Prophetic scrolls 142

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 142

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The living word – Deut. 32: 1-2, “Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth! My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass! -Ver.29. O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end!” – “Yes, there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets and uncovers the hidden things, and opens up unto us the apocalyptic future of things to come now entering the latter times!- He knows from the beginning unto the end!” – “And the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy! -Rev.19:10, in this ending era!”

After the flood – “The first kingdom rising in rebellion against God was Babel. This apostate civilization sprung up and flourished in the land of Babylon! – They built a tower in defiance of God and whose top reached into heaven and a name to make them famous! (Gen. 11:4-6) – The Lord said, ‘the people is one and now nothing will be restrained from them which they imagined to do!’” – “So we see they united together in one accord to do this, but the Most High came down and interrupted their program from being completed! – And now in our age man is also coming together pooling his knowledge (by electronics) to go deeper in the heavens to make themselves famous….But the Lord God said, ‘tho they exalt themselves in the heavens I will bring them down again!’”-“And their space weapons will be destroyed! …So from the seed sown by Satan in Babel at that time has come all the evil of mystical and commercial Babylon!” Vr. 9, “reveals the Lord confounded their languages that they did not understand one another! -But now they say by the new computers anyone will be able to understand all languages by the press of a button it will be interpreted unto them! Later uniting all people into one global system by modern technology!” -Vr. 6, “and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do! …O that they would consider their latter end!”

Continuing – “Another step forward in progress…men now plan to develop computer systems so advanced that they will make today’s inventions look like relics! -The new generation computers will use microscopic circuits. But the real key they say to this super computer is artificial intelligence, being researched now! -These new generation computers will even be able to fit into telephones. Text and pictures will be reviewed on video screens attached to the phones…for daily business and etc.! -Various types of new computers are being revealed every few months or yearly! -Combining laser optics and computers, 3-dimensional holographic images will bring pictures into living rooms with life-like clarity! -The anti-Christ will use this fantasy of light and electronics for his own purpose to be worshipped! ”

Continuing – the spirit of prophecy – “The air terminals, highways, trains, police, fire departments and our cities and homes will be controlled by electronics and the new computers! – We are entering the era of advanced technologies! – Dramatic changes are coming for the whole world’s population! – But it is the new generation bio-computers and the artificial life super computer that man claims will solve all of their problems! – The Japanese seem to think this, too!” -“Under the system of the world dictator it may look like this for awhile! – Like Daniel, the prophet, said, craft shall prosper in his hand and prosperity will come forward out of chaos!” – “But this is the problem…man will put all of his trust in these machines, until they are finally controlled by electronics and computers!”(Rev.13:16-17) – “And again the spirit of prophecy says, O that they would consider their latter end!” -“As ye well know satan is an angel of light. For what looks good at first becomes evil in its final course! ”

Nearing the apocalypse – “A prophetic insight! …Out of what seemed like some dark lurid cloud of delusion emerged a great united church system that had combined together into a world authority! -And this system had a voice that ruled in politics and world affairs. It seemed to come out of a type of revolution, famine and wars! -The peoples’ hands were reaching out towards a peaceful looking, but dictator strong man who captivated their imaginations; and whom they elevated to world rule! -They were wild in anticipation that he was the man to save them out of chaos and troubles! -They were drunk on his influence and intoxicated by his words! -He received more strength and power from the people and the nations. …Finally he cried out, the earth is but my foot stool! – For he said he was greater than all gods!” -“Little by little he was inflamed in his own madness! – People lost all rights, property and individualism! -When his true colors were shown, he was satan’s man of doom! -An economic boycott took place. People who did not worship him were starved and killed! – The most heinous evil ever seen began covering the earth! ” – “Several things that stood out for me were at first how the people desperately reached out for him. They were fearful of certain events and somehow believed he had the solution to their problems! – It seemed the world entered this stage rather quickly and suddenly…the intensity being powerful! – I feel this person is alive and doing certain events now, but not revealed! – I will write more on this later!”

Before the above can take place there are yet some important events to occur! -“We are entering the decade of shock and the future is electrifying! -The United States is also involved in the above situation, and in the final conclusion she will weep and howl! – For in another vision atomic desolation reached her shores in apocalyptic fire as the cinders of her burning reached high above the earth!”-“Surely before all of this, is our hour to swiftly bring in the harvest!- We shall move forward each day to save souls! -For He will translate His redeemed people soon!” – “For yea saith the Lord, they shall be watchful, they shall be awake and expecting My soon return!”

Prophecy continues – “As you have noticed the Lord has moved upon me to write a lot about this world system lately. …It is vital and important to do this because it is drawing very near and the Lord is forewarning us!” -“Let us go into an interesting subject and see what will be unveiled! – Rev. 13: 18 in relating, it says, here is wisdom. It says let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast. It goes on to depict that it is the number of a man, and that it is 666! -The wisdom is we see that the Lord is using numbers; meaning to calculate! -So this alone gives us understanding that electronic computers will be associated to this numerical system! -Whose number is this?” -“In the English it is 600 -060 -006!…In the Greek the letters look like this X -E -S …In the Roman it is DC -LX -VI! -Now on Patmos John, the revelator, wrote in Greek and described a revived Roman beast in Rev. 13. Now John saw in the vision the number 666, but in what language? -He knew Hebrew and Greek and probably Arabic! – But no matter how he saw it, he wrote it in the Greek. Besides the number, there is an International mark and name. An those who receive any of these 3 are doomed (Vr. 17) – Evidently the letters of numerical value will spell the name of the beast…The revelator seems to be telling us that the mark, name and the number of the beast will mean one and the same thing when it is added together!” – “The mark is the seal of ownership and depicts that the one who takes it, belongs to satan!” – “Ages ago, a gospel writer named Dr. Seiss, studying the number evidently using the Greek interpretation, said the mark seemed to be like unto a crooked serpent! – Of course it’s speculation, but we know that is the symbol of satan! -And the first anti-christ type was Cain and he had a mark on him of some sort!” – “It will be a rebellious mark in contempt of the Lord Jesus!” – “The Bible says, Jesus came in God’s name and they rejected Him, but the anti-christ would come in his earthly name and they will receive him! (John 5:43) – “More will be written on this later, but it does give us additional understanding concerning the subject! – Also there are certain numerical cycles associated to the number 666 as the age closes out. And beforehand certain events will take place leading right up to this number, and even afterwards in the space of 666 days certain events will occur each time leading to the Millennium (see scroll #138, 7th paragraph)!” -“For prophetic purposes this number also was used in the book of Revelation! -Also in its numerical value of cycles one may well tell just about the season it could be given! -But one thing for certain, we know the mark occurs right after the Translation! -One other thing, this mark will never be able to touch those whose names are in the Lamb’s Book of Life. ..those who love and believe in Jesus!”

Continuing – “Some people believe they have all the time in the world, but according to the Scriptures and what I have seen, it will come suddenly and as a snare!” – “Remember this, just before the Translation in the midst of a great spiritual stirring will come terrible persecution against those who preach the whole truth and those who have the faith!” -” This persecution will come from the lukewarm apostates who have been deceived, and love not the truth! -But this too is ‘a sign’ to let the true believers know that the trumpet of God is about to sound for them as they are caught up in rapturous joy! ” – “Yea, for it is true, for in an hour ye think not, the Lord cometh!-Be ye also ready and prepared; take not this script lightly, but let My Word sink into thine heart!” – Amen! – “Soon the voice will say, Go ye out to meet Him!” – If one goes back to the first paragraph of this Scroll they can certainly see what the Lord means!”

Scroll #142