Prophetic scrolls 139

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 139

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Prophecy fulfilling – “As we notice earthquakes are taking place more than ever in all history in many parts of the world. A definite sign of the displeasure of the Lord concerning the nations and positively reveals His soon return!”- “As the Scripts predicted, great killer quakes were coming with great destruction and loss of lives. This occurred in Mexico and etc. -And now, as predicted, one has just struck the Middle East area with loss of lives and property damage! -The earth is preparing for a pole shift, a tremendous shaking worldwide!” -“Other events reveal this to us as listed below!”

The fiery prediction –“Our weather patterns have gradually been changing, huge plates are moving underneath the sea! – Volcanoes have been exploding all over the earth, two new ones in Alaska and Mexico! -Evidently we are entering the age of continuous volcanic activity at different intervals! …These events were foretold in our Scrolls! …All of these different things will lead to a cataclysmic pole shift! -This will cause the earth to tumble back and forth! – This will occur in our generation! ” – Isa. 24: 19-20, “writes of just a situation…and I predict that before this, Japan, the Mid East and parts of the United States including California will have some terrifying and mighty quakes of destruction! -Some of this may take place in the 90’s, but I’m sure some powerful shakenings will take place in the rest of the 80’s! …Along with some International crises that are coming!” – ”The Geophysical and social cataclysms will increase during the time of the anti-christ and will climax in Armageddon and the Great Day of the Lord! – Also according to the news a great ice glacier is out of control in Alaska and is moving across the earth and changing the directions of rivers and lakes as it goes! -Scientists say that when it finally stops it will have changed the entire area where it is moving! -They say one of the greatest phenomenons of this 20th Century!” – Evidently God allowed volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in Alaska to shake it loose as a sign! – Also plates are moving under the Pacific Coast poised to begin some enormous shaking in the future! – In fact in our era the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now! – And we the first fruits of the Spirit are waiting for the redemption of our body! (Rom. 8:22-23, 28-29) – Paul was seeing the future of our exact day!”

The prophetic lightning -“Scientists have never understood the complete causes of lightning; now they say they do and that the cause of lightning is generated by ice crystals! ” -Quote: …”how much charge is transferred and which way…turns out to depend on the speeds at which the hailstones and ice crystals are growing….The hailstones fall, while the ice crystals are carried up….Near the top of the cloud, where it is colder…the hailstones are negatively charged and carry their charge downwards. Near the bottom of the cloud it is warmer and so the charge goes the other way: the negatively charged ice crystals carry their charge back up. The top and bottom of the cloud become positive; the middle becomes negative. It is this strong negative charge that discharges to earth in a lightning strike!” – “I believe personally there is more to it than just that! – Evidently the sun leaves a certain type of energy in the air that works with magnetic forces and when the temperature changes and the clouds appear, then it produces giant sparks of lightning! -You might say, fire and ice working together with other elements! Apocalyptic lightning was involved in one of the plagues!” – Exodus 9:23-24, “And the Lord sent thunder and ‘hail’ and the ‘fire’ (lightning) ran along the ground! – So fire was mingled with hail! -There was none like it in all Egypt since it became a nation!” – “Of course in different Scriptures in the Bible we see supernatural lightning around the Throne!-It is associated to judgment, future events and things to come!” (Rev. 16:18 – Rev. 4:5) -“Also somehow man will manipulate the lightning and the weather for a super weapon during Armageddon! – Ezek. 38:9,22, reveals something of these events!” -Rev. 16:21, “ice blocks a hundred pounds each!” (Read the Vision 3rd para. Scr. #125).

The deadly future – ‘Many Scriptures reveal unto us that chemical warfare will be used in the Battle of Armageddon! – Here is one that is often overlooked and may just well speak of this!”- Rev, 9:2, “An ominous and disastrous picture is revealed before us!…Wherein out of a great pit, smoke filled the air! – Evidently this type was of the most tormenting form! Verse 6. – Also the chapter reveals many other events of the supernatural and of warfare! – Whatever it was nothing like it had been seen before!” – Rev. chap. 6, “depicted the anti-christ, war, famine, death and hell! -The Greek word in the original text for Pale is Chlorous, where we derive the word chlorine! -It is yellowish-green colored gas used in chemical warfare! -Atomic radiation is also a poisonous gas! -All of this will be used during the Russian invasion! -And all the prophets say, nothing shall prevent the battle that is coming!”

The last days – “We have witnessed the overthrow of governments and leaders as the Scripts predicted, and as you no doubt saw or heard on the news. As well as the terrorist attacks. The Scripts predicted a cloud of fear would hang over the nations, and this is true concerning many of the world’s airports! …Also concerning the vision of the fireball that went across and the top of Africa, etc. -And this is where the United States dropped its fiery bombs on Quaddafi’s Libya! -Even now it is a touchy area where they say severe trouble could break out concerning Africa and the Middle East area, as well as the United States forces in the Mediterranean! – Also we must remember across the other side of Africa is the region where so many people were poisoned by gas and died coming out of an ancient volcanic lake! -The vision is proving true, plus much more is yet to occur!” -“We are in the last days! – And Jesus said in Matt. 24, ‘there shall be pestilence and earthquakes!’ – And they say an earthquake is what loosened the ground so that the gas (pestilence) came out, bringing sudden death to even the animals of this area!

In the latter times – “As predicted we have seen a powerful crime wave across the United States, including every type of lawlessness one can imagine! -Also causing much of the problem is the subtle force of drugs upon our society! -Even the president and our government are baffled that they cannot do more to stop it. The news says, ‘the more they do, it seems the worse it gets!’-It is claimed cocaine and crack are virtually wipeing out a vast amount of our youth! – So the government is taking some new steps, but it is already like a cancer eating away at our nation, and at this stage it will be hard to stop! -In fact it will help pave the way for the anti-christ system!”… “It also seems that the new acid rock and punk music is working right along with the drug scene! -The music creates perversion, debauchery and a no-care attitude! -It causes them to worship it in a kind of a madness and spell of a charmer! – One magazine said the definition of many types of this music is blues euphemism, meaning sexual intercourse! -And they said the sexual intercourse is taking over our youth, it is invading in every section! ”

In our earliest scrolls and other literature -“We predicted among many other things that the music would lead to a type of worship, a world of fantasy and make believe; leading finally to idols and orgies! – Much of this we have already seen come to pass and the conditions are worsening!” – Also evidently Dan. 3:1, 5, gives us a prophetic view of the end time! -Notice in verse 5 it says all kinds of music, and it was associated to idolatry! –The very thing that we mentioned above! – The words to remember are, ‘We are in the last days!’ – ‘Pray for our youth!’ -‘0 Lord God send upon them a mighty revival wherein many souls shall be saved!’ ” – “All of these dreadful events we see occurring around the nations today, and the world’s desperate fear of nuclear holocaust is setting the stage for the takeover by a world-wide peacemaking dictator!…But who in reality is just the opposite in his final activities! ” – “He will come talking peace, prosperity, plenty and that he alone has the answer to their problems and the world crises! – But leads them down the road to a fiery doom! -Their fantasy with him will turn into a nightmare of strong delusion!”

Religion and politics –“The Scripts predicted the rising of charismatic figures and the coming of a charismatic leader! …Just lately several are interested in running for the presidency! -One of the leaders is Pentecostal and his father was a former senator! –And he also has many religious and political followers! – We will write more concerning this subject later!” the foreshadows – “As we know Pope John Paul quite awhile back was wounded, and did live! -This is revealing in ‘the future’ that another prophecy will take place that concerns the anti-christ – wherein he was wounded ‘unto death ‘ and in some strange way he did live! (Rev. 13:3) -And all the world wondered after him!” -“We know ‘the other part’ of this prophecy was that when pagan Rome was wounded, papal Rome lived in its place! -But this speaks of a man, and of this present age of the dictator! – Because verse 1 tells us the ten horns are crowned (complete kingdom)! -So sometimes prophetic events cast their shadows before! -Watch and pray, the hour is late!”- “Once God is rejected by society, worship of satan is close behind!-And anti-Christ will become the state religion of the whole earth!”

The foreshadows – “As we know Pope John Paul quite awhile back was wounded, and did live! -This is revealing in ‘the future’ that another prophecy will take place that concerns the anti-christ – wherein he was wounded ‘unto death ‘ and in some strange way he did live! (Rev. 13:3) -And all the world wondered after him!” -“We know ‘the other part’ of this prophecy was that when pagan Rome was wounded, papal Rome lived in its place! -But this speaks of a man, and of this present age of the dictator! – Because verse 1 tells us the ten horns are crowned (complete kingdom)! -So sometimes prophetic events cast their shadows before! -Watch and pray, the hour is late!”- “Once God is rejected by society, worship of satan is close behind!-And anti-Christ will become the state religion of the whole earth!”

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