Prophetic scrolls 189

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 189

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


What about old Babylon? -“Some ministers are claiming Babylon (Iraq) was bombed into devastation by the U .S.A. Air Force and will not rise again. This is not true; only the munition lines were bombed along the Euphrates! Most of the city of Baghdad was not hit! But much of the destruction that did take place was thousands of Iraqi troops that were near Kuwait! -So the destruction of Old Babylon which the Bible speaks about is yet to take place! And Atomic desolation will occur as the age ends, and seemingly could be in this decade!” (Isa. 13:19-22, Jer. 50-39:40) – “According to the gift of prophecy Babylon has yet more phases to go through before the above occurs! – This area and all the Middle East will be joined to a monetary unit in alignment with Western Europe and other nations! – Which in the final end causes Armageddon! – A burning fire sign forever!” – Read Isa. 34:9-10

Prophecy fulfilling – “In fact, we have an article from June ’91 Omni Magazine which sounded just like reading the scripts prophecies telling of one world, one world currency! – It was about British economist Walter Bagehot who spoke about Universal money.” — Commerce is everywhere identical, “he wrote 122 years ago. “Buying and selling, lending and borrowing, are alike all the world over, and all matters concerning them both universally to be alike too. ..Ultimately the world will see one Code de Commerce, and one money as the symbol of it!” Bagehot’s “world economy” consisted primarily of America and Europe. And in Bagehot’s time there were no airplanes, no telephones, no computers, and no fax machines to bridge international time zones and challenge the ability of nations to control their own economies! Yet his arguments for a universal currency closely resembles those being advanced today for a single European or an even more global currency! -In the last decade we begin to see the rival of this global economy with worldwide acceptance for an international currency come into view! – End Quote

Global prophecy continuing –“ All of this has been heightened by the European Community (EC) drive to establish its own currency to maximize the advantages of the ‘single market’ scheduled to go into effect in 1992. ..The Bible speaks of all of this as the Revived Roman Empire joined into all nations and worldwide trade! And it will occur in this century and evidently conclude!” (Rev. 18:8-10) -“Because of modern electronics and computers all the above spoken of is leading directly into a Code unit mark international!” (Rev. 13:15-18) – “Also in 1992 the underwater tunnel costing billions of dollars will join England to France, opening up a whole new era of trade, business, pleasure and etc! – So we see right in open view before our eyes what was proclaimed for the future is occurring on God’s time clock of destiny!”

Eclipses in prophecy -“God reveals apocalyptic signs in the heavens to reveal His coming judgments. And the eclipses are part of this warning – They are mentioned often in the Old Testament and in various places in the Book of Revelation to occur in intensity as the return of Jesus nears and the Great Tribulation begins!” (Matt. 24:29) “Jesus spoke of these signs!” -It’s hard to find any gospel work on eclipses in the past; but we did from Gospel Truth -God’s Bible in the Heavens – In part, Quote:

The minimum number of eclipses of the sun and the moon that can possibly occur in any one year is two. The maximum number that can possibly occur in any one year is seven. Two is the number of the witness, and seven is the number of completeness. It is extremely rare for the maximum number of eclipses to occur within a twelve-month period, and the historical events that have taken place in such years would indicate they have been very important years on God’s prophetic calendar. – In 1917 there were four total eclipses of the sun, and three eclipses of the moon with the signing of the Balfour Declaration in 1917. This document recognized the land of Palestine as the national homeland for the Jews. When the seventh eclipse of 1917 occurred in the month of December, General Allenby marched into Jerusalem and took possession of the city. And six months after the seventh eclipse in 1917, the World Zionist Organization officially endorsed the provision of the Balfour Declaration, bringing into view, or conception, a new Jewish nation. At that time a bright star appeared in the constellation Aquila and shone brightly for forty days. See Scroll #182 -Most Jewish immigration did not start until after World War II. There were also seven eclipses of the sun and the moon in 1973. This was the year of the Yom Kippur War, a prelude to the energy crisis and the Camp David Agreement. The Arab oil embargo also of that year caused practically all nations to begin to turn against Israel in the United Nations. The year 1973 saw the beginning of drastic weather changes and world famine. Twenty-eight nations within the equatorial belt suffered severe droughts that resulted in millions dying of starvation. This weather change with increasing famine continues to the present hour. In 1973, the largest explosion on the sun ever recorded occurred, on which slowed the rotation of the earth eight times its normal rate. As the seventh eclipse of 1973 occurred, the Comet Kohoutek came sputtering through our solar system at Christmas time, bearing with it the traditional message of the fall of heads of state. Dating back before the birth of Jesus Christ, kings considered the appearance of comets as omens of bad news. Many scoff at this tradition, but again we point out that is not without a biblical connection. And consider this, while the Comet Kohoutek was in our solar system, all nine leaders of the Common Market Nations fell from power.”- Note: (Soon the final 10 Kings will take up their position.) “Also just a few weeks after the last of the Common Market leaders fell President Nixon resigned in political disgrace.” Nine is the biblical number of rebellion, finality and judgment, etc. And nine years from 1991 final judgment could fall upon world leaders!” (So we see the Scripts have been right from the 1960’s into the 90 ‘s)

Eclipses – “There are 6 eclipses of the sun and the moon in 1991. And what a year it has been! -The Gulf War and at the same time a recession occurring, the president’s sudden heart problem, also various other major events! And of course other events are yet to occur! -There will be great solar eclipse this summer and another one in 1992; revealing the moment of truth for the coming decade! More explanation later.” (Luke 21:25)

Prophetic – A cryptic message -“This concerns an unusual stone cross located in the village of Hendaye in the foothills of the Pyrenees. The interpreters believe the monument contains encoded prophecies indicating a future cataclysm! -The inscription INRI, normally rendered as Jesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum (‘Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews’), has a second interpretation that gives the cross its true meaning: Igne Natura Renovatur Intgra, ‘by fire nature is renewed whole! – This, they claim is a reference to the purifying fire that will soon consume the northern hemisphere. – Exactly right, atomic and then God’s purifying fire! (See next Scroll #190 concerning 45 degrees on the map, plus my prophecy for the coming fire storm of the East Coast and etc!)

Continuing – “Also attention is drawn to the strange inscription OCRUXAVES Pesunica at the head of the cross. This can be broken up to form the phrase O crux ave spes unica, ‘Hail, O cross, the only hope!’ – But the way in which the inscription is carved suggests that there may be a hidden message! – And have arrived at a fascinating new interpretation. – OCRUXAVES Pesunica is an anagram of the Latin phrase ORCUS ave pus e canis, meaning ‘Orcus, hail, down from the (star) dog – Orcus is the Roman lord of the underworld – whom the ancient Egyptians knew as the Osiris, the lord of the dead! – The Egyptians associated this with the dog star, Sirius! They believe this is some form of warning destruction to come from the system of Sirius or some area of the heavens. And they say, could the very location of the cross at Hendaye – similar to en — day be a clue to the coming apocalypse? – Whither they make this part plain or not, we know killer asteroids and burning mountains will fall upon land and sea soon. Plus a star called ‘Wormwood’ will definitely fall!” (Rev. 8:7-11) -“My opinion is before this decade is over the fireworks will start!”

Prophecy future –” Astonishing lights mysterious sight! – Floods – Giant winds – rare quakes in the Midwest and borders thereof; followed by droughts, Pestilence, death, before and nearing the Great Tribulation! – Also economic, strife and turmoil for the U.S.A. – Concerning economics -this is the second one later in age, and not the one we are in now. – Also already great winds has hit the Midwest. More coming! -There will be increased talk of alien visitors and phantom lights, but this will be demonic powers trying to imitate the true celestial (wheels) lights of God. Ezek. Chap. 1. (The news lately has been full of these type reports! CBS did an hour program on it!)”

Prophecy confirming prophecy – Don’t miss Script #190. We will tell of a vision of a 17-year-old farm boy. Remarkable insight! Quote: “Everything between the San Bernardino mountains and Los Angeles slide into the sea. San Francisco seems to flip over like a pancake! The Grand Canyon closing in, and Boulder Dam breaking up!” Note: “Exact other details will be revealed…It is the closest prophecy given to match what I was given! Don’t miss the Script.”

Scroll #189