Prophetic scrolls 148

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 148

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Looking ahead – “One of the most frequently asked questions today is, ‘will the Lord return by the year 2000 or before the ending of the 90’s?” – “The best way to answer this is, according to the prophetic evidence, He could come very soon or at any time in the near future!” -“First the Lord, in the Scriptures, gave man 6 days (6,000 years)! The Great Pyramid also brings it to 6,000 years! —The heavens are declaring that there will be a great interruption on earth before the 6,000 years elapse! …It seems the matter is established in three witnesses, and is definitely being confirmed by the signs around us!” “There is also a shortening of time. So Christ’s return is looming right before us! -Dan. 12:4 along with other Scriptures declare knowledge would increase coupled with speed as our age ends!” – “There are more educators and scientists alive now than we have had in 6,000 years! Man’s inventions reveal His nearness! The end thereof shall be with a flood of events!

The prophets foresaw – “with absolute incredible accuracy, the appearance of the radio, automobile, electricity …that swept mankind into the industrial age! …Next the splitting of the atom, television and the computer came all of a sudden to mankind! …Then we were rushed into the space age! – More has happened in a few years than has occurred in 6,000 years! – Why within such a short period of time?…Because it was to be ‘a sign’ He would return during this period! And to Capstone all prophecy after 2,000 years Israel appeared in her homeland as a nation (1946-1948)!” – “Jesus revealed many people who witnessed this would also see His return! – And my opinion is that from the time Israel became a nation the Lord could well return before a jubilee of time occurs again!” – “The inventions of our age tell us this also! – Man actually does not invent or create anything!…He can only discover what God has already made! And therefore they can only do it at God’s predetermined will! And that is why man has invented so much in such a short period of time…to alert us to His soon appearance! With the space age, man ‘looked upward,’ this is a ‘sign’ of His coming in our generation!”

Religious signs – “The nations have had the first non-Italian Pope in over 450 years in Rome! This alone reveals to us powerful changes are just ahead in the next few years! And we have already seen this Pope was different in the fact of his world-wide travels! – Is all of this in preparation of a coming world leader who will unite all religions under one shelter? – Right now they are forming an Ecumenical religious power to put in the hands of a coming world dictator! According to Rev. 13 and Rev. 17 there will be an International government and religious system!”… “Finally, this strange personage will set in the Temple of Jerusalem claiming that he is God!”(II Thess. 2:4) – “You say, ‘how soon will this personality appear?’…Well we already see his subtle workings in the Middle East and in other events and he will soon surface at God’ s appointed time and reveal his deceptive plans to a perplexed world!” – “This leader will gain so much admiration that the false church will have power to destroy anyone who refuses to acknowledge him as God! And this is just around the corner! Prophetically speaking we are at the midnight hour!” (Matt.25:10)

Global prophecy – “Before some of the above takes place we will see social violence…and I mean massive violence! – The world is in store for a social revolution that has not been seen before! – If one couples this with famines and droughts we can predict enormous violence throughout the world! …The latter 80’s will be perilous and dangerous, but the 90’s events will be apocalyptic and catastrophic!” – “Finally Jesus said, unless He intervened at some point there would be no flesh saved!” – “In the next few years the weather patterns, the gigantic storms, the great quakes and nature will be crying out, the Lord’s return is upon us!”

The global unit – “New inventions and the computer are going to bring startling changes to mankind…joined to one huge electronic system! – This will one day produce a cashless society without the exchange of money! – All business including working, buying and selling will be done with marks and numbers! – Without instant world communications this could not be possible! – World satellite, advancement in computer technology will make this global order possible! -Evidently before all of this takes place the world returns to high inflation or inflationary depression during the time of famine and food shortages! – But this we do know… before the actual mark is given the elect is translated!”

The formation – “According to Dan. chap. 2 and Rev. chap. 13, there are to be the uniting of ten nations as our age closes! Has this come to pass? – Yes! -The union of ten nations within the boundaries of the Old Roman Empire has already occurred! –They are now waiting for the 11th horn to rise from a nation! In the Bible he is called The Little Horn, a man of peace, but later one of fierce countenance – understanding complexed problems with knowledge of hidden things, bringing new ways in finances and social structure! – The world will prosper and be restructured in a brief period of time! Under this evil genius this planet will be a fantasy world of delusion!”

World-wide events – “As you will recall in our visionary letter, we spoke about the trouble that would come to the Arabian Sea, wherein lies the Persian Gulf! – What we are seeing there now is a kind of rehearsal and preview of a later world-wide war in the latter times or at God’s appointed time!” (Ezek. chap. 38) – “It even names one of the nations involved – Persia – which is known as Iran today!.. These small wars in the Mid-East area is God’s way of telling the nations that later there will be a world-wide war! He is forecasting the shadow before the major event! ”

Events in the news – “Just lately over the news it told of different world gatherings, meeting at different places over the earth declaring peace and good will would come with a harmonic convergence! Some received their information from pagans and Indian legends, some said there was certain formations in the heavens (which probably didn’t have anything to do with what they were talking about)! – What they failed to understand is first there is coming a Great Tribulation and the Battle of Armageddon! – They received world-wide radio and television attention! But the very next day wars and tragedies still continued as always! -Some said they were going to meet with flying saucers and etc. – Some declared men from space would appear and lead them, others are looking for a world leader to solve their problems! – Most all gave various viewpoints! -This is another sign depicting to us we are in the last days!”

Puzzling events -“In Amos 8:9 the prophet says, ‘In that day, meaning the latter days’ that God would cause the sun to go down at noon, and he will darken the earth in the clear day!” – “This is definitely not an eclipse, for the sun is passing into night at noon! – It says the clear day, so there is no thick smoke or clouds to cause the darkness! -The Lord is evidently changing at that time the axis of this planet! -A catastrophic event follows!” (Isa. 24:19, 20) – “The earth is nearing its appointed time! – But before this we also know there will be a world famine for food coming! (Rev. 11:6) – But something occurs even worse than this, and that is that a famine occurs for the ‘Word of God’ and His Holy Spirit!”(Amos 8:11) -“Because the anti-christ is controlling in every way and men are hunted for reward! (Micah 7:2-3) – Evidently the 90’s hold the time key leading to God’s final prophecies and will be the ‘worst period’ that we’ve had in 6,000 years …as the Lord once stated in Isa 46: 10, “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure!’ ”

Scroll #148