Prophetic scrolls 151

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 151

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


God’s foresight – “The prophetic clock is not only ticking, but it is ready to strike out its last and final prophecies of the age! We are living in important and terrifying times! It seems the stage is being set for the earth to put in motion the Lord’s last prophecies! Wherever we look new wonders appear! We see divine reckoning blending superbly with what has been forecast… it is none other than the working of an infinite mind!” – “We have seen the cycles blend in perfect harmony throughout the whole scope of world history! We have seen God’s visions in perfect fulfillment! … And now as the age ends we will understand His final and accurate admonitions! The future is coming towards us exactly as has been spoken!” – Dan. 12:4, ” At the time of the end scores would be involved in traffic darting back and forth in a modern age of sudden increase of knowledge! ” – Nam.2: 4, “gives us a clue when our age saw the car clamor in the streets by the thousands in large broadways all lit up (headlights) and running like the lightnings! This not only shows the modern car but it reaches out before the ending of our century showing us the very end of the age car! By using the word ‘lightnings’ it was simply describing the use of electronics that works with radar providing a computer fast lane highway wherein it would be automatically controlled!” – “Now here is a definite sign of when this will occur! Vr.3 says, ‘In the days of His preparation!’ It means in the day the Lord Jesus is coming; so it is in our age He will appear… soon!”

The past is the future –“’The Lord by doing things in the past is actually revealing the future to take place again in a conclusive way! After the prophet revealed to us the fast-like electrical cars he goes on to portray in Nah. 3: 3 a weapon of war that at one firing you couldn’t count the corpses afterwards! Notice the verse says one horseman (in the singular) did all of this destruction! …Modem warfare!” – “Next in ver.4, ‘the prophet reveals the whoredoms of the well-favored harlot, the mistress of witchcraft who sells out the nations through her whoredoms (idols, images and etc.) ’! In our day this is none other than Mystery Babylon!” (Rev. 17:1-5) -“At the end of the age we see this world-favored church rising! It will dominate even the United States of America! It will take place soon and during the age of this swift moving chariot! Nah. 3:16 not only reveals space flight, but of Commercial Babylon! (Rev. 18) -Nah. 3:15-17 reveals they will be destroyed by atomic fire, the same as Rev. 18:8 depicts!” – “In Nah. I 3:18 uses the King of Assyria to typify the anti-christ at the end of the age! In the Old Testament the Assyrian King was often used to symbolize the anti-christ in our modem age!” (Isa.10: 12) -“Notice this is futuristic because it says, when the Lord hath performed His’ (whole) work’ upon Jerusalem… meaning at end of age!” -“Israel should be very careful because tidings from this old Assyria Empire, known today as Iraq (Babylon) and the nation of Syria will be a thorne in their side later even though they say peace!”

Continuing – Nah. 2:9, “reveals during that time there was no end to the gold and silver they had stored up! … And this was just a few verses after the prophet had spoken of the fiery chariots! So in our age they also have stored up most of the silver and gold! … And prophecy has forewarned us soon a super human dictator will control this! …And by the prophetic gift it is predicted in the not too distant future the world will have a new economy and social order, a new political system and new deceptive religion! For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth!” (Luke 21: 35) – “Nah.1: 5-6 reveals the total end of this! It says, ‘The earth is burned at his presence!’ …And he will even melt the hills, etc.! This is Armageddon! So the prophet (Dan. 9:26) wrote, ‘the end thereof shall be with a flood!’ …And the Scripts predict a sudden rush of political, financial and scientific changes are just ahead! Jesus’ return is soon!”

The future is now – Luke 21:28, 31 – “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh!” – “Jesus had been revealing all of the signs concerning war, quakes, famine, inventions (atomic) powers of the heaven shaken (vr.26), the erratic storm, weather, signs in the heaven and moon (one sign… man landed on the moon)!”- “Vr.20, he described the armies in a modem age now surrounding Israel! Because desolation was right at hand!” – “He spoke that Israel would be a young nation again in the land, in our time! (Vrs.29-30) – He said when you see all of these things happening in the same generation!” (St. Matt. 24:32-34) – “He was even at the door! In fact he said He would be coming in our generation because we have seen these things all take place together! Time is running out!”

The prophetic cycles –“The past, present and future are converging together! Humanity is at a junction! The world is at the cross roads of decision, the ark door is slowly closing, a fire is resting over Sodom (our modem day cities), the storm is coming and most men are not prepared! The Lord of the harvest is working swiftly, it is the last harvest of the elect! The night cometh soon; the midnight hour is near! …And in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye it will be over!”-“I have studied the mathematical phenomenon of the divine Bible cycles and they are all converging and running out in the late 80’s and 90’s! …And the 90’s should bring forth ultimate changes and catastrophic overthrows!” -“Behold, saith the Lord, make a chain for the land is full of bloody crimes and the earth imagines a new god! The cities are full of violence, sin is allowed beyond past generations for they worship pleasure in a new way! They honor the god of subtle forces! Mischief shall come upon mischief, and rumor shall be upon rumor, then shall they seek a vision of the prophet! But the law shall perish from the priest and the counsel from the ancients! None shall be able to guide them nor help! Destruction cometh, yea, they shall seek peace, and there shall be none! But men shall know that I am the Lord, the Creator of every and ALL things!”

The visions, dimensions of horror –“The future is spread out like a picture, the elect church will have left before this, but it is certain and it will surely appear! The prophet in Isa.13:9-13 was describing the Great Tribulation period when he told of just how great a catastrophe would take place! …And he revealed during this time (vr.12) that the Lord would make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of O-phir! The Lord went on to describe He would shake the axis of the earth in His fierce anger! At this time the days of affliction will be worse than any since the days of creation! …And the tribulation such as the same! The intensity of judgment so great that time must be shortened!”(Matt. 24:22) – “Before the next Jubilee starts, before the ending of the century and during some point of our generation this all could finish in fulfillment!” – “The earth’s population greatly reduced according to Rev. 6:8, ‘the pale horse will step forth! One fourth of the earth’s population will go!’… And according to Rev. 9:18 ‘during one great trumpet judgment one third more of the population will perish! ‘ … And there are other judgments to come, plus the Great day of the Lord!” –“We can safely say billions will have vanished from this planet!” – “The 144, 000 sealed Israelites are guaranteed protection from the apocalyptic book of death! (Rev. 7: 1-8) – But after the atomic horror and judgment there also will be a remnant of nations to repopulate the earth during the new age! (Zech 14: 16 clearly states this!)” – “It speaks of everyone that is left of ALL the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to keep the feast of tabernacles!”-“And the Bride will be with Jesus!” – “One may not be able to estimate how many people were swept away during the awesome time of these visions, but the prophet gives a further description of what kind of man shortage appeared!” (Isa.4:1-3) – “No one can argue with this, it definitely speaks of the Millennium era!” – “So we see after reading the other Scriptures why Isaiah said he will make a man more precious than fine gold!” – “We see the Lord has a reason for everything He does!” – Isa.14: 26, “This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations! Vr.27 confirms it again!”

Prophetic utterance – “Behold saith the Lord of Hosts the reason I have written this is to awaken clearly the minds of My people and to alert them! It will surely come to pass, and those that believe and love Me will escape all of these things! And I will comfort them and receive them unto Myself soon!”

The watchman – “As we see crises after crises and the perilous conditions of the nations, plus the profound changes appearing in society altering the very nature of man’s being and the tremendous influences upon the youth and the subtle tactics in promoting drugs and etc. should make every Christian a watchman unto prayer! Divine knowledge and prophecy cries out! ‘But ye, brethren are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief! Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober!” (I Thess.5: 4-6)

Scroll #151