Prophetic scrolls 190

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 190

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Pophecy confirming prophecy – “The reason for printing this is it matches and parallels the prophecies I gave in the early 60’s concerning the California quake catastrophe! It is the only vision I’ve heard of that mentions the border states (Arizona). He did not understand also the vapor and smoke rising through the cracks. But this is the fiery plates under the sea mentioned in my prophecy! – I mentioned parts of the California coastline breaking up and sliding into the sea! – He foretells this also. He was not a minister, just a young boy in a coma and saw the destruction of California! – In October 1987 a partner gave me this re-released Magazine article of a forgotten vision given in the 1930’s!”

Continuing – Mag. Quote: – “If you live in California, you will find most people uneasy about discussing earthquakes, although they are apt to have a private hunch that the ‘Big One’ is overdue! And, indeed, an increasing number of scientists are not only calling a California superquake “inevitable”, but they are even daring to risk predictions on an accumulating bank of scientific evidence!”

Quote: – the coma vision – “A 17-year-old farm boy named Joe Brandt lay in a semicoma in a Fresno hospital. He had fallen from his horse, and the resulting brain concussion lasted several days, during which time Brandt experienced a series of startling visions! He copied them down on note paper during intervals of consciousness. – So in brief, then Joe Brandt’s 1937 vision began with “pictures that began to form” in his mind. Then slowly the images took on color, smell, sound and movement. The scene was Los Angeles! It was Los Angeles – but I saw that it was bigger, much bigger, and buses and odd-shaped cars crowded the city streets! – Something big, he senses, is about to happen. Looking at a clock on the boulevard, he sees that it is ten minutes to four. The sunny afternoon weather is “like early spring.” – Note: (He saw modern cars of our age. It seems Joe saw about 58-60 years in advance into an ultra modern age!)

Coma vision continues – A further clue is a newspaper he sees on a street corner, carrying a picture of the president! And although Brandt can’t make out the date because his eyes “weren’t working just right,” he observes that “It surely wasn’t Mr. Roosevelt. He was bigger, heavier, big ears. (He foresaw a last age president). It is now five minutes to four. Brandt notes: There was a funny smell. I don’t know where it came from. I didn’t like it. A smell like sulphur. ..For a minute I thought I was back in chemistry class. It is, ‘a smell like death’, ” (possibly graves opened and washed under city!)… he further records his impression, “and it seems to be coming like from the ocean!” (But since Hollywood is inland, the sulphuric fumes were more probably rising from molten lava, seeping upward through sudden fissures in the trembling earth! (Note: my vision fire under the sea) – Then the earthquake struck! What Brandt describes is bedlam. The concrete looked as if it were pushed straight up by some giant shovel! It was breaking in two. ..And then a loud sound again, like I’ve never heard before… Then hundreds of sounds… All kinds of sounds… children, and women, and those crazy guys with earrings. ..(Note: This new trend among men wearing earrings was not seen in his age! – He saw the hippie type look. Earrings increased more so in the 80’s and 90’s!)

A catastrophic sight – The vision continues – “1 can’t describe it. They were lifted up, and the waters kept oozing. The cries, it was awful! – The earth began to tilt. “It was tilting toward the ocean – like tilting a picnic table! “Suddenly, Brandt finds himself transported to a higher level, as if moving into a fourth dimensional plane! I kept wanting to get higher! I kept willing myself to go higher. Then I seemed to be out of it all, but I could see. I seemed to be up on Big Bear near San Bernardino, but the funny thing was that I could see everywhere! I knew what was happening” – In this altered state, he sees “everything between the San Bernardino mountains and Los Angeles slide into the sea! Then his vision shifts to San Francisco, which seems to flip over like a pancake. In his all encompassing vista of the cataclysmic nightmare, he sees the Grand Canyon closing in, and Boulder Dam breaking up!” – (Note: I might add I saw the sea moving inward swallowing up traffic and buildings!”) – All a real description of what’s ahead!” – (Major quakes are coming to California now but the one we spoke of should take place at some point in this decade!) – The matter has been established in the mouth of several witnesses of different generations!

Other confirming evidence – More than 400 years ago a Jewish Magi predicted an awesome earthquake which he foretold would rock the world; even before the Battle of Armageddon! – As we see the signs around us, and according to the Scripts prophecies we are nearing this hour! – Foreshadowing these great quakes he foretold of the gathering of heavenly bodies! And named them in their constellation positions! And this occurred according to astronomers in 1988! Also the very next year (’89) came the great San Francisco quake! – Also in 1991 we saw 3 heavenly bodies merge in conjunction over the West Coast (Calif. area!) – Now here is the way he described the coming quake! The Garden of the world, near the New City, in the road of the hollow mountains! It will be seized and plunged in the tank, forced to drink water poisoned with sulphur! – Note: Garden of the world, this would be the string of fertile valleys from (Salinas area) ending near San Francisco! – Hollow mountains would be the skyscraper buildings! The tank would mean that it would slide into the harbor, plunging into the sea! – As in the coma visions it also mentioned poisons sulphur. – In another prediction he mentions two great rocks (faults) will war against one another for a long time. Then fire from the center of the earth causes a great quake in the New City! – Evidently meaning California area!”

Prophetic outlook – “My opinion is, on God’s time schedule it will occur in the decade of the 90’s and before the ending of this century! …In our generation most of Japan will sink into the sea! – Great Quakes are coming to Mideast! – Central and South America will be completely changed by the cataclysmic quakes as the techtonic plates are shifting under the oceans. There will be new quakes in different parts of the United States! – The Western section of the United States will completely alter along with the weather patterns of the border states!… The coming of the Volcanic eruptions I mentioned in the 1960’s are occurring on schedule! A foreshadow trumpeting the destruction ahead!”

The heavens will burn – “The Jewish prophet who gave the prophecy at the top of Scroll #183 says, Quote: – “The sky will burn at forty-five degrees, fire approaches the great New City! Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up when they want to have proof of the Normans! – We know New York county lies between 40 and 45 degrees parallel on the map! – Scattered flames is widespread; a description of the Atomic Bomb. It explodes in the sky sending fire downward! – Proof of the Normans; this includes France and English Channel! – Somehow the Common Market countries fail to warn or it was unclear if they would join in the counter attack! (We know it as coming from the North! – Ezek. 38) – “The Bible mentions scattered flames, thunder, noise and fire in conjunction with Atomic desolation! – Also (Rev. 18:8-10) –

Magnetic flrestorm – “In my vision I saw Atomic missiles of some sort fall on other cities of the USA – But it was the East Coast that was completely wiped out! Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York and etc! – A catastrophic firestorm came from space above!… Radiation spread across the land below the East Coast! Dark ghastly clouds rising, eerie and strange electric-like colors were flashing from it all over this country! – It occurred so suddenly it appeared as if there was no place to flee (millions perished!) Russia was also using some new technology and was able to penetrate our defense! – What seemed to once be a Garden of Eden was burnt over in desolation ruins! – It reminded me of this Scripture, (Joe12:3)… “At the time of receiving this I knew it was Near, in our generation, but was not given a date. But must say, I believe it will occur before the ending of this century!… And we also believe the Elect will be translated out before whatever time that it takes place! Let us watch and pray!”

Scroll #190