Prophetic scrolls 147

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 147

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The prophetic clock is ticking – “This generation is climaxing! – The nations are at the crossroads! -The hour of decision is slipping away! -The moon in symbolism is at eclipse! -The last picture of the sun is going down! …And in the not too distant future the sinister shadows of the beast power will darken and spread across the earth!” – “God’s great wings of compassion and healing are spread out! – He beckons with His Word and Spirit for His children to hurry and abide under the protection of the Almighty! – “For soon the religious leaders will be dumbfounded; the politicians will be in confusion; the populous will be perplexed! -Society as a whole will be in disarray! -The weather in nature will be out of control, the earth will shake with divine displeasure! – The sea will be out of its bounds!” – “Terror will reign in the cities…no safety! – Perilous times in the streets! – Law enforcements cannot cope with the murders, rapes, robberies, gangs and rebellious youth!” – “Lights appearing in the heavens forecasting earth change! – Ominous feeling that Christ is being rejected by the masses! – During this time the sun will be heating up, its sun spots at maximum!” -“Nearing an era of terror, soon this planet will disclose the figure of hell, the son of prediction! – New weapons forming, science reaching a zenith! – The shadowy angel of pestilence and destruction will soon appear; Abaddon will cast his woe! – Death will ride the apocalyptic horse! The flame of hell follows close behind!” – “As I sat down, this prophecy just poured out! …Starting from the top some of this could take place as early as the late 80’s and ‘the rest’ leading off in the 90’s until at some point it comes to its final conclusion!” – “It will not be too long from now, because at the beginning it said…our generation is climaxing…it is nearing its peak concerning time allotted!”

Coming events – “We know when Jesus ministered His signs and wonders were truly in the miraculous! – He truly raised the dead,…He gave forth creative miracles, He spoke and nature and the weather obeyed Him, etc.! – But there is one thing for certain He never did – use magic, sorcery, witchcraft or any type lying sign or wonder! – He walked and spoke in the supernatural power of the Almighty!” “But on the other hand at the end of the age the anti-christ (false messiah) will try to imitate in lying signs and wonders similar works of Christ! -Yet it will be nothing but delusion, magic mingled with sorcery and witchcraft and the use of super science!” – “1 Thess. 2:9-11- Rev. 13:13-18…reveals exactly how he will come and some of the things that he will do!”

Prophecy and science – “Many events are taking place in this swift moving age of science! – We will take one:…Remember the anti-christ will use super science such as satellite television, laser and computer technology!” –“According to a report the Institute of Technology has developed a computer that will project a holographic image that will evidently move and talk! – General Motors is developing a universal computer language with a universal code that will allow computer systems to share information without the aid of a human a translator! – Another magazine reported a computer development in a Japan that will print out everything stored in the memory of a man or a woman! – It is reported that IBM is developing a computer that will listen and then answer back with correct information! – Plus for future release they are working on cars that you can speak to and the doors will open; and other things will work just by your command! …Also they are making appliances later for home use that you can talk to and command and they will do their duty; and even talk back and give you certain information concerning if you have a friend or visitor approaching the door! …And the home owner can look at a T .V. screen and see who it is! …Plus a computer voice will wake you up in the morning, start your breakfast, turn on the bath water and the television to the channel that you chose the night before; and scores of other things!” –“These are only for the rich now, but the planning is for the individual later!”

Science continuing – “The news said starting with 1988 every American five years and older will be required to have a Social Security number! – Later they say they will give a number at each birth!” – “The Washington Post said Social Security numbers are becoming national identifiers and some part of the federal government is consolidating all personal recorders into a single data bank! – We can see that one day this will be placed in a super computer connected to the antichrist system! -Men are now talking of having a global banking system tied to a genius computer (financial)! …We know all of this leads to the very mark and number of the beast!”

Continuing…Computer made of living things! – “Men are trying to create a computer made of living organisms that they say will be more intelligent than humans…they will reproduce themselves and think for themselves!” – “Another magazine reported the age of the living computer is approaching! – An era when computers will be made from genetically altered living things…these biocomputers will operate at speeds at least 1,000 times faster than today’s fastest computers! -To some this may sound impossible, but they say it is true! -This is only one speck of science that will be put into the hands of the anti-christ to control the population of the world! -The god of medicine (computers) the god of science surely speaks as one more sign the age is closing!

Remarkable facts – “At this point let us turn our attention to some strange but yet Biblical facts that probably has escaped the minds of those who have read the Bible! -This will be very informative giving you revelation knowledge!” – “For instance, what person lived over a century, but didn’t grow old, his eyes was not dim, nor his natural force (strength) abated? -Moses (Duet. 34:7) – Who was born before his father was borned? – Cain and Abel -Abel’s father, Adam, was never born, but was created instantly! – Who is the oldest man that ever lived? -Enoch …he never died! (Heb. 11:5) – He is still living and is over 5,000 something years old! …Later Elijah also was taken and did not die! -Next to them Methuselah was the oldest that died upon the earth! …But these others are still living on!”

Continuing – “Who was the first person in the Bible to be raised from the dead? – Moses – Michael contended against the devil for the body of Moses! – He won the battle over satan; for we see Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration!”(Luke 9:27-31 – Jude vr. 9) – “Joab was the son of Zeruiah …what relation was Zeruiah to David? – She was the sister of David and the mother of Joab!” – “Who wrote a letter to earth after he went to heaven? – Elijah – Eight years after he was translated he wrote a letter to King Jehoram informing him of the judgment that was coming upon him! (II Chr. 21: 12-15) – Although this is a mystery quite a few believe this is exactly what happened in the supernatural!” – “What prophet performed a miracle after his death? Think carefully. ..Elisha! -The following year after his death his bones touched a dead man and raised him to life!” (II Kings 13:21) – “Of course after Jesus was resurrected He performed miracles such as disappearing and reappearing through walls; at the seashore with fish already to dine! (St. John 21:9, 12-15) – And of course He is still working miracles through us today!”

Continuing facts -“Except for the children of Israel coming up out of Egypt what is the greatest single revival of souls in the Old Testament? – It is Jonah’s revival at Nineveh -The record says, 120,000 repented!” (Jon. 4:11) – “What was the greatest mass healing ever recorded in the Old Testament? – II Kings 6:20 says, a whole army was healed of blindness, they received their sight!” – “But actually beyond all of this several million Israelites came out of Egypt and there was not one feeble person among their tribes!” (Ps. 105:37) – What a restoration!” -“He gave them healing, health, strength and wealth…plus He spread a cloud for a covering and fire to give light in the night! – He dropped bread from heaven to satisfy them!” (Vrs. 39-40) – “Many wonderful things happened in the Scriptures, but this is enough to show you that we have a wonderful God!”

The revelation prophecy -“Some people have often asked me to explain in order, the events to come concerning these end time subjects! …First (future) when the last seven years begin! – Between then and the middle of it comes the Translation!” – “The Great Tribulation then begins in full swing! – At the end of this the Fiery Battle of Armageddon!” -“Climaxing in the Great Day of the Lord!” – Then Rev. chap. 20 reveals the thousand years of peace… (The Millennium)!” – “At the end of this The Great White Throne Judgment…and then followed by The New Heavens and the New Earth and the beautiful Holy City!” – “Then time blends into Eternity, where the Bride is and has been with the Lord Jesus! (Rev. chaps. 21 and 22!…These chapters are infallible and these things will appear!”

Scroll #147