Prophetic scrolls 177

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 177

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


A prophetic look – “The 90s has opened up a time door. As I predicted, we are already seeing into the future and it’s casting its shadows of things to come vindicating the Scripts! – Right now momentous changes are transforming the world! -Dramatic events are shaking and pulling the nations into the orbit of world government and leader! – The 1990s are heading into the gateway of the millennium. Before or by the year 2000, 6 days (6000 years), of man will be finished! And the 7th day the Lord Jesus will rule in the millennium!”

Time door continuing – “By the urgency within me and the evidence of the prophetic signs around us, as you know, written before, I don’t see how the 90’s can escape the Battle of Armageddon! – In this century we should see all the prophecies fulfilled concerning our Church Age! – James Ussher in the 16th century worked out a Biblical chronology that is still usable for our day. His dating system supports a time span of 6000 years for bringing to pass the perfect plan and purpose of God for this world! – We are entering the last years of God’s plan. The 7th day (7 thousand years is the earth’s rest with the Lord! (Rev. 20:6)

Continuing – “Science and some religious leaders can see the approach of global apocalypse. Let’s search out some interesting facts. Lately, in doing my research, I noticed not only in our age but the prophecy of the ancient forecasters was a significance in that the past prophets and the leaders today all converge in their predictions the age will close out with the second millennium from Christ -2000 A.D.! -But first, let’s bring out some astonishing facts and how the devil also works in prophecy. Such appearances are certainly related to sorcery, or spiritualism, with its materialization and dematerialization -all the work of delusive spirits! – From Tibet we have well authenticated reports of the materialization of demon monsters. There was an interesting article (years ago) in the Reader’s Digest about the ‘king of hell’ being brought into visible view, through the enchantments of witch doctors! That the Image should be inhabited by a powerful demon spirit that would give commands to those who visit this diabolical shrine of a Beast is not strange! “Bizarre as it is, such manifestations have plenty of precedent in the history of black magic and spiritism. At one time, such phenomenon was recognized as diabolical and not to be tampered with. Today, spiritism is receiving a respectable standing in many circles. In the days of the Beast, intercourse with familiar spirits and idols will become an accepted religion! – In our day soon the super whore of Rev. chap 17 will cover the earth with her cloud of sorcery and false doctrine followed by phantasm and illusion deifying and worshiping a human ruler!” (Rev. 13: 8)

Continuing – According to the belief of many Mongolians and Tibetans from within some ancient tunnels from an underground city comes forth a strange prophecy. It says one day will emerge “the mystical king” of the earth and his subjects! – And it reads on, before this king comes forth (and they date it before the closing of this century!) – They relate events which sound Biblical. Their teaching says, “Men will increasingly neglect their souls. The greatest corruption will reign on earth! Men will become like bloodthirsty animals, thirsting for the blood of their brothers – the crowns of kings will fall – there will be a terrible war between all the earth’s peoples -entire nations will die – hunger – crimes unknown to law – formerly unthinkable to the world will be committed! – During this period of lawlessness, the forecast continues, families will be dispersed and multitudes will flood the escape routes as the world’s greatest and most beautiful cities. ..perish by fire! – (Of course, this is the anti-Christ war) – And then say they will leave their subterranean caverns and will appear on the surface of the earth! – They intermingled this true like prophecy with their belief; – because they have not changed from their idol worship and etc. – Or a converted Monk could have given the prophecy and they misused it! -Also, the devil will tell the truth in order to plant a lie! – In that area they see a personage (a king) coming up out of the earth (pit) and surely it is, but it is the Beast!”(Rev. 17:8) -“The timing seems alright because the Scriptures say at the end of the age the devil will know when his time is short!”

Continuing – Ancient prophecy – This one was given over 400 years ago, and has a double meaning – it reads like this: “In the year 1999 and 7 months, from the sky will come the great king of terror! (evidently Satan – dragon). He will bring back to life (restore) the mighty king of the Mongols (Asians) – Both before and after this, war will reign unrestrained! Surely this means some great Chinese king will unite all of Asia under him, giving back life to the Kings of the East! And this Scripture seems to match the prediction!” – Rev. 16:12, “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared! – In other words, the drying up of the water restores life and power to the Asians to cross over for the Battle of Armageddon! – It says, war reigns before and afterwards! – This frightening king of terror causes great bloodshed before even the other event. His name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon; in the Greek his name is Apollyon! (Rev. 9: 11) He is called the king and the angel of the bottomless pit! – Vrs. 14-18 reveals some astonishing and terrifying events at the great river Euphrates. Wherein 4 mighty angels which were bound are loosed; and they bring forth 200 million infernal horsemen! Wherein, one third of mankind will die!” – “According to the latter it starts at that date and rolls out and finishes up evidently in the year of 2000! – If we consider all of this and the church leaves earlier. O, my, can you see where we are at now?”

Continuing – Time door into the future! – And here are some more events. .. “After great misery for mankind (Tribulation) an even greater approaches. When the great engines of the century is renewed. (About 1999-2000) it will rain blood, milk, (ashes), famine, war and disease! In the sky will be seen a fire, dragging a tail of sparks! – This sounds exactly like the Intercontinental atomic missiles exploding and raining down fire and radiation upon the earth, causing more famine and disease and etc! – This is the east-west war (Armageddon) involving the USA. And destruction will appear in our land too!” (Rev. 18:8-10) – “Surely the return of Jesus is very near, wherein He says, Behold, I come quickly!”

Continuing – Note: often, prophecy has a double depiction – “A tale of fiery sparks, speaks of a comet or asteroid. My opinion is later in the 9Os huge asteroids will clash with the sea and earth! – Rev. 8:8, “We see a mountain blazing with fire hurled into the sea with catastrophic portent! – Plus after 1996, greater earthquakes will roll across the earth; canyon-like cracks to appear -cities swallowed. Death everywhere! – More intense famine to close out the age!”

Continuing time phases – The 400 year old prophecy concerning 1999, The Lexicon Universal Ency, reads: “it seems ‘like all hell’ will break loose. ”A prediction of some “terrible cataclysm” from the sky which has been interpreted, to mean a nuclear holocaust! – They continued, the person who gave the prophecy also foretold the day and manner of his own quiet, natural death in advance!

Time phases – “Mid 90’s what crises begin and world changes! Also, O, the pagans are rising, and legend beliefs are alive again – At some point (the 90’s) a sinister figure appears, the anti-Christ, will have a series of summit conferences with the Communists, Asians and the USA. A full working agreement with them, and treaties with other nations; one with the Jews to enter into their Temple worship! – He will get complete control of the nations of Europe too!” Dan. 9:26- 27, “says he is a Roman Prince! He will show forth unusual charm endowed with great genius! They will call him the man of the hour!”

The approaching phases – “The time door in the 90’s will start to close! The Scripts predicted a time curve started in the late 80’s and will finish up in our generation! – Events occurring swiftly, like Pope, Russian incident did!” – Rev. 4:1-3…”something similar to this (translation) occurs to the elect, but we don’t know the exact date! John went through a ‘time door’ into Eternity where one set! – Overshadowed in the rainbow of eternal light; hovering rays – aura – of omniscient spirit! – We can see our harvest time is short! The door like the ark is shutting! This century should close with the final prophecies of Revelation!”

Scroll #177