Prophetic scrolls 157

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 157

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Signs of nature – “Apparently because of the apostasy during the days of the flood the earth’s orbit were thrown out of balance! — This is referred to in Ps. 82:5 where it says, all of the foundations of earth is out of course! — Also the earth’s axis is tilted! — This accounts largely for the harshness of the seasons causing the winters to be cold and the summers to be hot! — Bringing in the factors of other conditions the Lord can cause extreme summers and winters! — The two effects that we spoke about have thrown the delicate balance of nature out of line; thereby we witness storms, tornadoes, hurricanes and droughts!” … “Pre – flood days were composed of 12 months of 30 days; the perfect year 360 days! — This is in sharp contrast with our present calendar of 3651/4 days a year! — So we see it was at the flood that the first time curve came!” .. . “The earth’s year was increased from 360 days to 3651/4 days, then our planet’s orbit must have receded a good distance farther from the sun! — With this much change the balance of the courses of nature would have been upset! — And the peaceful rhythm of the seasons disturbed! — So we know in the past great judgment struck during Noah’s time! — And today we see great destruction caused from the weather still visits man because of sin!”. . . “I told the audience here awhile back that man has entered another time curve, and it has three dimensions to it! — We have already seen some of the things mentioned take place! — We do not have space to mention all about this subject here! — But before the dimension of this time ends, God will touch the earth’s axis and the earth’s orbit again shaking the whole earth and finally correct it! — And this could very well occur by the ending of this century!”. . . “At some point in the 90’s the people of the earth could be visited by several hugh asteroids bringing catastrophic judgment! (Rev. 8:8-10 — Isa. chap. 24) — Followed afterwards by changes in the gravitational forces of the earth!”

Prophecy in nature continuing — “I don’t always just preach on judgment and doom here wherein many type messages are given besides this type prophecy! – But we must definitely tell what God has revealed to me and always warn the people! — What I have seen is not very comforting for this earth! — During this time we mentioned above. The weather patterns will change in such a way as never seen and such force of nature beyond comprehension concerning monstrous storms, famines, droughts and quakes! – If you mentioned this to some, they would say it’s unbelievable! — But it will take place along with other strange phenomenon!” . . “1989-1991 are going to concern many events also beside just nature! — In fact more changes and occurrences will take place during this period than has taken place in any 3 years in a long time! — The population will be disturbed and we will witness the shock waves thereof!”

Nature’s prophetic sign — “Concerning the above and also what we are to speak about, the Scriptures forecast! — Rom. 8:22, For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now!” . . . Vr. 19, “tells us it is because the sons of God are coming forth! —We would like to list another phenomenon occurring. . . According to the news hugh chunks of Antarctic ice have broken away from its shelves! — They say some of these things occurring may well point out that the earth is approaching some kind of crossroads! — Science News reports 1987: A giant iceberg twice the size of Rhode Island has broken off the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica, the National Science Foundation reported the iceberg measures approximately 98 miles long and 25 miles wide, with an estimated average thickness of 750 feet! — Since the image was taken the iceberg has drifted 25 nautical miles to the northwest!”. . . “Science reports that the number of extremely huge icebergs have increased greatly in the last year and a half!” . . . “There are 4 other pieces floating at various points around the Antarctic! — Two have drifted north and could enter the shipping lanes! — Researchers cannot explain why all of this is happening! — But they believe it is caused by a warming trend in the global temperatures! —. And this may well be followed soon by Rev. 6:5-6!” . . . “They also believe the breakaway might be caused by the ozone depletion in the atmosphere over the South Pole!”. .. “The real reason is, because the Lord prophesied these types of conditions would take place just before His return! — And I believe the stage is being set for some sudden and eye opening prophetic events in the next few years!”. . “It is my opinion that this generation will see the Lord Jesus return in His glory!”

The future step by step — “By reading the above we already see events forerunning the end of the age! — Coming into view next, and as Jesus’ return begins to draw nearer, we are to see ten nations come together called European Common Market! — And as we have seen by the news this is fulfilling right now; and it is claimed that their goal is to be completely unified by 1992! — If so we know that the anti-christ is near rising and is now working underneath until the appointed time that he be revealed!”. . . Rev. chap. 13, “shows this world leader in his final stages and activities! – For a moment it reveals that he has control of all nations! – At that time none could war with him! ” (vr. 4)

Continuing — “The Bible speaks just before this world leader appears there is to come a falling away! (II Thess. 2:3-4) — We see this trend working now! — The lukewarm spirit and apostasy is seen everywhere! — It is at this time that Jesus said, the love of many will wax cold because of the abundance of iniquity! — Soon we will see coming into view the signing of a Peace Treaty with Israel and this figure!” . . “Now the people may not know that this is the anti-christ at first! — And also somewhere about this time will come the Translation of the Church! – Afterwards then the appearance of the anti-christ will be known in full view!” (II Thess. 2:4) . . . “Then starts the beginning of the Great Tribulation, and the people accept the loyalty mark of the beast; while others flee into the wilderness to escape the wrath of this satanic prince! — Then the world will draw near to Armageddon and the Great Day of the Lord!”

Israel in prophecy — “It is reported in the news and from very good sources that Israel is producing Atomic bombs and possibly even Hydrogen bombs! — Israel now has the stored power to literally destroy invading armies! — This is a sign that the anti-christ and the Tribulation is near! — The prophets were correct! (Zech.14:12) — And Israel is ready for Ezek. chap. 38!”. . . Note: “The Scrolls predicted over 20 years ago that Israel would have and use the Atomic bomb finally!”

Continuing prophetic information — “Just before the anti-christ and the real false prophet are to arise Jesus said in Matt. 24:11, ‘many false prophets shall rise, plus a multitude of false religions will deceive many!’ — And we have seen many such pretenders rise in history! — The most known of all was Mohammed who claimed to be a prophet of God! — And whose fanatical followers thought to conquer the world by forcing all men to accept the Mohammed doctrine or perish by the sword!” . . . An interesting point, “Caesar, who established the Roman Empire died in A.D. 44! — He is often considered a type of the anti-christ! — Mohammed the false prophet began his era in 622 A.D., just 666 years later from Caesar’s death! — And we can definitely say that this false religion (which covers all of the Arab nations) at the end of the age will definitely be joined into the number 666 again with the Revived Roman Empire!” . . . “The Vatican itself has become a world religious council that started and is lending its power and influence to the emergence of the Revived Roman Empire! — It is said no Pope in modern times has taken such direct interest in shaping diplomatic influence as John Paul III!” . . . “The United States has become the hundred and seventh nation with which it has diplomatic relations! — And has an ambassador to Washington, D.C.! — The Vatican wants to establish ties with the world’s other super powers later such as Russia, and those in the Middle East area! — So we see the ecclesiastical woman of Rev. 17 spreads her wings of false doctrine over the earth; even controlling the political beast for a period of time!”

The moral state of the world — “What will it be like just before Jesus’ return? — Jesus described it in Gen. 6:11, ‘The earth was corrupt before God and filled with violence’!”.. . “We are going to reprint a mother’s article here to warn parents and to describe situations taking place!”. . . Documentation: “Dear Ann Landers: A few days ago I took my 15-year-old daughter and three of her friends to a rock concert. I decided on the way out that instead of fighting the traffic both ways I would buy a ticket and see the show. . .. I consider myself fairly open-minded, but I was shocked senseless by what I saw and heard. . . . The language of the kids around me was unreal. Every other word started with F or S. When one of the rock stars appeared in a G-string, the crowd went wild. That fellow was 99.9 percent naked. . . . The audio was turned up and the audience went crazy. My eardrums began to pop. . . . Then the kids around me started to light up joints. . . . People all over the place began to toss firecrackers. I have never been so petrified in my life, not only for me but for every person in that building. There were broken bottles all over the place and several fights going on. The police were nowhere to be seen. . . . I lost track of the number of people who had to be carried out. I saw two couples having sex right out in the open. Others were taking off their clothes all over the place. . . . When the concert ended, there was an incredible stampede. I was afraid if I fell I would be stomped to death. I prayed for strength to stay on my feet. . .. On the way home (still shaking) I told my daughter that she would not go to another rock show as long as she lived in my house. . . . And I am going to stick to it.” (End Quote) . . . “So we see daily prophecy is fulfilling! — This is our hour to save souls!”

Scroll #157