Prophetic scrolls 191

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 191

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Prophecy – Future – Fiery mountains will fall… “It is strange indeed that the government is beginning to reveal to the public giant asteroids may well be in the earth’s future and soon! – Because of the various news articles, we are going to take a serious look at what evidently will occur at some point in this decade. God is allowing them to publicly reveal this now because it is prophecy and will occur at the appointed time sending shockwaves throughout the entire planet! – Already my prediction has begun to occur as small ones have hit in the sea and desert. Also huge ones of late have barely missed the earth! – Some will fall even before the ones that are described in the scriptures! – Scientists say about every one hundred years a large one strikes the earth! – Of earlier centuries generally they have fallen in remote areas like the one that fell in Siberia (Russia) right after the turn of the century! – The jolt was felt around the world. Thousands of square miles of timber was flattened! Radiation was involved with this type of space material (star fragment or asteroid), because it took years for anything to grow back; some is still a wasteland! And greater ones than this are coming; and the 90-100 year cycle is expiring!”

First we will print one of the news articles. “Speaking of holocaust… Asteroid Hunters get set – California (AP) – Scientists gathered Sunday to plan how to find and divert killer asteroids before they hit Earth with the force of thousands of atomic bombs, a calamity that would doom much life on the planet…”We’re talking about almost unbelievable widespread death and destruction,” with half Earth’s people starving after the planet’s climate and farming are disrupted by the impact of a mile-wide asteroid, aid space science chief at NASA’s Ames Research Center. “One of these objects could be a real threat to our existence on earth. It takes one event to wipe us out!” – Scientists also are planning ways to prevent catastrophic collisions, such as placing huge rockets on asteroids or “exploding nuclear bombs” to nudge them out of Earth’s path! Note: This would not be wise. Let’s take a look at what happens when a huge Comet, meteorite or asteroid is broken up; by man, or supernaturally by God! – Some of these space mountains are icy cold inside with iron like substance and when coming through the earth’s atmosphere, the outside because of friction, begins to catch on fire! For example, we list a real coming occurrence!

Continuing – Rev. 8:7, “And there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: And a third part of the trees were burnt up and all green grass was burnt up! – There is a red substance and ice when these stones of iron matter comes from deep space! – This probably was done supernaturally, but it shows you if man tried, he would only make matters worse! – However, the next one comes in full force…” Vr. 8, A great “mountain burning with fire” was cast into the sea, and a third part of the sea became blood. And a third of sea life died and a third part of the ships were destroyed! -This means thousands of ships sank, and hundreds of harbors were destroyed! Mammoth tidal waves will destroy the harbor cities and much life! – People will flee away from coastal cities like ants being carried away on top of water! I’ve seen a vision of something similar to this that will occur in the 90’s because of quakes, typhoons and tidal waves!

Continuing – “The asteroid we spoke of will cause underwater super quakes and land masses will change! Some land will sink and other new lands will rise to the top! This will give the earth’s axis one of its first great jolts before it later shifts! – My opinion and feeling is that all of this will occur before or by the ending of the century!… Vr.11, “After this a star from outer space ‘called wormwood’ will poison various waters of the earth when it strikes! This too evidently within the scope of this century. By now the spectrum of terror is widespread over the earth. One would not want to be living here then! – Jesus said, for the elect to pray that they may escape these things; and will! – Now back to our News article. Even man does not paint a very pretty picture in the future!”

Prophecy continuing – Quote: “Several asteroids passed within 10 million miles of Earth this year alone. The closest call came January 18, when 30-foot-wide asteroid 1991BA swept within 106,000 miles of Earth – less than half the distance between the moon and Earth. Asteroids hit land about every 100 years. Asteroid 1989FC, about one-fifth to one-half mile wide, crossed Earth’s orbit at a distance of 400,000 miles on March 23, 1989, missing a collision by six hours, the aeronautics institute said “If it had hit the Northeast, Los Angeles or Tokyo, millions of people would have died in a blast equal to 77,000 to 192,000 bombs of the size of the atomic weapon that destroyed Hiroshima at the end of World War II, the institute’s report said.” Note: God has alerted us in the past, and now He is revealing to the public what will soon be an actual reality! God will be preaching by hurling fiery stones admonishing men to surely repent upon the earth! – For greater woes are to follow these occurrences!” Note: “Also Japan will sink into the sea in this generation and much of California will only be a memory also! Super quakes will bring down these cities of fallen angels! – Los Angeles to San Francisco! – Atomic fire will settle over England as half of it breaks up and submerges into the sea! … Time is running out for this century! – Also before this worldwide concussions are coming!”

Demon locust or modern warfare? – We have come across some astonishing prophetic news. ..In Defense News edition March 25, 1991 – “It reveals a helicopter called ‘The Sting’ in the shape of a flying Scorpion. This new weapon is being produced in England for the common market armies! – By means of a new type control helmet that is sensitive to eye and mental control, the machine and the man merge as one fighting unit! – In the picture the tail is like a scorpion and it can turn in certain directions to sting as a poisonous laser could well do by electronic guidance!” – In Rev. 9:5-10 John was either describing some supernatural creatures or it was a fleet of helicopters like “The Sting” that the armies of the anti-Christ will use! – “They are called the new strange flying scorpions! – Already in the Mideast they are hiding planes and helicopters underground! The smoke the prophet saw could be a “camouflage” as they came out to destroy! – A Satanic prince called Abaddon inspires them forth to torment men! Whither supernatural or modern warfare, this will come to pass in our generation! – John saw these creatures as a unit just as the magazine article described! It may well be modern warfare because the next verses 17-19, describe a new type of computer an electronic weapon as it were in an “armored” tank form! – A ground weapon composed of energy that sent fire out of its mouth and deadly power from their tails of some type of “energy force ” or small atomic missiles; because one third of mankind was destroyed! This century will definitely enter a severe tribulation turmoil!

Continuing – We thought to print this ancient prophecy given even before the King James Bible was widespread! – Quote: “The bees buzz and sting as the noise of thunder claps; and seem as lightning bolts! – Confusion, fear and awe. ..The fish (churches) tremble. Governments are silent while the heavens flash warning messages (Rev. 14:6-9) to the population! …East and west darkened! – Some type new aircraft is shown, and creates a blackout and death! – This matches (Rev. 16:10) – Night becomes day (atomic) a bright light everywhere, a warning fulfilled! – A woman seeks vengeance (Babylon) – Great rumblings in Sicily, Dijon – Rome… dread! – Blood flows in the city while a false god cringes! …Following this, the Anti-Christ judgment is worldwide. – It is said to occur before the year 2001!”

Sky phenomenon in prophecy – “A super eclipse of the decade occurred July 11, 1991 – It shadowed most of the earth, but the darkest part covered Baja and Los Angeles, California. And those parts matched what was given in Scroll #190 concerning a later quake! At its strongest point the eclipse lasted 7 minutes, lacking 7 seconds! The sun and the moon are associated to time!… This was an important eclipse as even stated by the News! – “The 7 minutes of its darkest point evidently reveal the catastrophic changes and transformation coming to the United States in the next 7 years! – Now tied to this one is another solar eclipse January 4, 1992 – giving a double significance! – This would not be as important except for one thing. This eclipse explosively amplifies the power of the sun as 3 heavenly bodies cause a T – square or grand square. The moment of truth, this nation within the 7 years we described will go through disturbances, social, political, religion, financial and nature! – The decade of the 90’s and has not been seen since this nation’s origination!”(Read Luke 21:25)

Continuing prophecy – “In July 1999, a strange formation starts. Two heavenly bodies will form an exact square 15 degrees to one celestial constellation and at 15 degrees to another – Aquarius constellation! An ominous warning: it is apocalyptic formation with catastrophic portent! – It is signaling perilous black war clouds! It would seem to point to Russia and the United States in some type of great war! (Evidently Armageddon corning!) And even before this some type of riptide disagreement started Cataclysmic events – will follow into the next year after the above date… “Also in August 1999 another great total eclipse occurs!” (This is just a brief note, we will speak more on this and other nations later) According to God’s celestial clock in the heavens the prophetic sands of time is running out! – The heavenly signs describe a sinister destructive future ending this century! But first joy will come to the Bride of Christ!”

Scroll #191