Prophetic scrolls 137

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 137

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The revelation of the resurrections — “There are two main major resurrections and the Scriptures also reveal unto us what happens in between these two inevitable events!” — “God’s Word is infallible concerning these important cycles where the dead will live again! — The first resurrection definitely has an order!” I Cor. 15:22-23, “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all he made alive! — But every man in his own order: Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at His coming!” — Rev. 20:5-6, “reveals there is a resurrection of the righteous and a resurrection of the wicked! — The two resurrections are separated by a period of a thousand years!” (John 5:28-29) — “The resurrection follows an order of events which we shall note. . . . First there was the resurrection of Jesus, and became the first fruits of them that slept! (I Cor. 15:20) — Next, the first fruits of the Old Testament saints! The Scriptures depict this as taking place at Christ’s resurrection. And the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept AROSE! — (Matt. 27:51-52)

The end of our age resurrection — “As the Lord revealed the resurrection of the saints of the Old Testament, then too, in our age there is a first fruits rapture and resurrection of the New Testament saints! — This is practically upon us now!” (Rev. 12:5 — Matt. 25:10 — Rev. 14:1) — “This latter group is a definite inner-circle of the wise and Bride. For they are definitely not Hebrews found in Rev. chap. 7:4! — Nevertheless they are the special group within the first fruits saints!” — “Are these they who made the ‘midnight cry’ unto the wise to awake?” (Matt. chap. 25) — I Thess. 4:13-17, “reveals that we are caught up ‘with those’ who rise from the grave into another dimension to meet the Lord in the air! . . . It says, ‘the dead in Christ shall rise first’! — For a few days will they be able to witness to some of the very elect yet alive like they did in the time of Christ’s resurrection!” (Matt. 27:51-52) — For it says in I Thess. 4:16, “that they rise first among us! — Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up ‘together’ with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air! And so shall we ever be with the Lord!” — “It says, they were ‘raised first,’ and that they will only appear with those who are going to be translated! — We can not be definite how, but we do know that it will take place! — But it definitely sounds like Paul says that we ‘got together’ before elect was taken up! — The world will not see the translation or these events!”

The translation — foreshadows — “As God took Enoch, He took Elijah. There was a purpose in the translation of these two men! — They are a type of the saints who will be alive and translated at the coming of the Lord! — Moses died and was resurrected again! (Jude 1:9) — He is a type of those who died and are resurrected at Christ’s coming! — Now Moses was seen talking with Elijah a type of the translated saint at the Transfiguration! (Luke 9:30) — And both of these men were talking to Christ before His resurrection and translation.!”… “Also evidently after the translation people may try to search for those who have disappeared, but they cannot find them! For Heb. 11:5 declares that Enoch was not found — meaning that there was a search on! — Also the sons of the prophets searched for Elijah after he was caught up in a chariot of fire! (II Kings 2:11, 17) — Before we go any further let‘s follow through on events that follow the ‘first’ resurrection!”

The harvest resurrection — “There is a difference and the Scriptures reveals that it clearly takes place! — These are the Tribulation saints and they make up the later harvest standing before the Throne of God in Rev. 15:2! — It says having gotten victory over the beast and his mark! . . . It also mentions them in Rev. 7:13-14 as coming out of Great Tribulation! — And then again for one last infallible confirmation in Rev. 20:4-5, where it said they gave their life during the Tribulation for the Word of God! — Even though they died during the Tribulation, they are still considered in the first resurrection! (Verse 5) . . . Because it says the rest of the dead live not for a thousand years later!”

Continuing — “Now the elect translation and resurrection took place years earlier! — But when does the Tribulation resurrection take place? — Evidently it takes place during the resurrection of the ‘two witnesses’ who were slain by the beast as seen in Rev. 11:11-12! … Being raised to life, they ascend to heaven! — Evidently this is when the others who died in the faith are raised too! — For we cannot refute Rev. 20:4-5! . . . For in all of this we see in God’s divine mercy, they are not considered in the resurrection at the White Throne! — For they are still considered in the first resurrection! . . . For proof read Rev. 20:6! ” – “Also what about those if some die during the Millennium? — Although life is greatly lengthened, some may die! (Isa. 65:20, 22) — If they are the seed of God, then they will be considered in the first resurrection!”

The great white throne resurrection of the wicked dead! — “Now this takes place a thousand years later than the very first resurrection of the raptured saints of our age!” — Rev. 20:11, “reveals that all the dead are raised for the final judgment! (verses 12-14) — It says all those whose names were ‘not’ in the Book of Life were cast into the lake of fire!” — “We see divine providence and predestination here! — And I know with all my heart that I am sent to the very elect of God whose names ‘are in’ the Book of Life!” — “Some may not be perfect now, but I believe this anointing and Word will ripen them unto and as the first fruits of God! — Let us look forward to the soon return of Christ!” — “He will come as a thief in the night! (I Thess. 5:2) — He says, Behold I come quickly! As a flash of lightning! In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye!” (I Cor. 15:50-52) — A final note, Rev. 20:6, ‘Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection, on such the second death hath no power! — Evidently the second death means being separated from God eternally! … One thing we know for certain, the saints are the only ones who have eternal life! — So those in the lake of fire will eventually suffer some form of death; it is called the second death! — This secret remains with the Almighty in His compassion and mercy His wisdom will be supreme, for He is Infinite!”

The glorified body — “What will the body of the elect saints be like? — First here is a definite clue. I John 3:2 — Col. 3:4, it says, we shall be like Him, and we see Him as He is! He shall change our body into a glorified body!” (Phil. 3:21) — “In other words Christ Jesus will be glorified in His saints! — Now that we know we shall have a body in nature like unto Jesus, Let us see what He did after His resurrection!” — “His body could at will be subject or not subject to the power of gravity! (Acts 1:9) — We will have this same power when we meet the Lord in the air! (I Thess. 4:17) — We will have instantaneous transportation! Perhaps moving as rapidly as the swiftness of thought! This is way beyond the speed of light which travels at 186,000 miles per second! — Yet thought is much quicker than the speed of light!” — “Also our body will possess the springs of eternal youth! . . . The women who saw the angel at Christ’s resurrection described Him as a young man! (Mark 16:5) — Yet He evidently was trillions of years old, and probably was created before the time our galaxy ever began! — And yet the saints will have the power of this eternal youth! — The glorified saints will be recognized as the same person that they were upon the earth, in the same way that Jesus was recognized again!” (John 20:19-20) — “If necessary the glorified body can be felt as a physical body can be felt! (John 20:27) — And yet the glorified body can pass through walls and doors with the greatest of ease! — The same as Jesus did! (John 20:19) — It is very possible that if one wanted to eat, that he could, as Jesus did after He was glorified! — He prepared fish and dined with them at the Sea of Tiberius!” (John 21:1-14) — “Jesus also promised to eat and drink with the disciples in the kingdom!” (Matt. 26:29) — “And one other thing, never again we will have to sleep or rest, for we will never be tired! . . . What a wonderful body full of the energy of eternal bliss!”

Let’s note — “If the Lord wanted us to go somewhere for Him in heaven and it would take the ordinary body trillions of light years to get there by the speed of light, let’s say to another galaxy, in our glorified body, it would take us less than a second by thought in another dimension to appear there!. . . Or if we wanted to travel slower, this would be possible also, for perhaps we would like to see the beauties of His Universe! Amen!” — “It is hard for us to realize all that our glorified bodies will do or be like, but we do know in part because the Scriptures reveal some of it. But all will be beyond all that we ever believed for! — It is stated that way in the Scriptures! For it says, ‘Eye has not seen, neither has it entered into the heart of man what God has for them that love Him!” — “The 6,000 years of man is up and we are in a transition period! — So His return is very soon, watch and pray!”

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