Prophetic scrolls 183

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 183

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The beginning of the end –“This Script belongs to your set of heavenly signs, the last of the series for awhile. It will prove to be very valuable concerning the vital era ahead. The prophecy in the next paragraph was made by a 16th century Jewish astronomer (magi). He was said to be the most noted since the days of Christ! – His linage was from the Tribe Issachar!” (Ex. 1:3) This prophecy has never been completely interpreted. Let’s let the Holy Spirit break the seal and proceed to reveal its meaning. It is entirely Scriptural!”

Mazzaroth – Worldwide description -Job. 38:32-33) – Quote: “The magi scribe states: Near the great bear (Big Dipper Constellation) and near the white wool (the Milky Way), Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Mars, Jupiter and the ‘Sun will’ burn the great plain, woods, rivers and cities: Letters hidden in a wax candle. First, this reveals nearly a worldwide catastrophe! Before we give the actual date of the (constellation) lineup, nations will see droughts and famine conditions increasing in the latter 90’s! – Horrible situation!”(Read Joel 1:17-20) -“Then later the alignment given reaches a climax by April through September 2000. .. Then it will burn, ‘Gemini’ was purposely left out of lineup, because one of the heavenly bodies was passing through it giving the date! –Another one was in Leo confirming the time zone! Here is a Scripture definitely portraying the event!” (Rev. 16:9) “It is during the time of the ending of the Atomic War that began one phase earlier! (Vrs. 12-17) – War starts a year earlier… Read Rev. 9:10 and verse 15.

Continuing – “The rest of the clue; secret ‘letters hidden’ in a wax candle! – As you will notice it makes up the letters of the Roman numeral system! X= 10, C = 100, D = 500, L = 50. WE add them up to 660. Now we count each letter in the word candle and there are 6. It is the number of the beast, 666!” – (Rev. 13:18) -“A great fire from the sun will burn up the anti-Christ system, and then black it out! (Rev. 16:9-10- Isa. 24:6) -There will be oil fire worldwide. – Also candles are used in the Babylon System!” (Rev. chap. 17) “By the way, the Vatican will be destroyed before the other event above! (See Jan. 1991 letter for more information on numericals !)

The prophecy confirmed -This is not just a coincidence – although the predictions above was given over 400 years ago modern astronomers and men of science tell us almost the exact same thing, and combine it with an axis shift! -What you have read and about to read has been predicted on the Scripts since the 1960’s bearing witness to the soon terrible cataclysm of planet Earth! It all matches the Bible wherein we know destruction will come: Ice, rain, blasting fire and wind!”

Continuing – Here is the exact statements scientists give! – First, mostly the trend of the ice pack! – Quote: The number of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and freakish climate changes are increasing as we approach the year 2000! on may 5, in the year 2000, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will be aligned with the earth for the first time in six thousand years! -The ice buildup at the South Pole will upset the earth’s axis – sending trillions of tons of ice and water sweeping over the surface of our planet! ” We do know icey hail weighing a hundred pounds each falls upon mankind (Rev. 16:21) Vr. 20, reveals the islands and mountains are literally scattered across the earth by great force! And a super axis quake!” (Vr. 18) -“One scientist says, during a pole-shift, as the earth rolls over 80 degrees, people at the ‘pivot points’ would see the sun appear to stand still and then move backward (Isa. 38:8) and set where it had risen! (Similar to Josh 10: 13 – Amos 8:9)

Continuing – Quote: “An extensive study of the Great Pyramid reveals a mathematical message of warning built into the structure of a similar catastrophe 6,000 years ago! – Could this have been God preparing the way for Eden and man? – Also scientists tell us the greatest ‘star explosion’ that ever took place occurred about that time signifying a change and new era! – So they say, astonishing evidence points to worldwide disaster in our time! – Note: The Great Pyramid reveals a conclusion again by the year 2001!”

Continuing -“In this one we will show even greater insight by astronomers and scientists confirming the Scrolls! – This trend is more to the fiery side. Quote: On May 5, 2000, the new moon will align with Earth, the sun, Jupiter and Saturn. Five planets are pulling away from us on the opposite side of the sun! Plus the planet Uranus aligns with the sun on a near right angle to the alignment of Saturn, Jupiter, the sun and the moon, all pulling away from the Earth! This may create enough energy changing gravity as the earth wobbles or topples off its polar axis. ” Note – Also in line are Mercury, Venus and Mars!… As Neptune and Pluto are in an unusual (degree ) as if to be symbolizing hell itself will rise up to meet the dead! And 0′ ocean claim much land! – This we know some places in the sea will rise up with new land; and other land areas will be covered with water! – A complete change in the earth’s structure will have occurred! -Plus before this the sun creating hot beds of famine and drought! From space, the Earth will take on a fiery like glow – changing back and forth in erie colors!

Continuing –“With a suddenness and jolt of the shift scientists say we can expect 1000 ft. waves travelling at 1000 miles per hour and a thousand mile per hour wind will shred the cities completely! Jesus, In Luke 21 :25, “spoke of star formations like the one we mentioned; and along with it he told of the seas and the waves roaring! Hurricanic and extreme tidal forces in action! The prophet Jer. 25:30-32: prophesied the greatest winds of all time would appear in our generation! Giant, cosmic – atomic like whirlwinds screaming over the earth carried by a tremendous noise! It would judge all people and nations!” Vr. 33, “the Lord says in our future decade the slain shall be from one end of the earth to the other; from the North Pole to the South Pole!” Isa. 24: 1, “reveals an axis shift scattering the inhabitants! -Vrs. 19-20, “reveals the earth is completely broken up! -Years ago scripts predicted a tremendous superaxis shift!”-Scientist quote: “Raising this scenario of disaster to the levels of what may seem like science fiction we may see any or all of the following phenomenon.”

Continuing – A. The sun or moon appearing motionless in the sky and turning blood red in color. Jesus foretold us in Rev. 6: 12. -B. “ The stars swinging out of place and the sky turning ‘as dark as Sackcloth’, caused by dust and water condensation from atmospheric shockwaves!” (read vr. 13) -C. “Arctic, temperate and tropical climate zones wandering literally across the planet! ” (Also this has been already predicted in our literature.) -“An ultra axis quake and the cities of the nations fell!” (Rev. 16:18-20) “and all was blown and fled away! – Concerning above events the cold pale horse named death has already crossed the earth! – Atomic chill has set in on a burnt desert like planet!”

Forthcoming – Another prophecy from first source. …Quote: The anti-Christ very soon annihilates the three! Twenty-seven years (wars) conflicts (Jewish and Arabs) From 73 until 99 (fire) 2000! -The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled. – Blood soaked human bodies, icy rain and red hail covering entire earth! – Note: When the little horn rises he will uproot (annihilate) 3 horns (kingdoms or kings) Dan. 7:7-8 At some point he may well use atomic weapons in order to keep the other nations in line!” (Rev 13:13) “He is the beast of terror! And at the end the red hail and human bodies is evidently from energy and atomic weapons fallout (nuclear winter), or mixed with God’s plagues! (Rev. 8:7 – Rev. 16:3-4) – Note: The anti-Christ final Tribulation and war will last 3 ½ years into the former date given!”

Continuing – Strange prophecy – A man (beast) who revives the infernal gods of Hannibal (Baal Ammon – roots of Nimrod religion) will be the terror of all mankind. Never more horror, or the papers (news media) tell of worst in the past!. ..Then will come to the Romans through Babel! -“This is interesting because in the (1550s) there were no Newspapers yet! – It reveals Rome and the Babylon churches fall back into paganism through this beast of terror! – Continuing -One day the great powers will become friends. Their mighty power will be seen to increase. The new land (US – America) will be at the height of its power! To the man of blood (anti-Christ) the number is reported! – This reveals the USA will be involved with this terror of mankind! – The same writer also believes the anti-Christ will rise in the 90’s and fulfill his complete destiny by the year 2000!”

Continuing – Prophecy – One whom neither plague nor weapons could kill, will die on top of a hill struck from the sky! – The Abbot (Father) will die when he will see ruined, those of the wrecked pontificate seizing the rock of the church! – The Bible definitely speaks of one like this! (Rev. 13:3) Who was wounded by a weapon and did live! – Also the anti-Christ will die on a hill destroyed from the sky by the Lord! – (Dan. 11:45). II Thes. 2:8-9 – Jesus is the every living answer to all sins, sickness and problems! Hold fast to Him! – Blessed are the eyes and ears which see and hear the things that ye see! (Read Luke 10:23-24)

Scroll #183