Prophetic scrolls 197

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 197

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Continuing the fatima vision – (For full information read April ’92 letter) – “Now here are the rest of the highlights that have captivated the world for the last 70 years.

October 13. 70,000 people gather for the big day of the predicted miracle, despite the inconvenience of a severe rainstorm. After a half-hour wait the lady arrives and declares herself to the “Lady of the Rosary”. Lucia then cries out, “Look at the sun!”

The people gazed upward as the rain stopped and the clouds parted. Then something that seemed to be the sun spun on its axis three times, while throwing off colored streamers. The “sun” then appeared to dance in the sky and, afterwards, a disc was seen to roam between the clouds in irregular patterns. The last time, the disc plunged earthward in a typical UFO falling-leaf pattern, again giving off the same rainbow colors that had previously tinted the people and the countryside. The falling object then zigzagged back up to where it dissolved into the “sun”. The cosmic drama was completed. The countryside and witnesses who were rain-soaked a few moments previously, were now instantly dry from no apparent source of heat. Individuals from as far away as 20 miles reported witnessing the strange object in the sky. There were many claims of miraculous healing taking place. Everything points to the fact that a superior intelligence precisely orchestrated a series of appearances designed to allow itself to be made known. “Several Newspapers reported it in various ways.”

The Daily News published this eyewitness account: “The Sun appeared like a dull silver place spinning around in a circular motion as if moved by electricity” The Century, an equally hostile witness, wrote of a “plaque of dull silver.” Another account reported in The Century used the expression “a shining disc of dull silver.” Two witnesses interviewed likened the object that spun on its axis and fell in a falling- leaf pattern to a “giant spoked wheel”. Another called the object a “spinning bicycle wheel.” Dr. Joseph Garrett, a professor of natural science of Columbia University, described what he saw as a “disc with a clear cut rim, luminous and shining, but which did not hurt the eyes. It looked like a glazed circular piece cut from a mother of pearl shell”… If the UFO/extra-terrestrial consciousness has been behind the scene of the Fatima miracle, the next question is; has the intelligence and technology been at work behind the scenes elsewhere and been interpreted as divine interpretion? Note: Some have felt this experience was associated with a craft. Well, most assuredly Satan has a celestial ship! He is called the “covering cherubim” from the midst of the stones of fire!” (Ezek. 28: 13-16) – Jesus saw him fall like lightning; meaning he was traveling close to the speed of light as he descended! Also the Lord has a great chariot!” (Ezek. 1:16,24-28) – “As the article noted there has been a long history of such visions of the Virgin Mary; starting in the 19th century and multiplying throughout the 20th century! – According to the foresight of the Lord and Rev. chap. 17 the nations will be dominated greatly by the Roman Church and Babylon system! – Much more is yet to occur and great hallucination and delusions will continue!” (II Thess.2:9-11)

Continuing prophecy – “It has been said the Virgin Mary has appeared over 250 times in the century! And at times issuing a terrifying warning. In one such appearance she warned about the new “quiet bomb” that could destroy all, including the USA! – In the Fatima visit she told the little girls of the second World War. In another instance she told of World War III. She warned at Fatima a great chastisement will come over all mankind! -In the second half of the 20th century. One of the young girls, Lucy, said all must heed the Holy Mother’s pleas, that time is exceptionally short. Mary has stated she will soon appear everywhere over the world for all to see, and that if mankind does not change, that the Heavenly Host will send a huge fireball out of the sky which will bring climatic changes upon the earth!”

Continuing – “In other appearances she says the Catholic and various religions will bring peace over the earth. But in another vision, if mankind does not change, she sees great destruction occurring by century end! – Of course we know at first the Bible says they will have a fake peace that does not last. And then according to the Scriptures Atomic desolation occurs!” (Rev. 18:8-10) – “Also in another one of her appearances she foretold of Communism countries leaning back towards Christianity. Mostly Catholic nations, Eastern Europe; and even Russia changing! -And we have just seen some great changes there. Of course the Scriptures predict this for a while in world trade; but will break apart later into the last World War!” (Dan. chap. 2) — “The Scripts have predicted with greater in depth all of this to occur as much as 25 years ago with much more information than the Virgin Mary gave! – Why, does this system use part truth! They want to unite the world together to bring in a so-called global peace!”

Continuing – “What the Scrolls stated many years in advance, a Catholic, Jean Dixon now states that Russia by or before the end of the century will rain down Atomic bombs on the cities of the USA!” (Read Ezek. 38) – “She also stated an evil leader will appear in Rome and be involved in a catastrophic war in the Middle East! – In her first writing she thought he was to be a good man, but now says he is a false leader! Evidently (Rev. 13:13-18) – “According to prophecies and the Scripts, this leader will be seen earlier, but evidently come brazenly to the forefront by mid 90’s concerning a world crisis!” – This certainly reveals Jesus return is soon!” – Note: Let us not forget, did you notice all the dates that appeared in Fatima visions was the number 13 each month! …It is associated to defiance and rebellion that will occur in its fullness in the 90’s!”

Continuing – “There was a man in the 16th century who evidently did not have all of the Holy Spirit light, because it had not been poured out yet in its fullness! …Through history some have called him false, some have said he used magic; you name it, his writings have been twisted up. Some called him a Catholic, since then it has been proven that he wasn’t. – He became a converted Christian. He was a Jewish medical doctor and chemist! – He knew the celestial science of the heavens the same as the Scriptures give it! – From time to time he saw visions to warn the world… He foresaw by 1999 or ending of century that this planet would be completely reshaped by the devastation of a horrible war! -He saw terrifying weapons exploding like the sun; then he actually described the Atomic bomb! He used the terms the negative and positive ray! Quote – “Flee, flee, go forth out of Geneva, all – Saturn of gold, shall be changed into iron, The “contrary of the positive ray” shall exterminate all, before it occurs, the heavens shall show forth signs!” Read (Joel 2:3, 30). Startling, we know it to be atomic (atom) Coincidence? Not on your life! – He did see the facts! At this time he said a horrible anti-Christ would be involved in a war in the Middle East in the later 90s. Like Mother Shipton, in some of his writing he said that no doubt Jesus would return before this century completed its course! – Most of this information 1 have received was given to me 20 years after I had written the Scripts. So we see the Scripts are traveling in a true course! – It does seem all will occur in this century!”

Kings of the East prophecy – “Quite a bit has been said about China concerning the end of the age; but what about Japan? Well, right now Japan is prospering and working with the United States in many inventions and products! But one day in the future Japan will have some severe problems! And I do believe China and Japan will work both directly and indirectly in world trade! – The Japanese are buying a tremendous amount of property and industries in the United States! According to the News they have vast holdings in this nation! Although they have been our friends now, according to prophecy that friendship breaks up, and they will join and be one of the Kings of the East. And will be involved in Armageddon against the West!” (Rev. 16: 12) How ironic, they may destroy the property that they have bought here if they still hold it! – No doubt a great Asian trade block will be united and still participate in world trade at some point in the 90’s! – At the end of the Tribulation when Jesus comes again over Armageddon, He uses the term, as the lightening shineth from the east to the west! He was also revealing the war starting from the east even unto the west with the showdown in the Middle East!”

Prophecy fulfilling – Glimpses of the future -working towards world unity. We quote this News article. Pope seeks spiritual Europe -”Pope John Paul II spoke to a group of almost a million young people August 15 and told them to be his apostles and to build a “civilization of love” in Europe. Speaking before a huge crowd during World Youth Day at Poland s holiest shrine in Czestochowa, the home of the icon of the Black Madonna, he rejoiced in the fall of communism, saying that religion “in Europe can now breathe freely with both her lungs.”… “The pontiff sees the Catholic community (Poland) as a springboard to launch a moral renewal in Europe. He said his mission is to ensure presence of full religious freedom (later if one belongs to the system). -Even the Soviet Union opened its borders. The Vatican estimated that 80,000 young pilgrims from four Soviet republics attended. Many had walked for miles with backpacks, joining hundreds of thousands of Poles in the annual pilgrimage to reach the Jasna Gora sanctuary, home of the jewel-bedecked Black Madonna! – (Soon a leader will rise and control not only Europe, but the globe. He will hold the golden cup!)” (Rev. 17)

Interesting information – News Quote: “In a recent poll in the USA – 86% of those interviewed claimed they belonged to a Christian denomination of some kind. It gave the Catholics as the largest, the Baptist as the second largest, then went on down the list as the next largest groups. Now here is the point, when they came to the Pentecostals it registered 1.8% of the population. So if the Pentecostals think they are large, what will they do against all of those groups joined together. Those who are not taken up will have to flee or be forced into dictatorship.

Scroll #197