Prophetic scrolls 163

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 163

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Prophecy and prophecy fulfilling – “As the Scripts predicted beforehand the most pressing problems to face mankind would be International crisis, Terrorism war, including the Arabs and Israel!”…. “The weather patterns, the devastation and problems of killer earthquakes, drugs and the immoral situation, famine and creeping inflation, riots and rebellion! The degrading conditions among the youth, signs in the heaven and in the earth! Shakey governments, international assassinations, the economic conditions that were foreseen and will appear again. New inventions and also deadly ones for war!”…. “Leaps and bounds in science; with some going dangerously overboard, etc” – “This is just a few of the events that concerned the future – Much of this has been fulfilling before our eyes! And these same predictions will progress and be involved in our future again! …The conditions concerning Russia and the United States is also fulfilling… The situations in Europe we have seen take place! …And events concerning the Vatican with yet much more to appear! …Trouble concerning the turmoil in Central America! – “Also the Scripts unveiled the problems… that Israel would be involved in and events yet to transpire!”

Prophecy fulfilling – “As you know the Scripts predicted that 3 great killer quakes would take place in different parts of the earth within a certain time! Beside the destructive quake in Mexico, and another one in Italy; plus just before the ending of 1988 a great killer quake struck in Armenia, leveling towns and destroying from 50,000 to 75,000 people!” – “So we see with pinpoint accuracy the Lord is revealing He is coming soon!”… “For quakes in divers places is a sign of this! Get ready because even greater devastating quakes are coming. They will be seen in rolls of thunderous destruction across the world and in the United States!”… “The weather patterns will not be quiet by no means, but be prepared for the weather cycles and nature will seem to be at war with mankind! …The earth will tremble, it will shake. They will be puzzled and confused concerning the unleashing of the elements in forms of storms of great magnitude!” – “Famine in one place, rain, snows and some of the most forceful winds will cross the earth! Also, spawning tornadoes and hurricanes, and in the latter time the increasing of droughts and heat waves! These are just a few of the dilemmas that will be facing the population of this planet! …We will see the appearing of new things not seen before by the people of the earth! … Also right in the midst of apostasy we will see God do new things among His chosen people! – God will open up the veil of His power and like the ancient “inkhorn writer” He will literally cast “coals of fire” as He walks among His people in the finishing of this harvest work!” (Ezek.10: 2-7) – You might say His wheels will be over His people spinning with fire and brightness of glory! …He is known as the Pillar of Fire and The Bright and Morning Star!” – “O Wheel – The Almighty will cover us with His presence sending a refreshing rain of the spirit to restore all things to His body the church!”

The soon return of Jesus – “In the hour we live in we are seeing the sign of world evangelism through printed publications, T.V., satellite and all types of telecommunications and etc!”…. “The Lord said, And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come!” (St. Matt. 24:14) – And there is hardly a spot left that has not been touched by the gospel – The Translation can take place in a short period ahead! Notice He said, “then shall the end come”, meaning what few spots are left will be covered by the two prophets to the Jews and the Tribulation Saints!” (Rev.7: 4, 9-14) Plus the preaching of the different angels of the gospel!” (Rev. 14:6-15) – “Right now at this very moment the Lord is gathering to Himself a special group of “believers” of all tongues and nations! He has declared that His Bride will include people from every tribe and nation. And when this is accomplished He will return in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye! – And we are about to see a quick short work of this in the future!”

Prophecy – We have seen the sign of the days of Noah all around us. As predicted, the earth is filled with wickedness and violence! The cup of revenge and abomination is running over! …Nudity, drugs, sorcery and satan worship is now prevalent everywhere. And some of Hollywood’s motion pictures are playing a role in all of this among the nations!’…”We see also the sign of the days of Lot wherein we see the great commercial activity! The building, the buying and the selling unparalleled in history! We witness the exact immoral activities that existed at the time of Sodom. All of these conditions will worsen, beyond Sodom especially entering the Great Tribulation!” (Luke 17:28-29) – “We have seen the sign of the budding of the Fig tree-After nearly 2,000 years the Jews returned to the Holy Land! – Luke 21:24; 29-30 gives an exact super fulfillment of this prophecy! The times of the Gentiles are fulfilled, we are in a transition period!”

Important prophecy fulfilling – The Sign – “We are the generation seeing all of these things – And Jesus said, this generation shall not pass away till all these things be fulfilled!”…”If Jesus used the generation of a Jubilee, then we can see all things take place before or by the ending of the 90’s, if this is exactly what He meant! – And we likewise know, that the translation takes place before the midst of the Great Tribulation! – My opinion and common sense says we are nearing a climax in world history!” – The next sign, “We are entering a time of worldwide distress and havoc, unrest, fear and perplexity, more pestilence and revolutions are dark clouds of the future! – And we see signs in the heavens abounding everywhere! – Luke 21:25, give a good portrayal of much of this – In the future we will see great persecution of the believers! There will be an increasing in division and strife among the professors of religion until all become lukewarm! …Then even more apostasy will arise in the churches and like the light of a candle the love of many shall die out! – Like a vision in the night is the prophetic scenes passed before me! There was a cry, where are the watchmen? …This is the hour of separation, and ye are My witnesses! …It’s time to be vigilant and sober! Expecting, watching and praying!”

Science prophecy – “The progress of science will bring the anti-christ into view. He is on earth but not revealed yet! – We have already seen changes coming to television that was predicted. And here are some other things coming and we quote a magazine article: … “Combining laser optics and computers, three-dimensional holographic images will bring TV features into living rooms with almost lifelike clarity! – This will bloom even further in dimension wherein holographic images will appear in color light motion!” – “The authors of the fifth dimension computers – quote, “Japanese sources, which claim that the new bio computers will solve the world’s unemployment, energy shortages, medical costs, problems that come with age, industrial inefficiency, food shortages and money crisis!” – “And of course all religion controlled too, and will worship the image of the anti-christ. And during some point of the age the Bible says it does look like man solved most of these problems for a while through a world leader and science inventions! – “A strange god indeed!” (Dan. 11:38-39) – “Finally they say the last computer will, ineffect will be like a living entity! – it will reproduce itself and reprogram itself – It is said then, one super computer could indeed control the total activities of every human being on this planet! …In the future all commerce and banking will be done through a computer terminal, and every man and woman must have his own computer code mark and number. “Evidently Rev. 13:13-18, speaks of some type of electronic control and marking.” – “We can see all things fitting into place” – Dan. 12:4, “said in our time knowledge, travel and communications would greatly increase – Surely we are all witnessing this!”

Politics in prophecy – “The George Bush Administration will be involved in the fulfilling of yet more prophecies! – Already he has almost replaced all the men that worked in the Reagan Administration. This surprised many – He is making new waves, as the old goes out! – He will do other changes and later the country will start going through new phases!” – “Will he be associated to the burning bush? – Or will he move toward the bramble bush (world system, etc.)? His name could well be a sign, so watch closely what (Pres. Bush) does in the days ahead! – But we already know that all things will still move towards what prophecy has spoken concerning the end of the age! …We are living in momentous times and many vital prophecies will be taking place as the days pass before us. Watch, pray and be ready!”

Prophecy of protection – “As the age wanes out these words could well fit the elect of God! ” Ps. 124:6-8, “Blessed be the Lord; who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth. Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped! – Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth! And He certainly will be with you and watch over you daily, as you trust in Him!”

Scroll #163