Prophetic scrolls 158

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 158

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Prophecy in world events — “A very important event took place when President Reagan met with Russia’s leader in May 1988! And by satellite T.V. the whole world could see prophecy in the making! Another link in the chain that will finally lead to world false unification! The news commentators revealed the old religious buildings still standing; proving that Russia was a type of second Rome when religion was in the East! But now it is in Western Europe (Rome)! Someday, according to Bible prophecy, after a struggle East and West will unite momentarily!” – “According to Daniel’s visions the Roman Empire became separated in two divisions -the East and the West! Also the church was divided into two parts! . . So when Western Rome fell, the (Roman) church survived, and when Eastern Rome fell the church also survived! We see this by the legs of iron, East-West!” (Dan. 2:33) – “Now continuing in prophecy right at the end of the age it will come together again, but only briefly, and it will break and bring the whole world into Armageddon!” (Dan. 2:40-44) -“Remember the Empire of Russia under Ivan the Great (1462 -1505) Moscow became a metropolis of Orthodoxy! Finally, religion got such a control of money and the people that the state drove it out and Communism took its place and spread across Eastern Europe! So now again the head of religious system is (West) in Rome, Italy!” — “The Russian leader said they would ease up and allow more religious freedom in the Soviet Union and work with religious systems in a new way! We know this is just a ploy now, but one day they will work with the anti-christ until it breaks and Ezek. chap. 38 explodes upon the nations!. . . So we see the Scripts predicted years ago they would begin this along about now and work towards a world union in the not too distant future! . . . So 1988, indeed, is already an unusual year in prophecy and etc. – More below!”

World events continuing — “We know that the Scripts predicted the coming of famines and droughts years ago!. . . And the United States is suffering in a drought right now, and in June 1988 they declared it is getting as bad as it was in the early 30‘s; it is affecting the Mid-West into the South! If they do not get rain soon, it is claimed, it will be a national disaster!” — “Also the North-West has been in a drought for several months! In places water has been rationed! Right now what we see are warning signs of what is to come!” “Later the United States probably will have more bumper crops, but one day it finally will get so severe, not only here, but all over the earth that a mark will be given or no food will be issued!” (Rev. 13)

Events continuing – “Also during the month of June ’88 California had three earthquakes in four days! Waterlines were broken up just outside of Los Angeles and buildings were shaken and some cracks were opened up! — If the strength of the quakes had hit in Los Angeles it would have caused some buildings to collapse and loss of much life! These also are warnings later greater quakes will take place with destruction! ” -“1987 was the worst year for quakes in many years; and all of this is just harbingers of things to come not only in California, but around the world! All of these signs tell us Jesus is coming soon!”

The age of deception — “The Scripts foretold the end of the age would repeat again like the days of ancient times!” — “We see witchcraft and crime working together in violence! New age cult messiah‘s appearing, idols, animals and human sacrifices, the rise and worship of satanism. The police reports give evidence this is on the upsurge! ” “Right here in Phoenix, three teenagers who were drinking heavily went to the cemetery — dug up and removed three coffins, burned one body and it is claimed parts of another were taken! All of the facts were not given!” – “Police experts on this subject revealed other things are taking place here and over the nation! It is actually too horrible to tell in print what really is occurring!” – “Here is another case that occurred in New Jersey!. . . It says satanism kills again and is fair warning to parents! The news said. . . School assigns students to research other religions. A 14-yearold did his paper on Hinduism! . . But the Police say he became more interested in the subject which earned friends an A in satanism! .. Within weeks, the all-American neighborhood paperboy became a defiant, hostile teen buried in library books on the occult and listening to heavy metal rock music! His teachers noticed the transformation and warned his mother – Thursday! By Saturday night mother and son were dead!” — “Police say Sullivan was entranced by the occult as he stabbed his mother — and tried to kill his father and 10-year-old brother!… Then slit his throat and wrists. . . slumping dead. . . in a neighbor’s back yard! ” -“His father said his son had been singing a song about blood and killing your mother!” — “He said his son had told a friend of a vision in which Satan came to him, wearing his face, and urged him to kill his family and preach satanism!” — “The rest is history, Sullivan said!” —“A pitiful situation! Some parents are not aware of the Scriptures teaching against these occults! ” – “Death awaits such practices and is among the snares of satan to attract the youth away from Bible teachings!”

Continuing — Dungeons and Dragons.. . “The killing and suicidal game, which is on video and in books has caused the parents quite a problem! A doctor investigating this said a U.S. group, ‘Bothered about Dungeons and Dragons,’ has turned up 90 cases in the U.S. in which there was a strong link between violence and the game!” — “60 of the cases involved murder, 20 suicide and the others highly suspicious circumstances!” — “The games stress ‘amoral and immoral’ behavior!. . . What it does is lead them into the world of demon powers that control their actions! Also movies are being made that are affecting the children!” — Newsweek, February 22, 1988 said: “The undead shed silent tears in their coffins! A corpse’s hand punches through the ground! A snake bursts from the mouth of a walking cadaver! Just the right kind of (occult) thrills for the millions of people who made ‘The Serpent and the Rainbow’ — the second biggest grossing movie . . . during its first weekend of release!” (end of quote) — “The subjects are Zombies, Voodoo, Sorcery and Occult! All of these things are working together to control the minds of the youth!” . . . “As I said, new dimensions of the occult will come!” . . . “Other movies released witchcraft, horror films associated with sexual orgies and drugs, and actual intercourse with evil spirits, as women and men carry out the rituals with visible or invisible spirits! . . . This occurred in ancient times and it is starting to occur over the earth because we are at the end of the age! This and many other things will be more pronounced as we get close to the return of Jesus! Let us watch, and definitely pray for the youth of this nation!”

Prophecy in science — “A recent article, brief but fascinating, portrays an advance in communication technology that promises to bridge the language gap between European countries! The new system portends an increased cohesion and strengthening of the European Economic Community, also known as the Common Market!” (Rev. chap. 13) — “The news article said, ‘Polylingual Program Unscrambles Babel’!” — “So we see what God separated at Babel they are trying to unite again! Also Babel reaching into the sky is symbolic of our space program, which will be interrupted by the Lord before it can reach, we might say, its limited ventures into space!” — Bible in the news quote. . . “The benefits of super science and communication technology are sure to be controlled, shrouded beneath the pall of growing one world government! The prospects point to the events predicted in the Bible!… We anticipate the ultimate implementation of a world currency (mark), a virtual elimination of national boundaries and a world police agency! In the Apocalypse, the anti- christ will epitomize the final outcome of such systems and science — T. V. and etc. as is now in development: ‘And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast. . . that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed’!” (Rev. 13:15) — “The Lord revealed to me a — time curve — in three dimensions! We are entering one of them now, and before the end of the second time curve I believe the world should be in or near these events that we‘ve spoken about!”

Prophecy marches on. . . Drugs and death — “It seems our large cities are becoming like dictators dishing out punishment at will to the wayward in the streets! Yet the youth keep coming by the thousands to receive their pain and agony!” — “After scores are tricked into using drugs they must either serve the gay society and the girls sell their youthful bodies in order to pay for their tormenting habit! . . . Prowling the streets as wild animals at night merchandising any kind of sexual desire imaginable! Their lives finally becoming like a sadistic nightmare! . . . And the grim reaper (death) soon follows!” — “The devil’s deceitful poison known as bad medicine has taken over our nation’s capital becoming a serious threat to Washington, D.C. — Newsweek, February 22, 1988, ‘Crack Wars in D.C. — The Murder Rate Rises With an Influx of New Drugs!’ In the first 40 days of 1988, 410 weapons were seized in Washington, D.C.! There were 44 homicides, 77 percent drug-related!” — “Cocaine and Crack are taking over the streets! Crack is highly addictive, making its users desperate for fixes! Aware of the pattern of violence in such Crack centers as New York and Miami — Washington police watched with alarm as the same momentum built in their own city! Dealers have little problems getting drugs into Washington; most crack breezes into town on the 1-95 ‘cocaine corridor’ that stretches from New York to Miami!” — “It seems that momentum is building up for more lawlessness and a drug society leading to the anti-christ take over to restore order! Continue to pray for our youth!”

Scroll #158