Prophetic scrolls 178

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 178

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Prophetic astronomy – An important and great sign often overlooked – Jesus said, signs in the heavens would play a vital role in revealing His return! The Scriptures tell us as the age closes the heavens will declare His coming! – Prophetic astronomy is cosmic knowledge of the Holy Spirit! It is not astrology for it only knows in part and misleads! (The wise men were correct and knew exactly who and where Jesus was!) – But Jesus is greater than the magi for which we shall see! Job 38:32 says, Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth (the 12 signs of the Zodiac) in his season?” -Gen. 1:14, “the Lord said, And let them, (the stars, sun and moon) be for signs, and for seasons and for days, and for years! So we see the stars will be meeting in appointments preordained by God! They did at His first coming and they will again at His second coming!”

The heavens speak prophetically –“They are portraying a story. Unless we have the key it is like an unknown tongue to us! (Ps. chap. 19) – “In different periods of the 90 ‘s the planets and stars will show forth rare and unusual conjunctions, alignments, eclipses, etc. -The Lord revealed to me they are building up for some of the most unusual phenomena of this century! – As they forecast shadows of things to come! – Most are omens of calamities! – I wish it could be said otherwise, but can’t. But neither do the Scriptures end the age with all good things! – Except the elect, they are rejoicing knowing Translation is near!” – Gen. 37:9 “The sun and the moon and the stars were revealing the future providence of Joseph! – In Rev. chap. 12, a great sign was given warning of future events and also of ominous significance! (vrs. 4-5) -Vr. 1, “revealed the woman was covered with the stars, sun and the moon! Each in an important position, head, body and feet! – Speaking of the Church, past, present and future! And other vital things!”

The heavens describe the end -St. Matt. 24:3, “And what shall be the sign of thy coming?” And greater than the magi, Jesus said, Luke 21:25, “And there shall the signs ‘literally’ in the sun and in the moon and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring! -This gives a ‘3 fold’ prophecy! It reveals the nations in stress, anguish and bewilderment!” (back to our subject in a moment but first this) “The sun we know represents Japan and the kings of the east! –The moon, the ancient flag of China was represented with the moon and with the dragon on it. – Concerning the stars; the USA flag has stars; the Jewish flag has the star of David! The Arab flag has a crescent moon and a star on it, etc. -These will all play an important role as age ends! – Other nations shown in Rev. 13:2. “Man landed on the moon is also a sign. – Nations in distress would mean there are terrible economic and famine conditions! – It states perplexity; (without resources, in doubt, not knowing which way to turn!) It means they are looking for a strong man; the anti-Christ! -It went on to say, the seas and the waves roaring! -It reveals terrible weather conditions, for the sea has much to do with our climate! For in the Scripts it says, terrible storms, chilling weather, great winds, tornadoes and hurricanes coming! -It describes sea quakes, tidal waves! All of this Jesus stated, was written in the heavens!

Continuing – And Jesus tells us when the major part of these events will occur! “During the times of heart failures, and when the powers of the heavens are shaken! -We know this means when the atomic bomb was exploded in 1945!” – Luke 21: 29, 32, He said when Israel would be again in her homeland! -He said, And this generation that saw it would not pass away, until all things be fulfilled! – And we might add all of this will be intensified in the last 7 or 8 years of this century! – Now we just told of several aspects of the heavens, but there is much more to be said.

The futuristic sun –“Not only is the sun going to give forth rare eclipses in the 90’s (one July 22, ‘90) but is giving forth another sign now! – Scientists say the sun spots will reach their maximum in 1991 Onward! – “On other occasions it brought forth heat waves, droughts and famines to parts of the earth creating tornadoes and quakes! -Before the closing of the 90’s another change! Chilling and arctic winters reoccur.” (Also the moon will be involved in eclipses and signs in this age! -More on all of this later!)

The stars and planets –“have a place in prophecy Jesus said, forecasting events ending the age!” Ps. 19:1-2, “reveals the heavens inscribe and the firmament manifest his handiwork! -It says, day unto day uttereth speech (revealing things) and night unto night sheweth knowledge! (it means unveiling prophetic knowledge) – (read it) – “Remember Jesus in Luke 21:25 pointed to signs in stars, etc… Now we will list only the rare meeting of the stars and planets in this script! – First in 1993 the 7th and 8th planet Uranus and Neptune will align! The USA will be finishing one phase going into a total new change era! The Scripts during this time already forecast the unseen will begin to manifest! – Sudden and extreme changes concerning all facets of society and earth begin! Also quakes, economy and technology! The News Media will be busy indeed, right before and after this!”

Continuing – “Now in the last alignment it started a chain reaction that is building up for the next appointment -In 1994, an event takes place. The sun, Mars and Mercury conjunct in the constellation of Aquarius! -We know this, war clouds will be building up towards the end of the century! – there will also be rumors and war scares! -However, according to the Scrolls, agreements become shaky and there is disturbances on the horizon, because this points towards the next rare event! – Two great planets position during the autumn of 1995! -The last time this occurred was in 1702, and it was described as, the bad times return again after a long century! -There was great turmoil in Europe at the time! -And tremendous changes took place! – In a moment we will list what the Scrolls depict through these dates!”

Continuing –“The next link to this is when Mercury and Mars conjunct in the sign of Pisces! -This occurs in the spring of 1996! -For this we know things will be planed underneath that will greatly affect the end of the century! – A world wide situation involving 1995-96! – As we see this begin in 1993 and reached fruition at this point! -There are yet more, but first let us note; Pluto will move into the fire sign – Sagittarius in 1995 and will remain many years! -The last time it was in a fire sign (Leo-Lion) an atomic bomb was invented and exploded! – So before it finishes its passage we may see the same thing occur before or by the ending of the century! Then in 1998 Neptune makes passage in the constellation of Aquarius!… Now from around this point just before and after ‘great active’ & all kinds of ‘major events’ begin to occur of which we will relate before this series is completed!…One other rare and important event takes place. The Neptune/Pluto shift! This started in 1979 and brings them back to their proper position concerning the (sun & etc) in the year 1999!… This shift only occurs once every 247 years! – Evidently what the world thought was a solid system is a fantasy and illusion, because sudden and drastic alterations are scheduled in providence! – Plus this may well be leading to the great axis change! World catastrophy looms, As we foresaw from 1993 step by step leading to a conclusive junction for mankind!”

Continuing – This prophecy was given hundreds of years ago, not by an astrologer, but by an astronomer of prophecy. ..The Comet gone, the fish floats on its side. Pagans rejoice, sin triumphs, Satan’s work is successful. The king’s mother frowns as tears flow on pale cheeks and a plague reigns unchecked throughout the land!” (Now the comet gone. Halley passed in 1986-87).. “The fish on its side means the (Church) is in apostasy! (dead)… “The pagans seemingly get a strong hold in this nation and the world, as sin and Satan begin to triumph -The king’s mother means of course the Catholic’s Virgin Mary …And have you ever seen after the Comet so much false display of this and yet more phenomena to appear! …Next a startling plague goes unchecked after the Comet! -We know this to be AIDS, or it is radiation and etc. from war… Now let’s use wisdom, because during the 90’s several more Comets will make their appearance! And one significant one occurs in 1999! – So what we see ahead for the 90’s is a double fulfillment of this ancient prophecy!”

Continuing – Let’s take note now, here are some more important celestial signs! -Between 1996-97 the moon will occulate (pass in front of) the star Aldebaran three different times! And between 1997-99 the moon does the same thing with Saturn, Jupiter and Aldebaran twice more! – Surely the foundation of the earth will quake in coming events! …Then again 1999 the moon will do the same thing with the star Regulus, then with Mercury, then concludes with Mars (turmoil)! Regulus in the ‘lion sign’ reveals fierceness a ‘prince’ – swift messenger (Mercury)! Surely war has been or is in the air as we know the Scripts give this opinion already. Note: In symbolism, as we know, the moon reflects or revelates events!” (Rev. chap. 12)

The future –“These predictions released below are going to definitely take place, but we don’t know the exact dates for some of these. But it is my opinion they will all occur before the ending of this century! – Now here is a snapshot -events -90’s! -Storms – Massive Quakes! Floods – Famine -Food Crises! -World crisis (Russia -Pope -Japan –USA -Mideast – Jews) – “Good Times mixed -bad times! – Mysterious lights increase! -The worship of a woman! -Jesus return near! New Pope-sign! – Different type charismatic leader USA! – World Leader rises! Tribulation mark- 666! – Chinese and Soviet invasion – Mideast! – Atomic War! – Onward –“A catastrophic axis poles shift!” –“These are my Scripts prophecy and evidently the strange heavenly signs will confirm them during their periods of providence. Like the magi -the ‘wise will’ understand and shine in brightness as the stars forever and ever! (Dan. 12:3, 10)

Scroll #178