesome events, economics, or some war may be swelling up! — Any way, it will cover a period of the following 7 years of global calamities! About November, 1999 they expect star showers! — “Luke 21:11, will cover some powerful cataclysms!” We know asteroids and star fragments are coming soon! — The year 2000, May 5th, there is a grand alignment of planets! Ominous warnings of things to come! It usually occurs about every l85 years, but we had one similar in 1987 and May 5, 2000 again, which is rare! Time is shortening! — The hand writing is on the wall actually in the heavens, prophetic Scripts and Scriptures!” Luke 21:25 — “It has to do with many various and vital events which will follow and the Majestic Christ has surely given the earth an array of signs and signals of His coming!” One could not ask for such a revealing! But, the spiritually blinded will overlook it.

I printed this in the letter, but it needs to be on the Script. This shows the most beautiful of mans movements upward (in solar system) unveiled by the gift of prophecy! Even a blind person should be able to see God’s kindness showing us His nearness! — Here are some scriptures for the International Space Station.— The News Commentator used the word windows. The commander used the word certain time window to connect certain parts together! — Isa.60: 8, Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows? — A precise prophecy is Obah. 1:4, Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord. — It actually reveals the place they will be living! (nest, etc.). Amos 9:2, actually reveals how man would do it step by step. We had planes, and then man orbited, the moon, also the shuttle and now station! So the word was used climb. – “Though they dig into hell, then shall mine hand take them, though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down.”

Continuing — They are preparing to send more robots to Mars, and speaking of using the moon as a base! Like the Tower of Babel before they are finished God will bring them down! Man has begun to think they could do anything. (Gen.11:6) God has given the earth its choice, either Rev.12:1-5 or Rev.17:1-5. — “Blessed is the wise, for the foolish shall weep and howl.” At the Tower of Babel they were committing the same sins of whoredom and perversion as before the flood! So, they built their own house of ill repute right up into heaven in case of another flood they would escape! But before they finished, God brought them down in confusion and changed their language! (Gen.11:7) So today the modern Tower of Babel is becoming the same way again. According to the spirit’s own words to me while preaching, the USA is fast becoming a house of prostitution physically and spiritually as the nation follows!

Cunning deception — Jesus said this strange snare coming would almost deceive the very elect! (Matt. 24:24) The Bible and Scripts have told us, let him who hears have wisdom! It would take another Pentecostal to do it; that is the system! Whether it is directly or indirectly! “In their Babylon system much will be allowed! Then a sudden change just as the elect are raptured!” — Note: If you had a real dollar bill and then got a good counterfeit of it and did not examine it really close, then without thinking you would accept it. “Most Protestant systems will be very deceiving! But if you have the real Word, God’s people will know the imitator coming!” A world confederation of Churches is developing now! (Rev. Chap. 17) Watch and pray! Be ye also ready!

Crossing the century — The earth is entering a definite stark reality while at the same time, they will be transforming into a fantasy and delusion snare of the anti-christ. They will imagine a vain thing! God is going to allow man to orchestrate his own doom in evil and science ways! Plus women will play a great role in the downfall of civilization! — Finally man with the anti-christ will use science as if they had god-like forces and then by their inventions they destroy themselves by listening to satanic knowledge! Many prophetic scholars and ordinary men, biologists, generals and etc. now believe an atomic war will occur before the first decade ends in the 21st century! “Men are rushing to judgment swifter than they may think!”

Remarkable prophecy — Here is a beautiful, unique illustration of Obah.1:4 — Notice it mentions eagle, bird, nest and stars! Fascinating! A bird builds a nest by taking piece by piece up (string, twigs, grass, weeds, feathers and etc.) at a time, forming his building nest as does the eagle! So he perfectly described the building of the International Space Station! Amazing! Jesus revealed this revelation to me! So simple a child could see it. “He is returning soon!” — Note: Nest speaks of eggs. Evidently it speaks of space babies during the Tribulation or even the Millennium! They may have already tried sex experiences or will.

Presidency office — Startling Events — Between the end of 1999 and 2001 some tremendous occurrences will take place concerning presidential office!

Date line — January, 1999 — Pope Paul II lands in Mexico City. Millions wondered after him. Millions more said the Virgin Mary was equal to God or more. (All false) — Great earthquakes then hits Columbia (strongest in century there), killing thousands — Next, he meets President Clinton, on the 26th in St. Louis, MO. — “The woman statue in New York symbolizes a woman or women rising greatly in the United States and Mystery Babylon controlling directly or indirectly!” This all happened under the celestial January/March rare moons! 1999 variations of the weather patterns are continuing to dumbfound the meteorologists! “Look for more unexpected and mysterious events of all facets!” Pray for our nation!

Scroll #265