Prophetic scrolls 155

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 155

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


A prophetic look — “What will take place in the next few years? And what will be the state of the world in the 90’s?” — “Let us consider the present developments that have already been partially fulfilled, and will yet have further fulfillment! . . . Also what will be the most vital conditions that concern mankind in the near future!” — Let’s begin: The creeping inflation — the earth’s population explosion — the crises expanding in our cities — the slow approach, yet the coming of a world famine — the crime waves, the youth and drug problems! … Technology and computers when used for the wrong purposes would work with dictatorship! . . . The trickery of communism! . . . The transportation problems and what to do with our crowded cities! . . . Mankind will be faced with some growing racial problems not only in the United States, but worldwide! — Terrorism and the nations that doublecross one another! — The coming of the atomic threat over mankind! — The space program and the approaching war in space! — The problems of the rich and the poor! — The economic and employment matters as found in James chap. 5!”

Continuing — “The agriculture and farm problems which are already in trouble, man would have to give great attention concerning many things and especially preparing for the approaching catastrophe over many parts of the world! . . . Water and food shortage!” (Rev. 11:3, 6) — “Of course the Middle East will be a trembling cup and a problem to all and the United States! The Central America problems and also in another part of the world the conflicts concerning nations that surround the Middle East!” — “Later in the age, problems arising with Asia again! Right now the predicted war of Asia Minor (Iraq and Iran) has spread into the Persian Gulf (Arabian Sea) drawing in the involvement of the United States and its warships!” — “These problems must be faced because one day later Russia will be involved in this as she moves south to Palestine!” (Ezek. 38)

Continued — “Already we see International and Arab armies surrounding Israel! This is a sign Armageddon is near! — (Luke 21:20) For we are living in the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled!” (Vr. 22) — “Let us take heed! For in continuance, the Scriptures say at this time the world will be overcharged with too much indulgence, drunkenness (drugs) and cares of this life! For that day come upon you unawares as a snare upon the whole earth!”

Continuing — “The stirring of world religions including the Arabs (Moslems), Hindus, Catholics and Protestants, etc.! They shall face many problems as they struggle to unite as one because of world crises and the fear of atomic war! — But afterwards the inevitable still pours upon them! (Rev. 17:5, 16) — And right after this, the destruction of political and commercial Babylon!” (Rev. 18:8-10) — “Also in the near future the United States will be confronted with helping the nations that are in distress and those that are in perplexity! — They will have to reckon with the third world countries in a different direction than ever before!” — “In the future the presidential office will go through unusual and drastic changes!. . . And if the presidential cycle of a president dying or being assassinated in office every 20 years has been broken because of the ending of the 7th cycle!. . . And on the 8th cycle President Reagan only suffered wounds concerning the 20 year cycle! — Then this may mean that a president could die or be assassinated at any time between now and before the ending of the next 20 year cycle! This is worthy of watching!. . . Plus we are going to see many laws passed concerning the social structure of this nation! … And I still contend that a charismatic leader will rise some time in the future to govern this nation!”

Continuing prophecy — “One of the crises facing not only the world, but the United States too, is the enormous forces of nature that will destroy many parts of our land; inland and also including the cities along the sea shores! Plus the sudden devastating earthquakes that shall close out the 80’s and 90’s!” —“No, not such earthquakes has ever been seen before, that will be seen soon! — We may add to this the cosmic-like storms coming out of the Arctic, and the strong winds that will cross the four corners of the earth! . . . Plus the apocalyptic whirlwinds from the sea! This shall include tidal waves!”

Continuing — “We see today mankind is faced with pollution and the coming of more pestilence! This includes all kinds of cancers and poisons! — Iraq just used chemical poison on some of the people concerning its war and hundreds died in their tracks in agony! — . . . Also one of our predictions was that chemical warfare would be used in the future and it was so! — Pestilence also includes diseases!… And we predicted new diseases would arise because of the sins of the nations! One of these pestilence diseases was aides! — Paul predicted what would happen to the Sodom communities in Rom. 1:26-27! — Although Jesus will accept their repentance, we still do not see too many that will acknowledge Jesus as their Saviour! — But a few are turning to the Lord Jesus!”

Continuing prophecy — Luke 21:11, “The Scriptures proclaim there will be puzzling and fearful sights and great signs from the heaven! —This includes so many events we cannot write them all here! — But the United States and the world governments have been monitoring the glowing lights in the heaven that go back and forth in another dimension as a flash of lightning would travel! They appear and then disappear at incredible speeds! — We know that some are satanic lights but the others are the chariots of the angels of God! (Ezek. chap. 1) — More of these will be seen as we near the Translation and the Tribulation period! (Isa. 66:15)

Continuing — “The reason I have written this script is to portray the developments and events that shall surely shape the future concerning the remaining years of the 80’s and as far as God will allow in the 90’s!” — “Mankind is now facing what we call the time limit! We are closing out the 2,000 year cycle!— All lines of prophecy and cycles converging together as we are also closing out man ‘s 6,000 year cycle according to man’s allotment of time on this earth!” — “We are faced with a time limit, because the Scriptures say there will be a sudden interruption of it at some point in the future! For it says the days (time) will be shortened! . . . And many will be caught unaware of this unexpected event!” — “Behold, saith the Lord, I am Jesus, even thy God that moves among you! This is the hour for My people to speak bright (anointed) words! It is your time to shine in My presence bringing in the souls of the declared harvest! And ye shall be as this Scripture, Dan. 12:3!”

Star galaxy sign — “Men are seeing new things in the heavens daily due to new technology, and have discovered the largest galaxy yet! According to Omni Magazine — Quote: “Astronomers looking for faint galaxies have stumbled onto a huge, dark and enigmatic spiral galaxy hiding behind the nearby Virgo cluster! — The biggest galaxy on record, it looks like a case of arrested development. Containing at least 100 billion solar masses, the galaxy is more than 770,000 light-years across. Our Milky Way is a mere 100,000 light-years across, and the previous record is a 640,000 light year galaxy!” — “This reveals how great the Lord of Hosts is! It seems man can find no end to God’s wonders!” — The Lord said, “For the heavens cannot be measured!” (Jer. 31:37) — “If man ever says that he can measure all of what God has created in the vast distance ‘space,’ we know it not to be true! — Of course the Lord Himself is Infinite!”

The U.S.A. in prophecy — “is our nation gradually coming under a curse? — Are sins and crises in our nation revealing this? — It seems the planet conjunctions of the past and coming and previous eclipses, plus signs in the sun and the moon are broadcasting God‘s displeasure in this nation of providence! — Evidently according to this and the prophetic signs they are telling us, the shadows of death and woe are slowly moving over the U.S.A.!” — “Notice, when a nation consumes as much alcohol as this nation, a curse rides right along with it! … And when a nation uses tons of cocaine and heroin with so much addiction among the youth, plus many forms of narcotics a curse begins to cover the land!” — “And when the Bible is rejected by humanistic reasoning and is taught in our schools judgment follows!” — “Prophecies tell us all of this is so! — The U.S.A. will soon enter the blackness of an ecliptic moment as she heads towards the Great Tribulation!” — “God’s hand of destiny is still upon this nation! — But how much longer? Time is short to work!” — “The influence of coming events will take this nation in another direction! — One thing for certain some of the things we have spoken about are fulfilling and others will be fulfilled!” (Jer. 8:7-9) — “Despite the perilous times in the world, the Lord’s children are living in a joyous and momentous hour! — We are finishing up the harvest work, and we know that the return of the Lord is soon! The key words are work, watch and pray!”

Scroll #155