Prophetic scrolls 134

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 134

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Prophetic outlook – “What will the weather forecast be as the age closes? -Jesus said, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be now. And we know then that the weather was completely changed and erratic for their day, wherein moisture came up out of the ground and watered the vegetation. But suddenly it began to cease and their climate was completely opposite and became adverse creating storms…also the first thunder and lightning that man had seen! – So the weather was altered drastically giving forth a sign that God’s word to Noah was true; and then came the great deluge! – Evidently at first when the water that came up out of the ground dried up there was a severe famine because the giants went bezerk and violence filled the earth! ” (Gen. 6)

Continuing – “During the flood the balance of nature was out of whack. Huge asteroids fell into the sea pushing the water out of its bounds! -Water was there because of what was left of the great ice age (prehistoric times)! ”. .. “And as the Scripts predicted what we are seeing now is a drastic change in the world’s weather! We see tremendous floods on the one hand, and ‘droughts and famine’ on the other hand! – More tornadoes and hurricanes than ever before! – Man’s pollution inventions, atomic and etc., is playing a major role in the changes! But God holds the seismic and cosmic disruption in His hands! – Our weather today is produced by the Arctic Poles, the seas, the winds, the sun and the magnetic waves surrounding the earth! –When these balancing forces are tampered with the weather is altered! ” – “Sometimes God allows it…like sun spots, changing of ocean currents, wind and etc. …but other times man is involved! -It is believed that Russia and other nations are tampering with the electromagnetic waves that surround the earth; they are also working on weather weapons! – And the earth is heating up from man’s industries and pollution! -Before the age closes we will have huge and magnetic electrical-like storms coming! -Just before and entering the Tribulation, catastrophic and drastic changes in the weather will occur worldwide! -There will be floods in one place, and famine and not enough water in the other places! – Note: As man experiments with particle beam lasers and newer type weapons used in the heavens and space, plus when man begins to tamper with electrical forces that surround the earth, nature will be completely out of order! – This is a complex subject and many other things could be added. …Also should the Polar ice cap change just a few degrees, it would raise the waters edge 200 feet around the earth, flooding many of our great cities!”

The coming scene – ‘Jesus foresaw the appearance of great famines for our age, although He did not give the exact dates. …But the Holy Spirit revealed in our literature that famines would increase out of the 70’s into the 80’s and would be completely catastrophic, and a world food shortage by or into the 90’s! “-“Famines are usually the result of droughts and severe weather. So as the age ends in various places there will be a great shortage of water! -The prophet Joel said that the rivers would dry up and the cattle would die for the lack thereof! (Joell: 17-20) -As the cattle die the food shortage gets even more severe! -Something has occurred because the seeds are not even growing in the ground!” -“According to Joel 2:3-5 this is associated near, and followed by, the Atomic flame! – In fact, during the Great Tribulation, there will be no rain for the last 42 months!…Coupled to this the black horse of depression and famine appears! (Rev. 6:5-8) -Just before the great Day of the Lord terrible storms will occur. For one thing, the hail that falls weighs nearly a hundred pounds!” (Rev. 16:21) -“So we see at the end of the age the electrical balance in the atmosphere is terribly disturbed! (Ezek. 38:21-22) -Evidently this chapter reveals weather weapons!” – “Except for some respite and a few breathers, our weather patterns of today will gradually merge into what we have spoken about in the above paragraph! …Also Halley’s Comet is forewarning of the falling and rising of new world leaders and wars, commotions and of the Great Tribulation just a little later on! …Plus most of the events that we have spoken of and what we will be speaking of next! ”

Prophecy continuing -“There are coming destructive droughts where they have never occurred before bringing enormous disaster and famine of catastrophic proportions! Due to the world’s swelling population and the severe weather conditions forecast – a world dictator will rise and gain more power through the coming revolution and lawlessness, by promising to feed the starving millions! – His power grows during this time, because no one can buy food without the mark!” (Rev. 13:13-16) – “Things may not look like this for a while, but later famine will affect Russia, China, India and parts of Europe… and it is already affecting Africa and some of the Middle East areas! – Asia and other places will be included. Death and starvation will be all over the world! -These are not pretty scenes to write about, but they are ‘signs pointing’ to the coming of the Lord Jesus!”

Prophetic insight from the sky -“Men, by using satellite pictures, are able to see things that they have never witnessed before! -They see huge whirlpools deep within the sea bottoms, turning slowly like giant tornadoes! They are a mystery to the scientists, all they know is that they are just there, deep underneath the sea!” – Jer. 25:32 reveals, “a ‘great whirlwind’ shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth!” – “This reveals coming up out of the sea! -What may move these giant whirlpools into the air could be Atomic bombs in the sea, or ‘huge asteroids’ that land in the sea, thereby causing great whirlwinds and tidal waves…which brings us to our next subject!” – “We all know from science that there is a great asteroid belt that lies between Jupiter and Mars. Scientists say that a planet exploded and it occurred about the time of the flood! -And the huge asteroid’s fragments have remained until this day positioned above the earth near the other planets!” – “Could it be from this area that God pulls out ‘huge asteroids’ that strike in the earth and sea? (Rev. 8:8-10) – There may be a few smaller asteroids that strike later in the 80’s, but it is my opinion that the huge asteroids ‘burning like a mountain of fire’ will fall at some point in the 90’s … and will be the worst convulsion of nature since the flood, creating enormous tidal waves and hurricane storms … changing the ocean currents in such a way as has never been seen before! – The weather from that period will take on a new dimension and will not return back on the scale as it was before! – Plus coastal earthquakes will play havoc with what is left!”

Prophecy concerning the sea – ‘Scientists have been going down deep within the oceans and they have spotted great volcanic fires and huge stripes of fire that run for miles under the sea! …And they can also see by satellite that the continental shelves are breaking apart gradually! -There will be great seaquakes and mighty earthquakes along the coast line of our cities, especially with the California San Andreaus Fault!” -“Also from these volcanic eruptions, huge islands have appeared in different parts of the sea! – We predicted this would occur 14 years ago and that it would be close to the return of Christ! …And at that same time we predicted great sink holes would take place in the southern states! …And it was reported on the news in various places in Florida, holes were occurring a block wide and very deep as homes were being swallowed up into them! ”

A prophetic summary – “I would like to say this when speaking about the giant whirlpools within the sea…it could also serve a purpose in coming weather changes! – Also concerning the volcanoes and the long fire trails under the sea…all of this could cause the temperature to change in the waters, thereby bringing some strange weather indeed! -Cosmic-like winds and hurricanes and etc.!” – “One thing for certain in the future …we will see more tornadoes, droughts, floods, heat waves, fires and different type storms that the earth has ever witnessed before! ” – “Also in these various temperature changes will cause more lawlessness, murder, crime and extreme debauchery to abound! -Pleasure and sensuality will increase until the man of sin himself (the anti-christ) rises!

Jesus declares the weather shall be a sign of His return! -” All of the prophetic statements that we made were to reveal that it is a direct sign that the age is closing out swiftly, and Jesus confirms it! -In Luke 21:25 He spoke of signs in the sun, the moon, the stars, perplexities of nations; and the seas and the waves roaring! –This within itself has to do with the weather pattern signs! ” – “So let us watch and pray, it is high time to awake and be about the harvest work! ” – “ Note: there are various and different kind of other events that we would like to get on this Scroll, but will be placed elsewhere later.”

Scroll #134©