Prophetic scrolls 216

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 216

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Age ending – Some of the most startling and amazing events in history are taking place in our decade in a worldwide manner! In conjunction with this demon powers from the bottomless pit is invading the earth because Satan knows his time is short! So he must act swiftly; and we can see the results of his actions! – “Bible and Scripts prophecies are taking place daily in such way that it should wake up anyone who will give it concern!”

Prophecy fulfilling – Watch for more world shaking prophecy in the making! What a revealing hour lies just ahead of us! – “We spoke about the signs of November and December 1993, and also the heavenly signs occurring right after the first of the year (’94) point to greater events!” – Of course, as we all know California received a devastating and terrifying quake! – “Fire, death, destruction and the crumbling of buildings seemed to be everywhere!” It was the third largest quake in California history! The networks gave it full coverage for days. (The Scripts predicted California’s major quakes with more yet to come! Also quakes on a worldwide scale) – Plus Freeways collapsed and roads leading to Movie Studios were shaken”. All of this is warnings that the West Coast is headed towards the sea!” – I had said here (At Capstone) that God was showing them through the long droughts that occurred; followed by heavy rains that flooded the areas, that a disastrous quake would be on its way! What a decade of prophecy as the final chapters of God’s visionary scriptures will be finished up!” – The age is closing out!”

Global trade – President Clinton introducing global trade! – “As predicted he is and will begin new things concerning all facets of society!” – Commercial Babylon is rising before our eyes and will become worldwide. (Rev. 17) – And Mystery Babylon. (Rev. 18) – “We are living in a remarkable era of final prophecies!”

Continuing prophecy – A world religious dictator will rise in this decade! – My opinion Gog of Ezek. 38 will also establish himself in this century! – The fact that the Vatican and Israel are working together reveal time is short!” – A Roman Prince (the desolator) will unveil himself soon in a covenant. (Dan. 9:26-27) – “So you see we are near the Translation! – As the Tribulation, the beast and Armageddon looms in the near future!”

Strange prophecy – I was outside the house talking to a member of the family and said the 3 parables (concerning the full corn in the ear, Mark 4:28 – A sower went forth and some seed fell on different type ground. Matt.13: 3-9 – the tares vrs.24-30). I said these parables will soon conclude! (my opinion in this decade) – And went on to say the outpouring we’ve been in has been like a streak of light in the sky! And at the very end of it will flash up quickly and we will be translated! This I was explaining in symbolism with my hands held up toward the sky – and lo and behold, about 5 minutes later we glanced up and saw before us a streak of light crossing the heavens! Then all at once it flared up and exploded like a flash of light!” – It was not a vision! All I can say if it was a meteorite it was the largest I’ve seen explode since I’ve been in Arizona! – “Evidently it could be a sign that we are getting near the events that I was speaking of!” – All I know is that it certainly was strange and an omen of things to come! – And Jesus said in Luke 21:11, “fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.”

Continuing – Phenomenon -But there is more. Now we live right in the midst of a greatly populated area of the city. – “And as God is my witness, I looked on the wall next to the house and there set a fox!” And it was sitting by some growing vines. Remember the Bible said, that it’s “the little foxes, that spoil the vines. (Sol. 2: 15) – In a little while the fox got up, went along the wall and disappeared! Now this was not a vision. We can only say that God allowed it. – “Remember the little foxes would like to make God’s vine or Bible prophecy of non effect! But all His prophecies that He gave and of His return will take place!” – Now I don’t know if God timed the fox to be there; all I know is, it was there in a peculiar way and left! I have two witnesses of this, my son and his friend were standing nearby and saw it. And also there was a witness to the other phenomenon of the fiery light! – Yes, we are living in the hour of significant occurrences that are happening all over the world! “And definitely in the hour of translation!” – Watch and pray for the Lord will come suddenly and unexpectedly! – He will catch the world off-guard, but His elect will be prepared by the Holy Spirit! “Mysteries and revelatory events will be among us!”

Various events are now taking place of profound significance that cannot be explained by science or man! But the real Christians understand that these things are signs and warning to the earth of the Lord’s judgment! Be vigilant, watch and pray always! The Lord will suddenly and unexpectedly appear; and His people will be gone with Him!

Scroll #216