Prophetic scrolls 201

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 201

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby



Global events – “From the evidentual signs we see daily, we are headed for a crossroad, a conclusion concerning this generation! – By or before the year 2000 global government will have already been set up. As the Scripts predicted this over 25 years ago, – “it is becoming a reality every day. This New World Order being talked about here and in Europe. President Bush and some of his cabinet have said in this News item the United States and Europe would establish a new market structure extending from the beaches of California, across Europe and Asia, to Vladivostok on the China Sea. Needed is a new system of financial exchange, new banking laws, forced upon every nation, including ours, for the New World Order, which is just around the corner!” (Rev. chap. 18) “No matter who the leader is, this will take place in this decade! There are nearly one billion Catholics; and the Pope is figured to play a great role. Time will reveal just how powerful a role this will be! – This planet is to undergo vast changes in just a few years from now, and its already in motion underneath! The whole world will be on the move in some new direction! – Old laws will pass away and new laws will be established! – International communications will make this world seem small indeed drawing it closer together!”

Continuing – “Most of you well remember the changes that came in the 30’s with the Social Security card and many new laws. You will see similar new changes in the 90’s… Already Europe has a ‘Smart Card’ equipped with a silicon chip and can hold nearly a lifetime of information on one person. It is similar to credit cards and is spreading to the United States! Of course this also will change again wherein people are actually given a code (Mark) on their skin in their foreheads or hand. All of this will be ruled and backed by the golden cup in Rev. 17:1-5, – Dramatic and unexpected changes are coming, as the old order passes away into the new. The key word is, watch for the soon return of the Lord Jesus!”

The celestial sign – “Jesus Himself said, just before His return the wise would know and understand His nearness by the signs in the heavens! -1993 will show forth a rare celestial event, Two heavenly bodies in our galaxy will align several different times, in fact altogether 3 times since all the changes in Europe and etc. – The last time this occurred was 172 years ago! – In fact, near this type of event the election of that time are similar to what is taking place in our 1992-93. Unusual events took place during that time, and we are to look for some very unusual things in 1993! A new event and sudden and unexpected surprises! – As the Scripts say the great quakes will continue, also the foundation of society enters a new era! – We see large Corporations already making changes! – In fact, every facet of society will begin to enter a new phase! – Our weather cycles and patterns will probably continue in much the same way as before, leaving desolation and destruction in its wake only in new places and etc. -Also revisiting others in quakes, storms and etc! – Jesus said, when you see all of these signs look up, your redemption draweth nigh!”

Continuing prophecies – (25 years ago) “The Scripts predicted the famine sign would begin to appear and one can certainly see the fulfillment. It has been on the increase and will definitely grow worse! This and other events of nature will intensify and bring International alterations. The apocalyptic horse of death is in the near future! – Jesus said terrible diseases would sweep the world in the last few years of this age! The decade of the 90’s will be different than any time since the world began! – Jesus said, fearful sights and great signs shall there be from the heaven!” (Luke 21: 11) – “If the news stated this right, it declared Nasa reported seeing two alien spaceships firing at one another in deep space where we do not have any that can fly there! – Supposedly an electrifying event! The Scriptures denote a type of battle will take place in space in (Rev. 12:7-12) Perhaps we are seeing a foreshadow! Anyway, they cannot explain the strange event. We do know that Satan sees his time is short (vr. 12) – Also scientists are studying in deep space some asteroids they believe will eventually strike the earth! – And before this century ends they can well expect it!”  (Rev. 8:8-9)

Prophecy fulfilling – The increasing lawlessness, the crime wave and the moral decay… “Jesus said violence, crime and immoral debauchery would fill the earth. (II Tim. 3:1-7) – This sign is so evident around us that even many Christian have forgot that it is a sign of the end of the age!” – “He gave religious signs, the apostasy, the departing of the faith and falling away! …Many are joining churches and organizations without joining to the Lord Jesus in full power! – They have a form of godliness, but they will actually deny the power. They will turn away from a true prophet, and receive an imitation! By watching the masses we can truly say, surely delusion has already set in!…“Satanism is on the move and it’s reaching many of the youth as a way of religion! – Pray for our youth!”

Continuing – “We know demonism is coming in through the homes in many different innocent looking ways! There are few very good T.V. programs being broadcast. They do have on other stations, interesting science and nature programs. And a few good gospel ones can be heard at times! Within the nation, the home has always been the foundation of its people. And as the home went, so went the nation! – But as a small tract said, Quote: “But we can truthfully say as T.V. and Hollywood go, so goes the home and nation!” Many families have X-rated movies (completely nude scenes of sex shown) and witchcraft programs cabled right into their homes! Also God’s family altar and the Bible have been replaced by the world’s idol. (T.V.) – So let us pray for the homes of America, and that His restoration revival will sweep in many souls into the kingdom of God!”

Review and reprint prophecy – This is worth printing again. Now let’s take a look at some events that shall arise in prophecy and could very well fit into the years between now and the year 2000. For additional information read Scroll #176. We will list the last paragraph called –

Future continuing – The times measures we gave the four apocalyptic horses will speed across the earth!” (Rev. 6) – We will see drugs, crime wave conditions, violence as never before. Great apostasy will arise and a mighty restoration revival will be to the elect sweeping them up heavenward! … New trends and inventions will change our whole society in new things and in new directions! …Space will reveal unusual mysteries! Also new signs will be seen in the heaven, in the sea and on the earth! – It is very possible an Atomic war will occur in the same time frame mentioned at the start, New York and the east coast could be no more! -Also huge asteroids will fall before or by the ending of this century! – Finally the earth underneath will be heating up! – The heavens above will catch on fire! The people of this planet will be caught in an inferno as the earth shakes and the axis shift leveling city after city! – All of this could well take place in the time measures we have given! Let us watch and pray. Scores of other events could be written, but this is enough to waken His people!”

Scroll #201