Prophetic scrolls 138

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 138

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


World history predetermined — “As foretold by Dan. chap. 8 and Rev. chap. 13 the Scriptures reveal a new super confederacy will surface in Europe. According to prophecy a ‘Little Horn’ will rise and bring this under control including the Middle East, eventually sitting in the ‘Jewish Temple’ claiming that he is God!” (II Thess. 2:4) — “This personality is alive now only awaiting the proper time to manifest! — The Ten Kings and the Common Market will play a great role in the coming events, so will Israel! — Profound events on the Scrolls have already revealed world shaking events, but in the future even more events will occur that will literally shake the foundations of society preparing the way for new changes!” — “The handwriting is on the wall and the world dictator shall have power over all kindreds, tongues and nations!” (Rev. 13:7) — “You say what about the U.S:A.? — Well we have written this in order to bring out our next article!”

The U.S.A. in prophecy — “The revelation forecast says all tongues and nations, so therefore we know that the United States is not left out of this diabolical control! (Rev. 13:11-13) — Let us look into something very interesting! It has been said that the average main life of the world’s great civilizations lasted about 200 years and during this period of time, progressed gradually from phase to phase this way, from bondage to spiritual faith! (True concerning the people of this nation!)” — “From faith to great courage!. . . And from courage to liberty! . . . From there to abundance . . . from abundance to selfishness!. . . And then from this to complacency, then to apathy! … From here to dependence. . . to much socialism and government!” — “You might say credit leading to. . . to much debt!” — “According to the news the people of this nation and the government are in debt almost 8 trillion dollars! From dependency back into bondage!” (Read again verses 11-18) — “Wherein the lamb speaks like the dragon before it!” — “This bondage will be none other than the mark of slavery to the world system. . . working also with Rev. 17:1-5!” — “My prediction is that one day a leader will rise in this nation that will deceive the people and work with this system seizing the hearts of the people and shewing forth great wonders to come! And after great chaos and crises will practice and prosper with the anti-christ system!” — “The U.S.A. celebrated its 200th birthday in 1976! In this year, 1986, it is 210 years old! And everything about our nation is declining in value — money, morals, homes, families, churches (apostasy), etc.! The U.S.A. is entering the last stage that we spoke about! Time is running out!”

The lady symbolizing freedom — “A hundred years after we received the Statue of Liberty and on the U.S.A.’s 210th birthday, the nation celebrated its freedom shown on all T.V. networks, the Statue of Liberty standing in the harbor of New York (this city a type of Babylon)! What we would like to bring out is that the Statue of Liberty is prophetic concerning the future of this nation!” — “As you know they redid and restructured the statue bringing changes inward and outward in what they felt was newness! But we notice on one side of the woman’s face was left some dark stains running down that they could not or did not remove!” — “Now the point is, this whole thing reveals in the future — the U.S.A. will undergo changes — will be redone and new pieces added into it and etc.! But the stain of sin will remain in this nation! — It has been said in reports that the man who was responsible for the Statue of Liberty, drew, styled and designed the looks of the statue after two women — his mother and his prostitute mistress! If true, this would be shocking indeed! — Nevertheless, liberty will be turned into bondage according to prophecy! One more note… at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty are large chains around the woman’s feet bolted into concrete! This symbolizes freedom will finally be imprisoned and merge into and be controlled by Rev. 17:1-5!” — “The U.S.A. is well over its 200th birthday and while some things look real good on the outside, underneath the foundation is rapidly decaying! The hour is late!” — “While we have seen great quakes, famine, storms, etc. and some of the above, the Comet passed over in 1986!” — “Dramatic changes and powerful events are coming concerning this nation and parts of the world! The 80’s will blow out into the stormy 90’s. . . the age of fantasy leading to the doom! Watch!” — “Jesus can come for His elect at any time!”

The population explosion — “Jesus said at His coming, it would be like the days of Noah! And Gen. chap. 6, reveals that men were multiplying quickly and violence filled the land! Identically to what is occurring today! According to the news in July the world population reached over 5 billion people, and evidently if time allows, in the 90’s it will be over 6 billion! What a sign Jesus gave!” — “With this much population and the withdrawal of rain we can see a world food shortage looming ahead of us, as the Scripts predicted years ago! And according to the Scriptures this population will be greatly reduced!” — Rev. 6:8, “reveals the pale horse of death sweeps away 1/4th! Rev. 9:18, just one of the great trumpet judgments will take away a third more! Then in Rev. chap. 16 many more will be blown away as the chaff! So the great population expansion within itself is a remarkable sign the age is ending and violence is associated with it!” — “Jesus said, ‘Surely I come quickly,’ before closing the book of Revelation! The word ‘surely’ means that you can count on it!”

The future — “Because of so large a population, computers will be used to keep track of the people!” — “Computerized money, all transactions will be electronic! Finally, according to Rev. 13: 16-17, a cashless society, electronically controlled!” — “The wizard’s mark on the forehead or hand! Later in the future the dollar and world currencies will be phased out and replaced by a new form!”

Prophetic shadows — “Sometimes future events cast their shadows before! A few years ago, according to reports, every Arab car in Israel or Jerusalem was issued on its license plate the first 3 digits of 666! Because the Jews said in case of war they would know exactly which vehicle belonged to the Arabs, and could be quickly identified!” — “So we see in the not too distant future this number will be associated to the anti-christ name and world events!”

Numbers in cycles and prophecy — “In the past we have noticed events occur in cycles and according to so many days and so many years!” — “Here is an amazing cycle! — We will begin with the phase. . . 6 x 666 days from the signing of the armistice of World War I, 1918 came the Stock Market Crash and we were swept in the Great Depression! (This is an opinion, but according to man’s economic cycles, about 60 years from the date 1929 — give or take a little — could come another crash and a real economic crisis! If so, accordingly, one could see events leading up to this earlier in advance!” — I will give my own prophecy on this later!) — “And from the Armistice 8x 666 through 10 and 12 cycles of 666 days — included the New Deal Government — Supreme Court changes — the forming of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis!” — “And from 1918 Armistice exactly 14 x 666 days later (June 6, 1944) came the D-Day invasion of Europe and the falling of Hitler’s iron fortress!”

Prophetic news reports — “According to the prophetic Scrolls there will be unusual changes in nature, people and etc.! And that boys and girls would be maturing quickly and sexually! According to a magazine’s intelligence report, a 9-year-old girl gave birth to a healthy 7 lb. daughter. . . the father was a 16-year-old boy! This occurred in Brazil! We don‘t know if this is the cause, but one of the things that has been in the news from Latin America is the children are maturing very fast, the doctors say it is because of so many chemicals and hormones put in the feed that fattens the cattle very quickly for market!” —“They noticed that some boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 12 were maturing way too soon! In some cases fully developed! Of course this creates early desires that leads them into sexual problems, sin and prostitution!” — “This is also occurring in the United States and different parts of the world. These same events concerning young children occurred in Sodom and Gomorrah! It seems the world is ripening fast towards a fiery overthrow!”

Strange events — “According to the news, 6 Soviet Cosmonauts said they witnessed the most awe-inspiring spectacle ever encountered in space! — A band of 7 glowing angels with mighty wings was seen from the orbiting space station! They were 7 giant figures in human-like form, but with wings and mist-like halos! Their faces were round with cherubic smiles!” — “If they are really telling the truth, look at it from the point, the magazine said — they at least had proof of life in the hereafter!”

Other events — “Some scientists are hearing unusual sounds in the earth, the heavens and in the sea! Could this be a sign or foreshadow of the Scripture! Rev. 10:6-7, ‘Wherein it says time shall be no longer, and when he shall begin to sound the mystery of God is finishing up’! We cannot confirm everything that is heard or seen, but we do know amazing events are closing this age!”

Scroll #138©