Prophetic scrolls 262

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 262

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Unlimited possibilities – “Faith does not walk by sight nor bad or good feelings, etc! – But is the key to all things possible!” Faith joined to another strong anointing will bring great results! The miraculous will abound curing all type sickness, will look into the unseen! Faith will triumph over oppression and all confrontations! It owns and believes all of God’s Word and promises! – “The elect is reaching the realm of Elijah, speak the word only; and is preparing for Translation!” Faith in God’s Word is life and light! – The Scrolls are so powerfully anointed that those reading them will take on a new dimension in victory and scope! A quick short work is among us! Twilight is harvest. You can hear the trumpet! The angels are heralding His coming! “Only believe, and all things shall be possible unto thee!” Praise Him daily – The gathering rain is falling and soon the rainbow appears! (Rev. 4:3)

What’s ahead? – More severe International crisis! I said there would be problems in the presidency, and it occurred and more yet. He knows the Bible, he is charismatic. – “Twenty years ago God revealed such a person! In my feelings he was near the last or leading to the final leader!” – Just at this writing he bombed the terrorists in Afghanistan, Sudan. – Note: He has also confirmed his immoral mistake, which I think everyone already knew! There will be some more concerning the president! There will be several different cycles of unusual occurrences (president) into the year 2000. – Developments concerning this and other events will overwhelm the United States!

Continuing crisis – The 4 elements concerning the weather and nature will increase causing the greatest of calamities! Also, as we see in China, floods affecting 400 million. “In the future there will also be great droughts, tidal waves and superquakes! Plus fiery judgments above and below!” – Crossing the century also economic conditions as predicted! – Global society is developing trade, church systems, etc. – Cataclysmic overthrows! – Science has increased concerning almost magical like inventions and weapons (computers). – “The electronic god will finally control them that invented it and lead to desolation!”

The prophetic script line – tells us about the year 2001 mankind will be entering a new civilization! Not for good, but the evil system! “The Great Tribulation looms ahead of us at any time!” – Then farther down the inch line of prophecy from this date above will be the beginning and afterward the great atomic war. “Then afterwards a total new dimensional era; as millennium appears!” Then we will see this planet totally changed for good!

Deadly terrorism – Prophecy fulfilling, the Scripts predicted in advance what we have just seen in the news, and more disaster will appear! As you know, the president struck back at the terrorists with missiles defending the USA. The lawless one and satanic forces are really on the loose. I have said they will use probably nuclear devices, chemical and different positions! All of this is making way for the man of false peace to work his illusion of deception! But, the Christians are safe in the arms of Jesus! (Ps. 91:1) – Vrs. 5-6, Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor the arrow (missiles) that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

Ice and fire prophecy – After thousands of years glaciers are breaking up into large icebergs (Alaska). – Dangerous for ships! Scientists say the weather is changing! – also fiery volcanoes are erupting in many places! This is forerunning Rev.8:7, wherein it says fire and ice mingled with blood!

Heavenly portent! (Luke 21:11, 25) – Somewhere about in July-Aug. will be some strange and dramatic conjunctions of heavenly bodies! Ominous in formation! Also August 11, 1999 shall be a total eclipse of sun and moon! It is said it would be seen best near Carpen and Black Sea. Now August has 6 letters to it then you have three ones running together with three 9’s – This means man is reaching the beginning of some severe judgments in the years to follow! The 3 ones means that it will reach fulfillment in perfection of God’s final judgment over a period of time! – Note: 1999 before it ends will be some internal crisis! Even war may loom or some other powerful occurrence! The anti-christ influence and other things crossing the century! Momentous picks up in the following years! Cataclysmic age coming! “Jesus said, the heavens will warn the earth!” – Numerically 1999 also means the ending of one era and the starting of an incredible period. – Note: Also August 11th means man headed for great desecration, disorder and turmoil.

The scripts predictions – Written in 1997 by divine order perfectly on the spot.

Quote: What can we say? Prophecy is fulfilling so quickly beyond what most thought. – “Between 1997 and the end of 1999 the impact of global changes will be so incredible that it will literally shock and shake this planet concerning every facet of life and functions of this earth! – And from 2000-2002 it will be like the earth has become a different planet. -Scripts predicted signs in the sea! The press said the waters were turning to blood. The Red Tide, and that the fish were dying from the top of Florida coast clear up near the East Coast where the fish were dying with sores. Also people had sores! This continued to overseas all the way up to African waters! A ghastly sight indeed. Water pestilence. The earth is out of balance! And more diseases and plagues will approach! Celestial signs – The Lord depicted to me that the heavenly bodies are moving into position revealing to me, yet many more incredible events to come! – Read Luke 21:25, it reveals the heavenlies! There will be anguish, bewilderment and confusion among the people because of lack of resources!” The seas and winds will roar! (weather) – Vr. 11, There will be violent and mighty earthquakes! There will be famine and pestilences and malignant diseases; devastating effects! There will be sights of horror and great signs from heaven. I am revealing this under the power of the spirit. – “Miracles and salvation are wonderful, but right now the message should be, the Lord tells me, of the severe conditions coming and of His soon return!” – And He gives His people protection with (Ps. 91:1-10) and He will take them out. Time for us will soon be no more. – “Although I’ve written some serious things, this is a joyful time for you the elect.”

Quote: More powerful phenomenon coming in the heavens in year 1999. The great Comet that came in 1997 showed, in the past kings have risen and fallen. Now we are in the Clinton crisis! Plus new world leaders will appear!

Scroll #262