Prophetic scrolls 264

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 264

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Perilous dilemma — The news media is calling it the impeachment trial of the century! The Scripts foretold the different events that could happen to the presidential office and we are seeing a constitutional crisis! It seems to be a bitter argument for power more than what the president has done wrong, which he admitted and confessed his sin! (A house divided shall not stand) — None the less, God’s divine providence puts in and takes out at His proper time! “After the constitutional argument, they will come back together under a different type power, headed for destruction: (Rev. chaps 17 and 18) — — Incredible changes in the presidency by 2001. — (At the time of this writing, the president has bombed Iraq. This is prophecy) — I have seen horrifying and terrible events occurring between now and 2000. People should not be taken off guard by the events occurring! “Powerful influences will change world government as it crosses the century!” It is a warning for all His saints to prepare for the days ahead and for translation!

Century zeal — Lately in certain magazines, various cults and doctrines predictions are flying right and left about the doom of the world! Most are predicting by the year 2000 great destruction will come to the earth; others say several years later, than this. But, even most of them run over the years 2005-2008. But somehow they feel a great desolation is definitely coming whether they know the Bible or not. “But we know by fact years before these groups were saying this, that we have the facts of the Bible and Scripts definitely showing us the time of all things is at hand!” Also, they have given us a season of time, as you have and will read. —While the Lord will bless the elect, we also know horrifying judgments will soon strike the earth! Also, nature’s elements will be terrifying around the world. “Between 1999-2000, the earth will see a great catastrophe followed by mighty cataclysms, affecting all nations!” Soon the apocalyptic horses will ride and when they do, multitudes will die! — I might say we will have world and religious leaders change!

The future — shock waves — We have never seen such dramatic prophecy, especially in 1998; nor so many crisis and catastrophes. The world is at the edge of doom eclipsing into a new age 1999-2001. — There will be global tension and economic problems before we have world peace! Plus chemical and nuclear terrorists! —The world has not seen anything yet like it shall occur! For God’s people it’s preparation time now!

Space nest — International Space Station —They have started building it and it’s to be finished by the year 2004.— It says in Isa. 60:8, Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows? (Even the News Commentator used the word windows) — A precise prophecy is Obad. 1:4, Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord. — It actually reveals the place they will be living! (nest, etc.) — Amos 9:2, actually reveals how man would do it step by step. We had planes, then man orbited, then the moon, also the shuttle and now station! So the word was used climb. — “Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down.” — “These are mighty signs and wonders of prophecy showing Jesus’ very soon return!”

The celestial phenomenon — (Luke 21:11) — Mystery of the universe — It is so incredible that science can not phantom there are universes within universes! The Almighty our Saviour is the Creator of the most marvelous sights and wonders, and the elect will see more of them after Translation! The earth is about to be visited with an explosion of meteors and asteroids and fire balls. Rev. 8:8-10 covers some of this and the sea! Huge tidal waves will engulf great cities from the impact. Geological upheavals of super earthquakes will alter the poles! Finally, the earth’s axis will tilt, shattering the earth. (Isa. 24:1 — Rev. 6:12-17) Before the greater ones we are already seeing some, and more star fragments will come! Also, we are seeing God’s chariots traveling at what seems like the speed of light according to radar screens! The celestial in the middle of 1999 symbolizing some fantastic changes and events ahead. All of this should not be taken lightly.

The great pyramid — The prophetic significance! — For ages, the Great Pyramid has been missing the top 30 feet, but Egypt plans to top it with a gold-encased capstone (if only for one night, the news media reported), to celebrate the advent of the third millennium on Dec. 31, 1999. A steel frame will cover most of the empty area and a small capstone wrapped in thin gold foil will complete the top. The stone will be lowered by helicopter and removed after the ceremony! “The millennium ceremony is to be telecast live to a world audience!” “Christianity has always believed that it was a sign to the Lord and signifying His return!” The Scrolls predicted man would discover things in the pyramid. Plus many believe the inch lines (Isa. 28:10) if understood would give the seasons! Remember the Capstone here was finished in November, 1971. So, between 2000-2001 (30 yrs) — We see the church age now ending! The Scripts, Bible and Pyramid has been like this Scripture (Isa 19:19-20).

Immorality 1998 — proved to be a banner year for the devil. Besides pestilences, plagues and all sorts of virus and social diseases spread in divers areas. For instance, the doctor checked one woman who had the HIV virus who said she had sex with 5000 different men! So, they said their job of checking them all out to try to help them would be just about impossible. — Also, men made the headlines from sports, to Congress, committing about every kind of wickedness one could imagine! Plus, the new drug Viagra was made for a certain purpose but it was misused causing a sexual revolution in about all ages! And in the future, new things will be coming from drugs, to virtual reality, replacing real reality. X-rated movies, magazines and TV polluting the nations! Just as Jesus foretold, for her sin have reached the heights of heaven! And also at His return! (Luke 17:26-30) — Pagan Rome and Sodom is surpassed. Shades of hell 1999-2001 — This we have already seen in a great measure — Jer. 5:7-8 — Jer. 4:4 tells us about the consequence, “Lest my fury come forth like fire, and burn that none can quench it because of the evil of your doings!” — So, we see it’s time for the earth to confess their sins, for under grace He is faithful to forgive! (I John 1:9) — Note: 1999-2000 more gossip and exposure concerning government, religion, society and Hollywood!

The coming of Christ —The news media said that millions will be gathered in Jerusalem in the year 1999 for Israel’s celebration of Jubilee. And many more are arriving there in 1999 – 2000 for the coming of the Lord. Let’s use wisdom! “Jesus said, in an hour ye think not that He would appear!” Now if He does not come on this side of the century, then many would scoff; so right after the year 2000 it may even be a bigger surprise! They would not be watching for it. “No one knows the exact moment.” But, the elect would be warned of the season! “Nevertheless, we should look for the Lord from even now forward!” Because for the elect, the church age is ending quickly. — “Be ye also ready!” Keep this paragraph Script for your continued encouragement. No matter what the world thinks, you will be ready!

Scroll #264