Prophetic scrolls 144

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 144

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Prophetic time -“From the very beginning the Lord was giving us clues! -He would reveal the season of His return concerning the latter times! -Not the day nor the hour but the appointed season! -In the Old Testament He actually revealed dates concerning important events! -He gave a date for the flood! (Gen. 6:3) -This was His first warning! And as time drew near He told Noah the flood would occur in 7 days! (Gen. 7:4) – It was very accurate; it took place exactly as appointed!”… “450 years later God set a date for the fiery overthrow of Sodom and surrounding cities! In this instance Abraham knew within 24 hours of this judgment! (Gen 18:20-22, 33) -Lot knew the destruction was coming within one night! (Gen. 19: 1, 12-15) – Also the Lord told Abraham that He would ‘not hide’ from him the thing that He was to do! (Gen. 18:17-21) – So the elect will have an understanding of God’s prophetic time clock!” -“He revealed the ‘exact date’ of Isaac’s birth to Abraham! (Gen. 17:21) – He foretold the date that Israel would come out of Egypt! (Gen: 15: 13, 16) –He set the date the Jews would come out of Babylon! “(Jer. 25:11- Dan.9:2) -“God set a date of the exact year that the Lord Jesus would, come as the Messiah! (Dan. 9:25) -And 69 weeks, 7 years per prophetic week, meaning 483 years later this occurred!” -“None of this was hidden in the Old Testament, but was revealed to those who loved God, the prophets! -The Lord also has a date set in His heart for the Translation! -For at the ‘appointed time’ the end shall be! – (We will know the season!)” (Dan. 11:27) -“There are several other timed events the Lord gave to Daniel concerning the rising of the beast power, the Tribulation and the Jews entering the Millennium!” (Read Dan. 12:6-12) -“Jesus said that our days would be like the days of Noah and Lot! And the actual dates were given to both overthrows and etc.!” -“Now we will not know the exact day nor hour, but it will be revealed to the elect ‘very near’ the event of His coming! – And we have given time cycles of ‘the season’ evidently in past Scripts! – And as the Lord reveals we will be writing more concerning the nearness of His appearing! -Our generation should close it out!”

This generation -Luke 21:32 – “The future ahead will bring a time of religious, political and social upheavals of such magnitude that the world will be drawn towards a dictator! -Jesus’ coming is extremely near, the prophetic cycles reveal this! – Plus the signs that are being fulfilled right before our very eyes!” – “My prediction concerning the problems of Oral Roberts and such as what occurred in the PTL Ministries along with other religious upheavals, etc. too many to mention here, came to pass! – But let us pray that God will help those who will let Him!” – “The rapid development in world events reveal to us that only a short period remains for us to work! The rest of the 80’s and early 90’s will surely bring forth some of the most startling events of mankind and fulfilling some of the prophecies already written on the Scrolls!”

Prophetic news – Ezek. 38:5, “reveals a key nation, Persia (Iran), located on Russia’s southern border! In case of war Russia would want Iran’s ports, then they would have access to the Arabian and Indian Oceans, and all south and east sea lanes, and would cut off all oil supply!” -“Just lately according to the news Iran has made an agreement with Russia allowing her to put several large radar systems at the top and bottom of Iran; thereby monitoring the Mideast! -Russia would like to invade the Mideast with her satellite nations, thereby controlling the Arab oil, immense wealth of chemicals from the Dead Sea, control of the Suez Canal – gateway to the riches of the Orient – control of the Indian Ocean and eastern trade routes and the Mediterranean Sea! – Giving open shipping lanes from the Black Sea to all southern and western trade routes!” -“Why would Russia think to do this? – Because they know all through history the empires that commanded the Mediterranean Sea ruled and controlled world trade! ” “It is the center of the earth, but the anti-christ beats them to it and controls this Mideast area first! And later this is partly the cause of Armageddon, the battle over this area!” -“Iran has not fallen into the Russian orbit completely yet, but at the very end of the age she reverses her thoughts and joins the Russian orbit (Ezek. 38:5), along with the other nations that you see listed in this chapter!” – “The news once reported that Russia was building a great gas pipe line that went from the Soviet Union to Eastern and Western Europe! Thereby we see the connection for world trade with Europe and eventually Russia joining the Beast System!”(Rev. 13) – “It is costing them billions, and it should be finished soon! -But also is Russia preparing the road that her armies shall be driven into later? – Russia is building a great railroad deep within Siberia! It is said to be a desolate and barren area! In case of an attack they may think of using this as a way of escape!” – “Nevertheless God gives the answer! …He is going to drive the U.S.S.R. army into a place such as this! – Joel 2:20 reveals such a place! -Also we know that many of the northern army will die on the mountains of Israel (Ezek. 39:2-3), but the rest God will drive into a barren and desolate land!” -“Everything is being prepared and as we near the end of the age events will occur suddenly and swiftly! The later 80’s and early 90’s will be full of apocalyptic events finally into the Great Tribulation!”

Hidden prophecies – “For years I have told of the prophecies in Psalms and different books of the Old Testament! And just of late it was brought to my attention that a minister studying the Psalms saw a prophetic pattern in the first hundred Psalms that corresponded to world events …sometimes on a year to year basis! – Whereby the ‘number of the chapter’ would give ‘the date’ that the event would occur! -These events covering a period over the last hundred years! – I cannot confirm all of this because in some areas of the Psalms it is very dark and couched, but in other areas of the Psalms it does reveal the actual occurrence!” -“For example, Psalm 17 they say describes the capture of Jerusalem in 1917 by General Allenby! This actually occurred then, and the first inkling of the Jews homeland was in sight! Shadowing Wings (read Isa. 31:5)!”-They say Psalms 32-44, “describes the rise of Adolph Hitler along with a Holocaust which engulfed 6 million Jews from 1932-44! – But I also believe that David was describing the past judgments in Babylon and Egypt, plus when they were driven out by the Roman sword! -And no doubt the final judgment conclusion age ending!” -“Psalm 73 described the 1973 Yom Kippur War! -Then they say Palms 77-81 depicted Israel’s Peace Treaty with Egypt and the following assassination of Anwar Sadat! – Continuing they say Psalms 82 and 83 foretold the 1982-83 war in Lebanon …Psalm 83 they say even names the enemy in that war! These are just a few examples they say that took place in the last 87 years!” – “In Psalm 48, we see this evidently mentioned the rebirth of Israel in 1948! Verse 2, reveals what a beautiful situation! Verse 8, tells that God will establish it! Verse 13, says tell it to the following generation! Also in Psalms 46 and 47 it shows the coming unto the Time of their birth in happiness! Psalm 47:9, shows that the Jews gathered together again! Remember in Psalm 48, it says that they will only be able to tell it through to only one generation! ” – “When Jesus describing the parable of the Fig Tree He also allotted only one generation until all be fulfilled!” (Luke 21:32) -“But what does the Psalms tell us about the next 14 years! -They say Psalm 87 speaks of the revealing of the identity of Mystery Babylon and the appearance of the rich harlot of Rev. 17! – No doubt as our prophecies said, much is to occur concerning this in the near future!” – “(My interpretation) of Psalm 91, speaks of the noisesome pestilence spreading over the earth! …Some believe that this could even include the AIDS disease and other plagues! -But it mentions noisesome which would mean explosions! (Verse 3) -Also this chapter mentions arrows, like missiles! (Verse 5) -Verse 6 mentions the pestilence in darkness and destruction at noonday! -So this would do away with just the disease part! -And it shows on the order of a chemical war!” (Verse 7) – “In fact this chapter could be describing the 90’s leading to Armageddon! (Read Verses 8-9) – Plus atomic fallout in the earlier verses!” – “Now leaping forward to Psalm chap. 99, reveals the Lord is sitting between the cherubims like some great ending has taken place (year date 99)! -For we remember He comes at the end of the age in whirling chariots of fire!” (Isa. 66: 14-16) – “Now if surely the Psalms is speaking of this then the Church always leaves much earlier! -And there’s the shortening of time, etc. ! – But remember, Abraham was 99 when the chariots of the Lord passed over Sodom and it was destroyed! (Gen. 17:1) -And by the way Abraham saw this chariot!” (Gen. 15:17) – “Also Psalm 100 ending the century …new things beginning like the Millennium end then Verse 5 ends with, his truth endureth to all generations! -We cannot say that everything in these Psalms are in perfect date and order, but we know much is and they seem to be following and paralleling the Scripts which gives us a good pattern of things to come!” – “The next 50 Psalms gives added information to the past Psalms and future Millennium!”

Scroll #144