Prophetic scrolls 150

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 150

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Prophetic knowledge – “The Scriptures admonish us to listen closely to what God has to say about the future and how He will instruct us in the latter days! Prov. 8: 1, ‘Doth not wisdom cry? And understanding put forth her voice?’ – Vr. 4, ‘Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man!’ – Vrs. 33-35, ‘Hear instructions, and be wise, and refuse it not. Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For who so findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord! ’” – Now let us see what problems and conditions this world will be facing concerning the future! -For the Holy Spirit will show us things to come and prepare us for the escape into the heavenly arms the translation of the Lord Jesus!” – “The problems that will face mankind will be his inventions, foolishness and his own deception!”

The age of deception … “It will take on a multitude of forms, but we will list a few ways this will appear! – It will forerun satan’s man in strong delusion, lying signs and wonders that are not Scriptural…similar to how Moses was challenged!” – “Witchcraft, sorcery and the occult will flourish in all directions in contempt of God’s true miraculous! – Also wizardry in computers, electronics and the wrong type video games! – One game called Dungeons and Dragons has caused some teenagers to murder people already! …New movies of horror and fantasy bringing terror through special effects will take its toll on the mind of the youth!”- “The prince of darkness will use electronics, computers and new inventions of science to control the minds of the people until the ‘final deceiver’ arrives on the scene! – A true spell-binder of astonishment! …His presence will intoxicate them into false worship! – The images of the nether world fascinate and bewitch their visions and minds with subtle feelings, sensuality of the underworld of satan! – His potions and spirits possessing mankind! -The women at this time will never have felt a more evil spell! -The men likewise will receive a new lease of wickedness! – A portion of madness is awaiting those who have rejected Christ! – Jesus takes His elect out…for it will be no place to live during this time of the near future!”

The deception continued – St. Matt. 24:4-5, 11, “Jesus said many would come in His name as false christs …and false prophets shall arise! ” – “Let us check history and see …for it surely shows prophecy is fulfilling concerning false christs and prophets! – Since the 19th Century over 12 hundred false christs and deceivers have appeared; we will list a few!” -“Father Divine; New York City – Prophet Jones; Detroit – Sweet Daddy Grace; Southern States.-Father Riker; Holy City, California. – Moses Guibbory; Israel,- Maharaj JI; India. – Dr. Moon; Korea!” -This is just a few and of course more are appearing in our modern time! – And very soon a false christ, a world dictator will stand up! – And I predict is even alive at this time, but is not yet revealed openly! …Who will be the very picture of the abomination of desolation! – (II Thess. 2:4) – According to this prophetic utterance he will be seen over satellite T.V. in the near future!” -“He will be a commercial wizard and will finally have undisputed control over the world’s wealth!”

Delusion continued – “In many Scriptures of the Bible the word sorcery is associated with drugs! (Rev. 21:8- Rev. 22:15) – As I have said before the root word in these texts is pharmakeia! – When translated from the Greek we have the word pharmacy or meaning (street) drug sellers! – It also means to be enchanted with drugs! – The world is possessed with a high…getting its pleasure out of dope on modern day cocaine, heroin and the new forms yet to come! – So the word means ‘sorcery and drugs’ will go together in the worshipping of demons and idols!” (I Tim. 4:1) – “The nation’s youth is practically overtaken by the use of narcotics now! – The future of this is not very comforting and what we see now is casting dark shadows ahead!” – “In order to pay for their drugs teenagers turn to prostitution (the selling of their bodies) – millions turn to robbery to support their habit and others lose everything they own and begin to sell drugs themselves; and the last picture we see of this is ruination!” (Rev. 9:20-21) – “Through the deception of drugs satan actually leads them to the worshipping of devils, the anti-christ and doom! My prediction cries out; chaos, rebellion and a lurid change in the human personality will take place before the last words of the above!”

Prophecy and the god of forces (Dan. 11:38-39) -“This reveals man will invent and use all type of forces to benefit, control and finally destroy mankind! -At first man discovered the forces of electricity and then that he could divide or split the atom by a formula wherein atomic fire and poison came out destroying all in its wake!” – Ps. 29:7. “reveals the Lord is beyond man! -The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire! -The very force of His voice can split the atom deeper than ever, beyond the protons! – And a lake of fire can cover the earth!”- (Rev. 20:9) – “And these sayings are faithful and true! …Also the Lord’s voice can upset the magnetic forces of the earth!” (Isa. 24:1, 19-20) – “The Scriptures say when He speaks it thunders! – In this we are to believe that He either creates or destroys whatsoever He will! -His voice can become like lightning when He speaks, it thunders world-wide! – Yea, and in that day My voice shall be heard over the earth!”

Man’s inventions continuing – “Right now the newest things to be invented…I predicted years ago! – Man using light for energy and they actually use the laser in healing and surgery, etc.” – “And lately they invented the super conductor which will change the progress of society greatly! – His future is becoming now!” – “They are also working on the super-collider, a gigantic energy machine! -It is a round tube underground, an oval 53 miles around! – Wherein they will hurl protons in opposite directions near the speed of light, then smashing together head on! – Out of this they hope to find new forms of energy and maybe even solve how the Universe was created they say; by watching the sub-atomic particles, etc.! – In man’s new inventions they are actually dealing with the god of forces and also the magnetic waves!” -“Concerning the new project it will be set up at a cost of over 5 billion dollars!”- “During the next few years man will progress beyond his dreams!…I foresee new inventions that will hurl him completely into a new dimension of life and progress! – Also beyond this, more will be done when the last 7 years of this age begins, then has ever been imagined!” –“The wave of the future is man searching for new energy forces! -Technology will be transformed on a scale unseen before! …Also by computerization the earth is about to begin new building and designs…, we see they want to do this in New York very soon!”

Continuing – “This article sounds like fantasy, but science will try to do it! – Computerizing brain will let mind live on, ‘Roboticist’ says!” -“In an astonishing short amount of time, scientists will be able to transfer the contents of a person’ s mind into a powerful computer, and in the process, make him – or at least his living essence – virtually immortal, so he claims!” – “Science will make far advances, but God owns and will receive the actual soul of man! – What they are saying is, their thoughts will be left in a computer, much like after an actor is dead you still see him on the screen!” – “But you can count on it – God has possession of the soul wherever it shall go!” (Eccl. 3:21)

Prophecy and science -“New advances are being made in electronics and computers! – We know the symbolisms of the Scriptures reveal all of this science will be associated to the beast! (Rev. 13: 13-15) – And these electronic devices will be taken over by the sinister forces of a little kingdom, becoming the greatest of evil kingdoms! –And will enable him to enforce a world seal on all nations and people!”- “Through the predictions of the past and through the forecast of things to come we see a controlled society in the last days! -A world with a different type credit and another type money buying power!” – “Man will use an electronic system to control all commerce, banking and business!’- Plus new satellites are being put into place that can literally see all of the earth and keep track of all movement! – So the nations are rapidly preparing for the new global society which will be inhuman, godless devilish and short lived!”

The scriptures – Eccl. 7:29, “Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions!” – “And in all of his foolishness and misuse will bring upon him, his own downfall! – “The only answer for people is, the Lord Jesus and His salvation!” -“Prepare! Watch and pray, for as a snare shall all of these things come upon the earth!” – “The Scriptures say, a man’s wisdom makes his face to shine!”(Eccl. 8: 1) -“Because understanding has been given!” – “As we can remember what the first paragraph said, before this Script was written!”

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