Prophetic scrolls 204

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 204

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Double witness – Prophecy Confirms Prophecy – “Ancient prophecy is just as true as later prophecy. The Scriptures say in the mouth of several witnesses shall a matter be established! Through my messages here and the Scripts probably I have given over a thousand prophecies and accurate! All one has to do is look around for a moment at the News! We thought in this Script we would check a few prophecies that matched and confirmed some of the events like the Scripts have foretold. You should find it very interesting! The writers shall remain anonymous because it isn’t always known from what person they originated from, but the prophecies match scripts and the Bible!”

A forecast will come true – “Some (converted) Catholic Prophecy has long accepted the fact that there will arise one we call the anti-Christ. For instance, St. John of the Cleft Rock 14th century wrote: “Before or about the year 2000 A.D., Anti-Christ will completely reveal himself to the world! – Note: “Evidently at some point in the 90’s, he will court the beautiful woman with the golden cup for a period of time!”

This generation – Seven, sevens then Jubilee…This also was given many years ago. God has dealt with Israel in numerical 7’s. – He has brought the sword on Israel about every 7 years since they have been in their homeland! – 1st period – War began “ May 15, 1948.” – 2nd period – War began “October 29, 1956” – 3rd period – War began “June 5, 1967” – 4th period – War began “October 6, 1973” -5th period, yet to be sometime between the late 70’s-1983. Sure enough under President Reagan there was a Middle East crisis Lebanon [Jews] etc.) – “They went on to say the next one (6th Period) would occur about May 13, 1990 – So we see this is very close, because the ‘Gulf War’ was starting and finished up in 1991! Howbeit the Jews was involved on the sideline!” (bombed, etc.) – “7th period – they said, yet to be Armageddon! They scheduled this one to be about 1997! (But remember probably before this, A Covenant will stall it off! The Prince that shall come!) – So we see anywhere between then and the end of the century, Armageddon probably will loom! – Remember we have a Tribulation period coming in soon and a Translation! So this generation will end up somewhere around those dates! – Prepare your heart… Also they claim that the anti-Christ is alive right now on the earth!

Confirms great famine – The writer said, “I was carried by the spirit in the midst of a beautiful wheat field. As I stood there I nearly fainted and could see the effects of a tremendous heat wave. A horrible famine was beginning! All of the fruit began to dry up and fall on the ground! (Brother Frisby says California and U. S. fruit and vegetable crops will be devastated in later 90’s) – “Then He carried me away to a great city. The people was starving to death; it looked like a giant morgue! Dead bodies everywhere. Then a voice said, a great famine shall sweep the whole world! And a great depression shall come upon the face of the earth! Millions dying!” – (Evidently this is coming for the latter part of this decade. It seems the United States will finally not escape it! A code mark appears. This probably occurs after some great prosperity; and has something to do with the Ezek. chap38 battle! – Starting beforehand in Rev. chap 6!) – “You had better appreciate what you have now, for later it will be gone! Trust the elect will be too! -Oh, yes, this occurred because the people would not give God obedience, and was in idolatry!”

Prophecy – Much of the United States lay in fiery ruins – Parts of it will look like a brunt over desert from what the Lord showed me!) – “But we quote another sure prophecy. This prophet saw 7 continuous visions and we will release the latter ones… Concerning science he saw right at the end of the age, A bubble top car – egg-shaped (we see that shape now) running down modern highways without a stirring wheel! (remote control) – “He saw the immoral plight of the whole world so bad one can’t even imagine. They were naked except for a small spot in several places. – “The 6th vision revealed a most beautiful but cruel woman rose up to control America. He said, he felt ”perhaps this was the Catholic Church!” She held the people completely in her power… After this, the 7th vision, he heard a ‘most terrible’ explosion. And when he looked he saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America! – Note: “This was the great Atomic War I foresaw coming, and feel before the end of the century! He felt it would occur earlier (1977- 80’s), but said it could occur later than the dates he gave!

The bird riddle – And the message now – Using nature, this is a rare vision indeed, but yet it will be true. Given in the 16th century. – “The anti-Christ returns for the last time, all the Christians (tribulation) and infidel nations will tremble for the space of 25 years ‘before’ this! – (From 1975 onward the earthquakes, it will spew its fire, it will warn of the apocalypse coming.) Wars, battles will be more grievous than ever. Towns, cities, citadels and all other structures will be destroyed. So many evils Satan’s prince will be committed that almost the entire world will find itself undone and desolated! -Before these events many rare birds will cry in the air. ‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ and sometime later will vanish! – True indeed, Scientists now tell us a great portion of rare birds have disappeared from the earth due to man’s carelessness, poisons and etc. (Rom. 8:22) It was during this (our) time that Satan’s prince would rise. He said the blood would run in the streets like water. And those of any opposing clergy would be completely annihilated. And all of this before the turn of the century!”

Prophecy – Given in the 16th Century – Another one strange, but will transpire. – (During that time this same person said, man shall take himself to the far side of lunar! That’s exactly where man landed on the moon! He gave this over 400 years ago!) – This next one is anonymous but Scriptural too. Quote: ” A great famine through a pestilent wave, will extend its rain over the length of the Arctic Pole, “Samarobrin, one hundred leagues from the hemisphere, They shall live without law, exempt from politics! – The word Samarobrin gives us the clue. ‘Samo’ means self in the old Russian language. And ‘Robrin’ means operator. So whatever it is, is hovering above the earth 270 miles high. That’s in outer space. It’s evidently a space station, using atomic power or weapons in it! Nevertheless it falls into the arctic causing a great catastrophic famine killing most of the animals and life. Exempt from law and etc, meant it was out of control or reach for man to stop it. Later in the 90’s both Russia and the United States plan to put more satellites in space, some are in space now. Remember Jesus said, pestilent waves would come! In this Century we shall behold many things!”

In this decade – (Written in 60’s) There will arise in the world a great deceiver; tremendous power a fascinating personality. Finally he claims himself God; but in truth is Satan’s masterpiece. Son of prediction. (II Thess.2:4) He obtains power through deception. An element of mystery surrounds him! He will understand dark sentences (secrets). He will display supernatural power deluding the masses! He will appear as a lamb of peace. He will okay the murdering of the Tribulation Saints as a just deed. He is the dragon of hell and smashes all who oppose. In order to identify those who are for him, and those who are against him, a serpentine code mark will be given! He will receive his position through flattery and propaganda! (Casting an illusion over the people. Delusion will look like the truth! He is the deadly destroyer, Abaddon rests at his side! People will see him sooner than they think.) All signs indicate that this time of Tribulation and trouble will begin or occur before the year 2000!)

Differential prophecy – “What the Scripts have foretold in the last 25 years, the scientists, ecologists, some secular news are now printing it as more than a real possibility! Quote form Magazine thoughts or opinions- “DoomsDay is around the comer. Will civilization end before the year 2000? …They simply predicted: graves open, corpses gone (Second coming) anti-Christ- 666. Mass landing of celestial ships! (This could be Rev. 12:7-12) -(Isa.66: 15 final battle!) – “Plagues and starvation. (Rev. 6) – World War III (Armageddon) – Civilization collapses! The earth flips over! They say now many religious leaders believe we are in the end time period!” They claim at one point all banks and currencies will be declared worthless! Like the scripts said, “they claim magnetic super storms will come.” A gigantic shifting of land masses! – Many cities will sink beneath the sea! Time is running out, the hands of cosmic clock is approaching the midnight hour! – And DoomsDay could strike at any moment! – Like the Scripts, they declare Atomic War approaches. Then in a question mark, they say will civilization end before the year 2000? – The Scriptures and evidential signs certainly lean in that direction!” – Note: This shall be called the century of centuries so much will occur, incredible sights ahead! – The celestial will bare witness, 1998-2000 the heavens shall shew forth signs of confirmation!”

Scroll #204