Prophetic scrolls 145

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 145

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The future – Are we in the beginning of the end? …God’s prophetic clock is striking! …What time is it now? …One thing for sure, we are late in the day! -“We did some research concerning statements made in past history concerning events that would take place in our age! – If the events match the Scrolls or Bible we will print them; some are from past ministers, and a few from what true science knows and etc.!” – Eccl. 3:1, “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven! – Now let’s move forward in prophecy!”

George Washington – “Abraham is called the father of the Israelites and we know that he saw the future concerning them!” – “It is said that, George Washington, our first president, saw the future and destiny of America …whereas in 1777 he saw in a vision the United States would suffer through three great perils. ..wherein the last one would be the worst!” – “He saw thick clouds and red lights covering the U. S.A., and the nations that attack her! – Note: the last one concerns Armageddon, and our nation will be involved in an Atomic War! – He said America will be invaded and burned! – But in the end, victorious! – Evidently this occurs when God intervenes for Israel! – Of course the red lights that he saw predicted that Communism was involved! – He also mentioned Asia, East Europe and Africa!” – “He was born in the 2nd month, the 22nd day! Many things that occurred in his life were in two’s …so it could be by or before 222 years from the date he was shown this that it could actually become a reality before this century ends!”

Catastrophic prophecy in nature – “The late A. C. Valdez, Jr. had visions of coming tragedies to befall the world wherein as he saw them he shook as God revealed the scenes before him!” – “He saw terrifying floods, great walls of waters coming over the cities; huge destructive wind storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc….great earthquakes that shook skyscrapers to the ground, hundreds of thousands died!” –“Then he was carried in the spirit into a great city, it was like walking into a mammoth morgue, he said it was a city of death! – For the people were starving and looked like skeletons – even the little babies -death was everywhere! -The world was in a great famine! He saw all the wheat fields dry up, and all the fruit on the trees fall! – He saw a great depression, greater than ever that came upon the face of the earth!” – “Evidently some of this he saw is near the riding of the apocalyptic horseman! (Rev. 6:5-6) – “Now is the time to give in the gospel, for soon our kind of currency will be no more! -No date was given for his vision, some of it will be fulfilled in the latter 80’s! – My opinion is the rest of it will be fulfilled ultimately in the 90’s!”

A prophetic look – “David Wilkerson was also shown some future prophecy where he saw labor pains in nature completely erratic! – He said earthquakes and world famine will be the greatest matter of concern in the years ahead!” -“He said the United States will receive its biggest earthquakes in history! – He saw great economic crisis coming, but first a false boom! And the dollar value will return some, but like a balloon whose walls get thinner as it gets bigger! – “He felt these things would not all come at once, but in our generation take place!” – (It seems that we are in a period of some of it now, as the Scripts so long ago aptly predicted!) – “He saw terrible immoral conditions closing the age out!”

Prophecy and time -“These events were given in the 12th century by Malachy; in which he said at the end of the age, a Pope would rule for 15 years! -Then one would stand up for a little over a month! We see Pope Paul the VI reign for 15 years and Pope Paul I ruled for a month or so -and died! -After this he said just two more Popes would rule! -One is in office now (1987) and the other one evidently leads or blends into the anti-christ system!” -“In the 15th Century another man saw almost identically the same thing for the end of the age!”- Note: “The Lord has not told me how many Popes we will have, but this I know, the anti-christ is alive now upon the earth! -It is getting near and will be revealed at the appointed time!”

Prophetic sight – J. Blakeley in 1927, saw these things coming in the United States. ..”The human race will be given to vanity, pride and carnal pleasures 90 percent above what they are now…men and women will have no decency in covering themselves before the opposite sex among society folks! -The nation’s women will style themselves in what’s seen upon the stage (movies)! Women in men’s clothing seen everywhere!” -“There will be no place among men to be alone with God except away from civilization in mountains or deserts (to meditate)! -This is certainly true concerning the vexation in our big cities!” -“A genuine Christian to measure up in all the gospel cannot be found in one amongst many thousands that profess it!” -“Accidents of machines of traffic will increase many fold! …Sickness, plagues and disease will sweep people from the earth by the millions! …Men and women in their pleasure will demand shorter hours and triple pay – added time for their luxuries and pleasures!…If it cannot be gotten by labor, they will get it by robbing and stealing from those who have it! …Crime will become the most hedious in all history! …Strong drink (and drugs) will cause the greatest debauchery ever known in this nation! …Crime completely out of order! …The most cruel cases of murder and robbery will become so common, that they will not be noticed or cared about! …Many will commit suicide at the least provocation!” (Notice what is happening among the teenagers lately in this nation!) -“Also a great increase in the murder of unborn infants, because they have no time to raise a child! -It would interfere with their social affairs! – But their society will magnify them for the shrewdness of their murder! (We see all of this daily in the news!) …Women will have no decency of sex, but in their passions will become as mere brutes! Having many partners in a short season! …Men and women will lie with beast, man with man as Sodomites of old! (And we see homosexuals in the news reports daily!) -“Remember all of this was written in 1927! – As the age closes he said the real Christian will be seen as a fanatic and will be persecuted as such!” – “But the real saint who stands the test will be caught up to Jesus and the world will be visited by cataclysmic judgments!”

Prophetic viewpoints – Gordon Lindsay… “Communism working with the anti-christ will be the major cause of the Great Tribulation! – Following that, Red Russia will begin its last hour march toward Armageddon!” -As Ezekiel 38-39 describes, “On the basis of evidential signs he said it appears likely by the end of this century, Red Russia will be no more -only a remnant of her people will be left!”- “He said due to the world’s exploding population, famine, crime wave and violence…the enlargement of Communism including new weapons to destroy, all of these witness and sober judgment based on these facts alone indicate the great show down at Armageddon will probably come before the year 2,000! – He also believed that Atomic War could start by then!” – “It is my opinion that all of these things cannot escape the 90’s!”

Looking through corridors of time – This prophecy was given 500 years ago by M. Shipton! – “A carriage without horse shall go (car appeared in early 1900’s)! …Disaster filled the world with woe (1914, World War I)!…Around the world men’s thoughts shall fly quick as the twinkling of an eye (radio)! …Then tax and blood and cruel war shall come to every humble door (World War II, 1940-45)! …When pictures seem alive with movements free (TV)!…When boats like fishes swim beneath the sea (modern submarines)!…When men like birds shall scour the sky (plane traffic)! …Then half this world be drenched in blood shall die (Armageddon)! …For storms will rage and oceans roar, old worlds shall die and new be born (Millennium)!” – “Some have said she told of different dates, but others said she gave the actual time that all of this would occur by 1999!”

The visions -The late Wm. Branham …”saw for the end of the age, a beautiful but cruel woman stand up in the United States dressed in rich royal attire! (He thought it might be some woman rising in power) but he concluded more so that it was Mystery Babylon controlling this nation and the world!” (Rev. 17:1-5) – “Nearing the return of Christ he foresaw coming into being a bubbletop-type car going down the highway by remote control!” (Evidently he saw a computer electronic type of highway that they are making plans for now!) -“He also saw the terrible immoral conditions of today! -In the vision he saw the United States burning and smoking. ..spread over like volcanic ashes!” (This is the Atomic War to come!) -“He seemed to believe that it would all occur by 1977, or later probability! (We are in 1987, we do not have too much longer for fulfillment!)

Prophetic things to come – “This prophecy was given about 500 years ago and we thought to print it here because it is occurring now! -This unusual phrasing tells us that in 1990 we will see…but we must explain it in the part 2 series! -With an array of other events and quotes, and the Scripts prophecies!

Scroll #145