Prophetic scrolls 146

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 146

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Prophetic things to come -“This prophecy was given about 500 years ago and we thought to print it here because it is occurring now! – In this unusual phrasing below, it tells us that in 1990 we will see a United States population almost totally dependent on drugs! Narcotics will practically replace liquor and will cause millions of deaths! -And it starts. ..The second millennium, minus 10 (1990 on) …multitudes in vertigo, disorientation reigns among all! …A flower to blame (cocaine, heroin, etc.) …Graves overflow with the young. ..A royal decree fails and leaders among the ruins!…Pollution everywhere, the land, air and sea spoiled! …Invisible clouds descend on the multitudes unaware!” – “Death, sickness, engines of industry causes world-wide pollution, acids from the heavens and a universal color fades! -The forecast definitely reveals contamination of the last days and the heavens producing acid rain from it! – This is in agreement with Bible prophecy! -The flower is ‘the poppy’ that produces cocaine, heroin and etc. … It is so wide-spread that the government tries to pass strict laws! – But the prophecy foresees a failure; and because of this some of the leaders of the country are ousted and some could have been involved with it! -The statement among the ruins means the United States being overwhelmed by this and is weakened by outside forces! – It revealed the untimely death of the young!” – “And we see daily in the news…stars, ball players and college students dying by the multitudes because of this flower…the poppy of death! -Pray for our youth!”

Scriptural prophecy – “In Luke chap. 21 in 33 A.D., Jesus foretold of many events that would take place just before His coming! -And after describing the future, He said, ‘Verily I say unto, this generation shall not pass away until all be fulfilled’!” -“Verse 32, He said that it would be in the generation that Israel (the fig tree) would be in her homeland! -Verses 29 and 30, He was speaking of our age!” -“Now the mystery …through the ages prophetic writers and ministers have felt Jesus meant a 40 year generation! – But in the Bible there are different types of generations, etc. -If it was to be the first type (40 years) then the time limit would be up about 1988, and we would see powerful changes and a total different picture than we see now!” -“One other note, no one knows exactly when the Lord would start this generation! -But it was definitely near the time that the Jews went home!” -“Now listen to this…there is also a 50 year generation Jubilee! -And most feel that Israel went home and became a nation on the 70th Jubilee in 1946-48! -The next Jubilee generation will take place between 1996-99! -So we see anywhere between all of these dates would be scriptural!” – “There is also to be a shortening of time, and the Gentile church also is taken out earlier!” –“The words of Jesus was, this generation that sees these events shall not pass away until all be fulfilled! …This means all of the prophecies of Armageddon clear through nearing the Millennium! ”

Science and prophecy – “As we all know science predicted the 1982 lineup of planets! An event which is supposed to take place every 175 years! Now the scientists claim there will be a grand alignment of the heavenly bodies (planets) about the year 2,000!” – “Why is it this time so soon? -Only 18 years between the two lineups! No doubt it is a unique sign from heaven! (Luke 21:25) Because evidently the Lord is revealing to us that His coming and the finishing of all things would take place between these two lineups!” – “In the first lineup we begin to see nature out of wack, structural changes under the earth increasing volcanic activity and severe changing of the weather patterns, etc.!”

Projection of things to come -“As predicted before, I foresee a great tumbling of the earth at some point in the 90’s! – First let’s check Ps. 82: 5,…it states, all the earth’s foundations are out of course! – This occurred since the flood, it is for a reason! One other thing to be noted is the tilt of the earth’s axis is 261/2 degrees and this accounts for much of our harsh weather! But these two things are going to change even more as the age ends! – And the earth’s axis and foundation will be shaken greatly! – Powerful geographical dislocations are coming! Islands, mountains -disappearing – huge cracks in the earth and the world’s greatest earthquakes takes place! – Cosmic-type weather storms occur never known to man! – Most of the world’s cities will not be left standing! – Nothing like this will have occurred since the last 6000 years! And when God finishes it, everything will be back in its proper order and He will give a beautiful earth for the Millennium! – At the time the Lord allowed me to know that all of this will take place in the not too distant future! ”

National prophecy – “After the earlier election people believe that in some ways things will be better! …In some ways it may seem so, but it is the lull before the storm!” – “In the early stages of the 90’s we will see tremendous civil unrest and major crime waves and coming into an even more rebellious era! -New laws coming and also things that our government has never done before will be put into motion! – Even before this, economic changes are ahead! –The manner and outlook of the people are totally different than what we are seeing now! – Also it will be a dangerous time and period for any leader that is in office! -The United States will be faced with severe mounting problems! -World forces will be activated toward one another!” – “The next two years will only be a tiny foreshadow in comparison of things to come! -We are entering a ‘time curve’ wherein things are not going to be like what people assume they are! – But radical and unexpected events are going to take place! -I gave a message here called, The Turning Point, and named some of the subjects that it concerned! -And we have already seen some of these unusual events take place in the nation! – So we are entering a ‘time curve’! – See June 1987 letter!

Future weapons – “We have seen many of the new weapons come into being that I have predicted years in advance with still yet more to come! – No doubt they will complete more weather weapons!” – “They are also inventing ways to use the magnetic forces that surround the earth! – No doubt in time they will invent some type of force that will interrupt all electrical currents in major cities causing severe blackouts across the earth!” – “Russia would not hesitate to use this type of weapon at the proper time! – And when she does break from the anti-christ kingdom evidently this occurs! – (Rev. 16: 10) And this takes place at the Battle of Armageddon!” (Vrs. 14, 16)

Signs in the heavens: “This subject alone would fill a book of events that are occurring around the world! The Scriptures say that such events would forerun the return of Jesus!” – “A Japanese airline pilot reported seeing a real phenomenon! … He saw a celestial ship not of this world following him alongside for awhile, and then went away from him with tremendous speed!” – “In many cases, some people may report things that they think they saw, but in other cases it is assured because they have been photographed by astronauts, pilots and army personnel!” – “A while back a news agency did a documentary on the U.F.0. case that occurred in England! …A group of Military Police saw, photographed and recorded a whole company or squadron of celestial U.F.0.’s near Bentwater Air Force Base! -The soldiers said the occupants in these ships were small-like and were wearing something that looked like snow suits!” – “This eye witness on the scene account from soldiers and officers can not be denied very easily!” – “In northern Arizona, a U.F.O. was seen and came down and picked up a man! ..The witnesses that worked with him saw it and several days later, the object brought him back and let him go! – He could not explain all that occurred! – Nevertheless this seems to be sinister and something of satanic origin!” -“Just lately a pilot, crew and passengers of an airliner over Alaska were trailed by a U .F .0. larger than an aircraft carrier for one hour! -These reliable witnesses said that smaller U.F.O. crafts emerged from the larger U.F.O.! – The airliner, with its accompanying U.F.O. observation ships, were confirmed and followed by radar units the entire time! ” – “This event is documented! – It seems these different lights and U.F.O.’s are increasing and have been seen in many different nations of the earth! ” – “While we know some of these U.F.O.’s are satanic in origin, we know that ‘other lights’ are chariots of the Lord and the angels of God giving forth signs like you will see in Ezek. chap. 1 and chap. 10!” -“Some of the sightings have been described in beautiful colors and in similarity to what Ezekiel saw!” – “For one thing, beautiful celestial lights have been photographed here over and near the Temple! …What does all of this mean? – It foretells us that Jesus is coming very soon!”

Scroll #146