Prophetic scrolls 140

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 140

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Noah’s ark and prophecy – Update! -“According to the news many of those trying to get back in and to discover Noah’s Ark have been prevented by the Russian and Turkish governments. Much of the Christian people are fascinated by the reports of the ancient Ark lodged near Mount Ararat!”- Those who have been there relate it like this! -“They say is not on the main mountain but across from it in a valley between the mountain and this hill where they found the object! -There was a great earthquake years ago that caused the Ark to slide in this position surrounded by an ice glacier! -The same object was originally photographed by a U-2 pilot back in the late 50’s! – The shape of it is exactly as the Bible described it they say!”- “The Scriptures record the Ark rested upon the ‘mountains’ of Ararat! (Gen. 8:4) -And this is where it has been located! …Should this all be true then God preserved the Ark for a sign in our generation! – Jesus said, ‘As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be again in our time!’ – This included many other signs too, revealing His soon return!” -“In a situation like this we leave this type of sign in the hands of God…only He can truly allow it to be revealed!”

Prophetic cycles and waves of the future -“As I’ve often predicted, it seems we are being revisited by the 20’s and 30’s and many others are now voicing the same opinion! -The decade 20’s has been called wild and gay, a time of debauchery and decadence! -It was the time of the flapper and the Charleston, of the spit curls and the speakeasies and liquor!”- “Today they have the bitch look hair style…also drugs and alcohol have become a curse across the nation…great gambling dives (speakeasies) today like unto Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Paris!” -“Prostitution is more widely spread than in the 20’s! – With addition of oral sex and can be seen in the back alley streets of our large cities! -Where liquor was the rage then, today cocaine and crack rule in the streets!”

The 20’s were a time of careless confidence, the Stock Market was booming, boasting that prosperity was throughout the land with no end in sight! – Until October 1929 and the crash swept them into a Great Depression!” -“Famine in parts of the world, droughts, dust bowls and floods occurred (weather patterns were out of order) and today we see the same!” -“Amie McPhearson, a sign of Pentecost, was the talk of the country! -We see Pentecost today standing out as a sign again concerning healing, etc., the same as Amie!” -“We see the same signs reoccurring in our time! –The stock market booming, they say it’s the time of building and prosperity!-It was the days of Al Capone (the underworld)! -Today it is the Maffia with great underworld control! -The banks failed during that time and many banks are failing today that the government is proping up!” …”In the 30’s it was the day’s of John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Machine Gun Kelly and Bonnie and Clyde! -And there are more banks being robbed now, than there were in their day! –Also it was the time of the new deal and a new money system by a new president!

Prophecy continuing –“Jesus said our day would finally be likened unto Sodom and Gomorrah wherein there was great commercial activity, a giant building boom was occurring. Like the 20’s and now, prosperity was in the air, no time in history was better, the future was rose colored, upward growth was a certainty, but we know a time of reckoning came!” – “The gay community was in the news daily then, and the same in our day! …The morals were at rock bottom! …As predicted, the news reports an era of change in sexual morality is now developing in America, because of the pill and abortions among the youth! (Even teenagers are caught up in this dilemma!)” -Quote: “The nation is heading into a time of sexual anarchy! Girls 10 and 12 years old are users and also have had abortions; plus the taking of drugs! ” -“During our age of apostasy there will be a short, quick and powerful revival!” -“But before the ending of the 90’s our world will not be the same world that we see now! -It is ripening for judgment. The evidence before us is that before the turning of the century this present civilization will, as did Sodom, pass away! -Jesus paints us a prophetic picture!” (Luke 17:28-30)

Cycles due to repeat – “In mentioning the above concerning the two ages, we could add many more signs of that time, reoccurring again today! …We believe the stage is being set for a replay, only it will be on a grander scale of events!” -“Remember after all of those events occurred in their day the terrible World War II loomed ahead ending with Atomic destruction (Japan)! -And after the world suffers a great financial crises it will return to prosperity, but again as then, Armageddon will be the great war ending in Atomic desolation worldwide! Communism working with the anti-christ will be the major cause of the Great Tribulation and the coming battle at that time!”

Strange signs -“Some people are trying to take a short cut to heaven, it won’t work!” – News quote: “The government administration gave its okay to a private firm’s proposal to launch cremated human remains into space, turning ashes to star dust!”- “The first will be sent up by the space services 1,900 miles high! -But later it says they can send their loved ones beyond the moon into deep space! – But what do the Scriptures say? Amos 9:2, ‘Though they climb up to heaven hence will I bring them down!’ The Lord foretold of this and men being in space thousands of years ago! In Deut. 30:4, ‘Even if men go to the out most parts of heaven, hence will the Lord fetch them again! ’” -“It reveals no one will escape the Lord’s hand, when He calls them from the sea and earth, and those left in the heavens, He will bring them also! – All shall stand before the White Throne regardless of their former location!” – “This is one more indication that Jesus is coming soon!”

Super science – the future – “We are entering an age now of super science where much will be done in a few years. Because the rule of the anti-christ is short, only 7 years to do all of his subtle work!” – “Super science will produce a cashless society and a computer identification mark! -We are drifting steadily towards global control!-And because he has but a short time, he will ride the progress of science in electronics; using sensors, lasers and ultra computers, not only for business and technology, but finally for war!” – “Even today in several test areas they are starting to use what they call electronic food stamps! …Saying this will replace paper food coupons in an effort to reduce fraud and etc.! And during the coming world food shortage a system will be set up in similarity! -A mark associated to electronic computers!”- “Despite advanced technology hunger is spreading worldwide, it is said one bad harvest could effect the entire world’s food economy! -International energy demand is also increasing to double proportions! – Currencies are depreciating! –The Middle East and some nations are secretly hoarding gold and silver!…Ancient art prices are beyond people’s belief!” – “The anti-christ though not revealed is already involved in events! -We see prophetic events casting their shadows before! -There is gradual subtle workings underneath that will suddenly rise and take the world in its snare!”

The generation climaxing – “As we have seen since the budding of the Fig Tree (Israel) the following years from 1946-48 marked the beginning of Israel’s 70th Jubilee, the number of fulfillment! -And the 49 years that follow that Jubilee without a doubt will prove to be the most important period in World History!” – “We also notice in other cycles that both the 40 year cycles and the 65 year cycles reach culmination at the same point! – The apostasy judgment cycle and the seven times cycle all point to this time conjunction!” – “Plus many other time measures are crossing at the same point!…So we see the late 80’s and 90’s will be the most significant period in our World History! -In other words it seems that time is running out concerning the Nations! – Now is the time of repentance and harvest! -Because in the period mentioned in this Scripture could take place! -Matt. 24:22, ‘Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved!’ – But right now it is the time for us to rejoice and give thanks, for our redemption is even at the door!” -“Jesus soon return is inevitable! – Praise Him!”

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