Prophetic scrolls 149

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 149

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The prophetic ages -“In the very earliest stages of the Scriptures the Lord began to foretell the future throughout the ages up until our time and beyond when time blends into eternity!” (Gen.1:2) – “This ‘void’ is prophetic, it is evident according to Isa. 14:12-15 – Ezek. 28: 11-19 that Lucifer ruled a pre-Adamic kingdom of some sort that existed during this time gap!” (Gen. 1:2) – “Then there was a catastrophic overthrow of satan’s kingdom! …The original Hebrew word for void says the earth ‘became waste!’…And this made it necessary for God to restore, as we see what He told Adam!” (vr. 28) – “Verses 16-19 reveals the coming forth of the sun on the 4th day! Prophetically each day would represent a day in God’s time! And sure enough the Sun of Righteousness (Jesus) came 4,000 years later (Mal.4:2 -Matt. 1:21) …and brought deliverance to His people! And after 6 days (6,000 years) He will return for His elect! …Don’t forget there also is involved a slight shortening of time!” – “God created man on the 6th day (Gen. 1:26, 31) …and He will intervene again at 6,000 years! – The void in Gen. chap. 1 is predictive of ‘another void’ at the end of time …Rev. 20:9, where fire devoured satan, and at the White Throne! (Vrs. 12-15) -During and after the judgment is a ‘time gap’ again!” – NOW Rev. 21:1, reveals John saw a New Heaven and a New Earth! For the first earth passed away and God gives a new one where time blends into eternity!” (Read Rev. chap. 22)

The seeds of prophecy – Gen. 3: 15, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed (serpent’s) and her seed; and it shall bruise thy head (serpent’s) and thou shalt bruise his heel!” – “This was describing the true and false seeds that would be in disagreement all the way through history concerning God’s true Word! – Through the woman’s seed the Messiah would come and cast out the prince of this world at the Cross wherein we receive salvation and deliverance by faith!”

Coming events – Gen. chap. 6, “is forecasting what will be again as our age ends! We will spotlight a few verses! …Verse 4 shows us genetic chaos of some sort took place! And we see in our day that science is dealing in the seed of animals and men to produce different types of offspring; and they are also cloning animals and etc. …Verse 11 says the earth was filled with violence! Today our news reports all we see is wars, crimes and violence! The cup is full! …Verse 5 revealed the great wickedness and that all man’s thoughts was centered on this; it says continually! And daily we witness this! The sexual debauchery was beyond imagination; plus (except for Noah) the Seth line (true worshippers) crossed over and joined the Cain line in false worship! And this was the chief reason that caused the flood!” – “Jesus said, ‘As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when I return again’!” – “And today we see a repeat of all of this including the mixture of uniting churches!” (Rev. 3:14-17- Rev. chap. 17) – “Also they worshipped idols and images; and we find this again in our time!” (Rev. 13:15) – “Paul also revealed the things that occurred during the time of the flood and during the time of Sodom!”(Read Rom.1:22-27) – “This is prophetic again of our day, an exact description!”

The prophetic tower – Gen. 11:4, “was actually depicting that one day man would climb into the heavens! And we see them doing this in their space program today! This also is revealed in many other Scriptures, but the Lord said in His earliest writings that He would bring them back down!” (Duet. 30:4- Amos. 9:2) – Oba. 1:4, “ actually revealed man would live in space platforms in the heavens, describing it as ‘a nest’ among the stars (planets)! Nest would also denote a conception in space and the birth of babies! They say that they can do this easily now, that they are only waiting for the proper time! – This could occur soon or during the anti-christ kingdom!”

Soon to be – The cataclysm again…. “Just before the destruction of Sodom and the surrounding cities and at the time that God was revealing His future to Abraham, a glorified fiery light and a flaming lamp passed by Abraham!” (Gen. 15:17) -“This same type of light and lights were revealed again in Ezek. 1: 13-16! …These lights appear when the cup of iniquity is full! Wherein we see right afterwards in Gen. 19:28-29 the fiery overthrow of Sodom and the surrounding cities!” – “This is all prophetic because in our day ‘lights are appearing’ again in various places and our cities are actually like the cities of the plains, a modern Sodom! …And destruction is about to come again!” – “We can see it daily in the gay communities and the vast entertainment sections of our world which are committing every type of sexual orgies that can be imagined! And there seems to be no limit on the age! – They are doing exactly as this Scripture Gen.19:4-5!” – “Also even after their blindness they would not be discouraged, they continued to seek! (vr. 11) …So our day will even grow worse! And the beautiful lights of the Most High are appearing as a warning to mankind! – Now also the UFO lights of satan are appearing too, but only to cause confusion!” – “Jesus also confined what we have been discussing in the above chapters! (Luke 17:26-30)…and in Luke 21: 11 Jesus said there would be ‘fearful sights’ and ‘great signs’ from the heaven! – These realities are all around us! Jesus is coming very soon!”

The future upon us – “The story of Joseph in Egypt reveals what the future will be soon! As many parts of the world are already in famine; soon a world food shortage will begin!”-“Joseph predicted to Pharaoh the coming of 7 severe years of drought and famine! (Gen.41:30) – Soon everything wound up in the hands of Joseph and Pharaoh…ground, property and etc. including all food! (Vr. 56) – And all the money!” – Gen. 47:14-18.. “.finally all they had left to offer was their bodies as slaves! -In vr. 19 they were willing to become servants to Pharaoh! -They were actually down to the point of being marked slaves! -But Joseph and Pharaoh done that which was good and shared with them!” (Vrs. 23-26) -“Now at the end of the age will rise two type personages; an evil Pharaoh (anti-christ) and an evil type of Joseph (a false prophet) and we see an economic crises will come, and money will fail; also famine and a world food shortage! – Once again the people will be slaves to the anti-christ mark! (Rev. 13: 13-15) -“It will repeat just like in the days of Joseph, except there will not be any good Joseph around! – And after the Translation of the church the food shortage becomes severe, for there is no rain at all during the last 42 months!” (Rev. 11:3-6) -“At this time the black and pale horse scourage, terrify and destroy the earth!”(Rev. 6:5-8) – “During the days of Joseph he had control of both Gentiles and Jews!” (Gen. chap. 47) – “And at the end of the age through the mastery of electronics and computers the whole world will be controlled as a global unit family!” (Rev. chap. 13) – Rev.11:9-11, “reveals the modern day satellite television! Or how else could all people of the world at one time see these events that these verses describe!” – “Each year Russia and the United States are putting more of these satellites in the heaven! Soon the whole earth can be watched from space!” – “Let us watch and pray, and look up for Jesus will appear soon!”

A great sign – “When Jesus came the first time we see there was a slaughtering of babies! (Matt. 2: 16) – Herod slew them from two years old and under! Evidently those showing pregnancy too!” – “Now again just before His return we see through abortion the doing away of millions of children!” – “This is taken from a book of statistics by Olga Fairfax, Ph.D.: ‘When I saw the first ad on TV advertising collagen-enriched cosmetics I was speechless. Collagen is the gelatinous substance found in connective tissue, bone and cartilage’! -“Here is some more information: ‘There’s a triple profit to be had. The first is from the abortion (estimated at a half billion dollars a year by Fortune magazine). The second profit is from unsuspecting customers buying cosmetics’!” – This taken from a magazine will shock you in what is occurring! This sounds like a horror story, but is said to be true! ‘Tissue cultures are obtained by dropping still-living babies into meat grinders and homogenizing them, according to the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine. …In California, babies aborted at six months were submerged in jars of liquid with high oxygen content to see if they could breathe through their skins. They couldn’t! … Human embryos and other organs have been encased in plastic and sold as paperweight novelty items (human brain, $90; foot, $70; lungs, $70)! …The hysterectomy-aborted fetus in the seventh, eighth and ninth months is removed intact (translation: The baby is alive). The trade in live fetal tissue is about $1 million annually! …A $600,000 grant from the National Institute of Health enabled researchers to slice open one baby (among many others in the experiment done in Finland) without an anesthetic so that a liver could be obtained. The researcher in charge said that the baby was complete and ‘was even secreting urine.’ He disclaimed the need for anesthetic, saying ‘an aborted baby is just garbage’! …A study on severed heads taken from 12 babies delivered by C-section and kept alive for months! …Even the baby’s placenta is sold for 50 cents to drug companies. Ever heard of Placenta Plus shampoo?…In England, aborted babies’ fat is being used to make soap! And the atrocities go on!” -“So we see this is a significant sign that Jesus’ return is at the door!” Eccl. 3:15. ..”That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past. –And He will judge the future!” Eccl. 9: 16 …”Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless the poor man’s wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.”

Scroll #149