Prophetic scrolls 182

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 182

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The coming events – Note: “Lately I have done some research in past history, and the Lord guided me to gather prophecies that match the Bible and Scripts to truly confirm the age is ending!” In the mouth of several witnesses He shall establish the matter! Some of these first paragraphs are cryptic and given hundreds of years ago; and are predicted to occur in our generation!

By the ending of the century – cries of death! Quote: “At sunrise one will see a great fire, noise, and light extending towards ‘Aquilon’. Within the circle of death and one will hear cries, through steel, weapons, fire, famine, death awaiting them. – Right away we see this is Atomic destruction! -The circle denotes the area of death as of such type weapon! – Also food is vaporized. Death awaiting ‘is radiation’ blown by the wind! -Now, the key word is ‘Aquilon’! It means north, north wind! Russia evidently had first struck the USA during the night!” (Rev. 18:8-10) “And the USA answered back!” (Ezek. 38:22) – Zech. 14:12, “it states their flesh shall consume away while they stand!” – Aquilon north wind, arctic. “Now to prove a point a word taken from ‘Aquilon’ is ‘Aquila’, and is referred to as the USA! The dictionary gives the key, Aquila – Quote: In astronomy, a northern constellation in the Milky Way, containing about 80 stars that range from first to sixth magnitude outlining an eagle! So we see the mystery is solved! -The eagle is the symbol of the USA! – And it reveals the two at Armageddon.” – The dictionary further states, in ornithology , a genus of raptorial birds containing the true eagles! (North America Continent) – This Scripture has several meanings! Luke 17:37, “Where the body is, the eagles will be gathered together!”

Continuing – Description of our inventions! “Fire the colour of gold, from heaven to earth shall be seen! Stricken of the high born, a marvelous event, but the great murderer of mankind! -The great loss of infants!” – “There will be unleashed living fire, hidden death, (radiation). Horrible and frightful within the globes, by night the city reduced to dust by the fleet, the city afire, the enemy (Bows) amenable! -The Atom split producing a living fire creating death! – In one night a city turns to dust, Aircraft coming from the fleet! Could be leaving from the Gulf or Mediterranean area! (Late 90’s) – The enemy attitude changes quickly with such weapons!” (also in this area by my prophecy a huge battle fleet will be melted by a great energy weapon!)

Warning of great famine – Cryptic Quote: “The call of the unwanted bird being heard on the chimney stack; bushels of wheat will rise so high that man will devour his fellow man! – Evidently a bird of ill omen, owl or vulcher, a symbol of warning. It depicts corn and wheat will be so scarce it will be as valuable as gold, and the price so high it can hardly be bought! – The anti-Christ has it stored. People worship him for it! – Man eats man, means famine in every nation severe! Scripture for this, the apocalypse, the black horse.” (Rev. 6:5) Vr. 6, A measure of wheat for a penny (a whole day’s wage) – Roman Silver) – and three measures of barley for a penny. – Now Vr. 8, with the pale horse it grows even worse. – Death, hunger, sword and beasts (man devouring one another).

Continuing – Again similar cryptic – “The noise of the unwanted bird having been heard, upon the platform of the highest loft, the bushel of wheat shall rise so high, man will be a man eater! (Babies actually boiled for food) – the bird in this case is noise of aircraft (not wanted because of destruction) could include space warfare! – Terrible inflation, scarcity of food creating cannibalism! It reveals it occurs in our industrial age; and grows worse in the later 90’s! -Also in first mentioning of the bird shows all nature is affected! -the prophecies above seem to indicate 1997-98 entering a very wide spectrum of this!”

Continuing – Note: “The Lord unveiled to me famine would begin in the 1970’s and grow in stages until by the ending of the century several billion souls would be swept away in hunger and catastrophe!”(The Scripts revealed the later 90’s will even grow worse!) –“By vision I saw young women selling their bodies for a piece of bread and their children, Men likewise! And committing murders for a morsel of food! The earth was in dark chaos! It grew worse after the mark was given! -The military protected the storage basins of what was left! – War came from the north and east, fire spreading over the world! – (When we write of economics and this, people tend to conserve and say to themselves I will give to the Lord later. But soon there will be no later; currency will be declared worthless!) So now is the time to give and God will meet your needs when you need it most!) -“Jesus did not have me paint a very pretty picture, He told me to reveal it so His people would prepare and escape in the Translation!”

Continuing – Old prophecy like new! -“This was given to Mother Shipton nearly 500 years ago! Because she saw Major Events for the end of time, they called her a witch because of her statements! – But definitely was not! – She saw the coming of the plane, submarine, modern car, electricity and Atomic energy! – Also – Quote: And now a word in uncouth rhyme of what shall be in future time; The women shall adopt a craze dress like men, and trousers wear, and cut off all their locks of hair. They’ll ride astride with brazen brow, as witches do on broomsticks now and when their virtue shall be shorn, wear shoes with heels like Devil’s horns. Then love shall die and marriage cease, and nations wane as babes decrease, when wives shall fondle cats and dogs and men live much the same as hogs! – She foresaw the last part of our modern age. Her prophecies were for our 20th century! She actually foretold the Lord’s coming; for she said, A great man shall come and go, for ‘prophecy’ declares it so! – Why of course, this is the Son of Man, Jesus, coming and going. This is the same as my opinion, it reveals the Translation before our century ends and soon.”

Apostasy revealing time secret –“One of the most important divisions of time in Bible Chronology is the 286 year apostasy cycle! – The numbers 286 and 666 are closely related. The first 286, relates to apostasy; the second, 666, is man’s number in opposition of God. Seven cycles of 268 years are equivalent to three cycles of 666 years plus the usual 31/2 years. 7×286=2002, 3×666+31/2years=20011/2″ – Note: “Besides the date 1999-2000, The Great Pyramid’s last date is 2001, Sept. 17th called the feast of the Trumpets – New Age! (Israel) Millennium! – Evidently the elect have long gone before! – In conformation the late Gordon Lindsay expressed it this way concerning the 70th Jubilee starting 1948-51. – We might expect that the 70th Jubilee should mark a special time of consummation, and the period between the 1950’s and the year 2000 to be a period of great prophetic fulfillment! – There is no doubt when this transition period is completed the old age will have ended and a new one begun! – So we see it is very possible the Translation will take place before long.”

Dateline – cryptic prophecy – Given in 16th Century – “A new law will occupy a new land around Syria, Judea and Palestine. The great barbarian Empire will crumble before the century of the sun is finished! – The first two lines describe the creation of the state of Israel. Barbarian means Arab Empire! It unveils Israel will triumph before the end of the 20th century! -The key word, when the century of the sun is finished meaning by the year 2000. Praise Him!”

The future – The late Wm. Branham was given visions in 1933 to occur in different phases. – Like Mother Shipton He foresaw the immoral conditions growing worse Ending Age! …He foresaw the modern age of the last car running by (Remote Control) – no steering wheel needed! – He saw a beautiful, but cruel royal dressed woman rise in the USA. He felt it was the power of Catholicism to possess – absorb nation!” –“Also saw Communism joining with Catholicism for awhile!”(Rev. 13:2) -“The last stage, the 7th vision was, he heard a most terrible explosion. He turned, saw nothing but debris, craters (fire) smoke all over America! – This was Atomic! The Lord revealed similar to me on the Scripts but with added information!” – Like the ancient prophecies and Mother Shipton, he believed the Lord would definitely appear before this century ended.” – He felt number 7 was important, So the date 1933 added to 7 X 9, making it 1996-97 entering final phases of age!

Definite celestial sign -The year 1991 the night skies will form a new prophetic dimension! As the heavenly bodies move at times Jesus said they portray! (Luke 21:25) “On the evening of June 17, three planets – Venus, Mars, and Jupiter – form a group less than 2° across! -The next night, Venus overtakes Jupiter, and on June 23 Venus appears less than 1/4 of a degree from Mars! Leaving Jupiter behind! … Venus forms a compact figure with (Star) Regulus and Mars on the evenings of July 9 and 10. – In Leo Sickle Harvest Sign! … It shows the morning star overtakes the evening star. According to Scriptures entering the last stages of harvest. Because of where the rest of the heavenly bodies are positioned – and twilight time near (Scripts confirm it) – Even with harder times coming God will meet the needs of his people for the gospel! – After these signs organizational tares to bundle more – “The Lord unveils a royal people (elect) stepping forth in the midst! And new things will He do! – The nation goes through a twist of events. Sudden and dramatic changes, will occur! Towards summer is a pivotal point for the USA! People will begin to see what the future holds.” O, there is much more the Celestial Scribe (Jesus) declares, but this gives you a view – In Luke 21:28, He mentions, look up (Heavenly signs) your redemption draweth nigh!

Scroll #182