Prophetic scrolls 132

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 132

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The Mystery Babylon of prophecy — “In this Script we will bring out some vital viewpoints that every Christian should know and understand for it is the rival of the real elect! — Actually Babylon had its first inkling in the Garden of Eden when the beast changed God’s Word in deception, whereby causing Eve to accept his word as the authority over God’s Word! — And the seed flourished onward!” (Gen. 3:1, 15) — “The reality of Babylon had its beginning immediately after the flood at the Tower of Babel. And it has had a long evil cunning history ever since! — It’s founder was Nimrod. . . . And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel in the land of Shinar!” (Gen. 10:8-10) — “Nimrod was the grandson of Ham. . . . And after the flood he was one of the first to organize rebellion against God. He inaugurated a new idolatrous religion! (Gen. 11:2-4) — And later it spread little by little throughout the whole earth! — In one phase or another, it continued to rise and control nations!”

Who is the woman called mystery Babylon that sits on the beast of Rev. 17:1-5 — “The harlot woman represents the idol religion of the false church and existed from the days of Nimrod, Tower of Babel down through the Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Media-Persian and Grecian Empire into the era of Rome! — She is then prophesied to ride the Roman beast to her destruction!” — “Babylon has always had its priests, but the Papacy control began in the Thyatira Church Age, the one Rev. 2 calls, the Jezebel Religion, and has occupied a dominate role during the New Testament Age! — The mother of every heathen and pagan system in the world! — Babylon has been in existence throughout the whole age, just as the dragon and the 7 headed beast has been in existence! . . . In Rev. 17 we see the modern Babylon as she exists in our age. Poised for destruction!”

Early Babylon transforming into mystery Babylon — “In the early Church ages the high priest with his Babylon worship fled from Pergamos into Rome, Italy. And when ‘Pagan Rome’ fell, ‘Papal Rome’ acquired its position! — The direct successor of the High Priest of the Babylonian mysteries. . . . Actually the servant of the fish god, Dagon! — In whom it is said he still wears like his idolatrous predecessors, the fisherman‘s ring! — One must remember all of this has been glamorized and the motives hidden, in order to reach the masses seducing them in doctrine! — It is shrouded in mysterious rites! — Most of the mysteries of ancient Babylon have been adopted by the Roman Catholic Church! — They have merged many types of belief into their rituals!” — “Roman Catholicism, therefore is actually a mixture of Christianity and heathenism. Paganism and Papalism and apostate Protestant Christianity are all an integral part of Mystery Babylon! — It represents the sum total of false religion that exists on the earth!” — “It is satan’s substitute and counterfeit for true Christianity! — But Babylon is more than just Roman Catholicism, all cults and false religions will be joined into her, Moslem, Hindu, etc. and apostate Protestant systems. All of this is modern Babylon as we see her in Rev. 17 as she rides the political beast before her doom! (verses 16-17)

Babylon deception — “At the end of the age this false system will bring together all type religions, even some that pertain to the gospel and christianity. Evidently the Pentecostal Organizations give honor to this system finally. Thereby as Jesus said, almost deceiving the very elect, because the other Pentecostals were involved! . . . But ‘the elect’ do not honor this system, and are translated! — And many of the others go through Great Tribulation afterwards!” (Rev. 7:13, 14) — “As you remember, in ancient Babylon there was an image built and there will also be an image unto the beast system. (Dan. 3 — Rev. 13:13-15) — When mystery Babylon brings all these religions together, then the anti-christ will take it all over for a season, until his 10 kings destroy her just before Armageddon!” (Rev. 17:10-17)

The mystery harlot of Babylon — “is arrayed in purple and scarlet color (Rev. 17:4) the color of Romanism. She is drunk with the blood of the saints! (verses 6-7) . . . She is called mother of abominations! In the Scriptures this is associated with idolatry and shelters the practices of Pagan Rome! — She is called the great whore, the term refers to, not only physical, but spiritual harlotry of which image worship is its most striking flagrant feature! — She also has her control and sits on the 7 hills of Rome!” (verse 9) — “This also symbolizes kingdoms wherein she rides the United 7 heads until, as we said before, they turn on her and destroy her”. . . (more in a moment)!

The cup of wealth…Rev. 17:1- 5 -“This reveals that she holds the wealth of the world in her hands! – God describes the harlot as a religious system with political power and great riches! – The Papacy is identified with the harlot woman!”- “Although the Vatican hides it, it deals underneath in world politics and in fact it now has an Ambassador connected to the United States Government and to the White House! — In my other Scrolls I have revealed just exactly how the deception will appear as the age ends; and the ‘lamb beast’ will make an image and speak as the dragon before it!”

The Vatican billions — “If you could read the list of the Vatican Corporations and the wealth that is in their hands, you would stagger with amazement! — It is said that they even claim ownership of the Americas. Evidently this great system controls the largest percentage of gold even today!” — “But do not discount the Arabs and the Jews. Many Arab oil nations have huge vaults of silver and gold! — And when the anti-christ appears in this all united system he will take it all over and speak with great swelling words! Rotating into a world dictator of master deception! — Except for a few, the whole world is deceived!”

The super church — “The Vatican today is using liberal beliefs in order to draw in all religions, to become a global superpower! — Babylon will use a sinister plan to form this deadly power! — The Vatican today is even using the religious evangelicals! . . . And I know this for certain, some Pentecostal leaders and evangelists are working with the Vatican!” — Also Billy Graham, in one way or the other, has always worked too close for comfort with this system! — The Babylon system uses these different personalities for their purpose while hiding their true intentions! — And some of these so-called Evangelicals and Pentecostals will sell out their people and organizations just as Judas betrayed Christ! — You see they are following the golden calf of religion and politics that finally lead to the anti-christ system and mark!”

The Vatican — “Underneath its wheels and deals, it has a subtle plan! . . . Babylon has manipulated both the U. S. A. and the Soviet Union to serve her on goals! — To make her a super power of control; because a sinister figure is coming soon to control her and world politics!” — “As we said before, her cup of iniquity is reaching fullness!’’

Now the two Babylons — “We must remember that there is a religious Babylon with her wealth in Rev. 17! — And the Commercial Babylon in Rev. 18! — Both Babylons have a cup of abominations . . . Rev. 17:4 — Rev. 18:6. — We have described the religious Babylon riding the beast, but it is the Commercial Babylon that takes it all over and destroys the woman! According to the Scriptures the 10 Kings of the anti-christ seek out and destroy the devotees of this whorish system!” (Rev. 17:16-17) — “Just before the Battle of Armageddon, and then just a little later on, Commercial Babylon will meet its doom with the anti-christ at the Battle of Armageddon!” (Rev. 18:8-10) — “Sometime in the future we will explain both the Babylons and how they work together at the end of the age, until one dominates the other! Actually both Babylons have shed the blood of the saints! (Rev. 17:6 — Rev. 18:24) — The anti-christ will control Commercial Babylon world wide! — Babylon once burned the city of Jerusalem; and then at the end they themselves will be destroyed! . . Double unto her the cup which she has filled to her double!” (Rev. 18:6, 17-18) — “As the prophet says, Babylon will be as Sodom and Gomorrah, which cities the Lord overthrew by fire!” (Isa. 13:19) — “Two things to watch — religious Babylon rising to super power, working into Commercial Babylon! — And I believe a sinister figure is alive and is preparing to take over these systems soon!” — “Watch and pray that ye escape the Great Tribulation and all of these things!” (Luke 21:35-36)

Anti-christ will usurp the position of the pope controlling all Babylon religions! — Rev. chap. 17. — “He will usurp the position of Christ and be the ‘false messiah’ to the Jews and a super prince to the Moslems!” — “His coming is soon, all the strange planetary conjunctions and lineups allude to this as well as the coming of Halley’s Comet! — Watch! — Fireworks lay directly ahead for the nations!” — “It also reveals to us that Jesus’ return is very near!”

Scroll #132©