Prophetic scrolls 131

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 131

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


World history is predetermined — Not by chance! — In Gen. 6, “it said the population reached a certain limit, coupled with violence and crime, disobeying God and was swept away in a cataclysmic overthrow of water!” — And Jesus said, “As in the days of Noah so shall it be in our time, and we are going through a population explosion on the earth! Also associated to crime and violence. In the 80’s the population will be 5 billion! — It is reaching a stage of no return wherein they cannot feed all now and it will worsen! — And at some point ahead will be a world food shortage just like what occurred in the days of Joseph! — Again at the end will be two world leaders like unto Joseph and Pharaoh only for evil! — Instead of Pharaoh’s seal will be a mark given for food, work and etc.” (Rev. 13) — “In this case future events cast their shadows before! — World history will be predetermined again! — And the climax will come in our generation!” . . . “So before the ending of the 80’s watch for some dramatic changes in the ‘United States’ and also in the nation of Israel!” “Also as I have written in many Scrolls . . . the charisma type leaders will rise, until finally a real charismatic spellbinder will appear in the United States! — Plus later Israel will be guided by a bewitching star, the ultra in deceiving! — Controlling the Middle East, Western Europe and then the world! . . . Plus at that time he will be working with a leader in the United States, at times will show almost as much power as the anti-christ has!” — “All of this is timed and by divine providence the Lord will bring it to pass at it’s proper hour!”

Jesus foretells — “He foresaw the destruction of both the Temple and the city by Roman armies! It took place about 70 A.D. … And Israel was not to return to their homeland until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled!” — “In 1967 they got the old city of David back which included the Wailing Wall! — Therefore it is the closing hours of the Gentile dispensation, God predetermined and at the exact time it fell into Jewish hands!” (Luke 21:24) — “Also because Palestine is the land bridge between Asia, Africa and Europe with it’s warm water port, both Russia and a rising world leader want it. The latter will usurp it, the other will later invade it!” — “We are actually living in a time where we will be able to see the most important events in history unfold before us as the age ends! — Just before the translation the elect will see the final chapters of history forming as they leave!”… “And from that point on the world enters a dark fantasy of doom! —Then oh what changes, never known before! — A different world, in complete delusion!” — “And what an hour we are living in to witness the closing hours and to prepare, work and pray in the harvest! — The 80’s is our hour to witness!”

The great pyramid — “The time clock in the desert. (Isa. 19 19-20) — And a remarkable sign! — As you remember I stated in the Scrolls that they would make discoveries concerning the Pyramid. And after all this time just of late the Japanese scientists took modern instruments and checked the Pyramid inside and out! — They discovered some startling things. The Pyramid is about 5,000 years old. And from the beginning world history is predetermined inside in stone in symbols and measurements. Of course they could not figure it all out!. . . They were able to find out why it stood so long and why it’s so strong!” —“The Pyramid gave the exact distance in miles that the sun is from the earth! — It gives the exact thousands of years that it takes the Solar system to make a complete turn! — Others who have studied it say it reveals the exact time of the flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Israelites leaving, the birth of Christ and His return!” — “In a certain location it reveals the heavy burdens coming upon the world in the near future! — It reveals the Apocalyptic judgments that are to befall mankind; evidently increasing more so in the 90’s. In the conclusion of measurements and hieroglyphics it declares just like the Bible (Luke 21:28-32) that Jesus will return for His Church and the Battle of Armageddon will be fought in our generation!” — O what an hour. . . time is short! — “The Pyramid described the Industrial Age, the Atomic Age and etc. These events are hidden to most, but are revealed by the experts who know the Bible and have done years of study in the monument! — Many other things could be written here and perhaps later we will!” — “Now back to the Japanese … after completing their scientific experiments they hired 15,000 people and was going to see how hard it would be to build the Pyramid. They soon decided to build just a small white one somewhere near the Great Pyramid in honor of the one who built the Great Pyramid, and they left and went home! ” – “So the great marvel in the desert still baffles mankind and those who do not understand the Scriptures! – They noticed the top Capstone had never been put on. This is foretelling that Jesus will be rejected by the Jews; for He was the Chief Capstone, the Creator! (St. John, chap 1)

The earth and it’s mysteries – “ There has been much said of late about signs in rocks, carvings in the earth. . . that are thousands of years old and scientists and world travelers have studied! — They say in some places it shows ancient air strips where aircraft of some sort have once landed! — Some of the drawings revealed men in space suits, also sitting in saucer-like space ships, and some even looking like celestial craft! Now what is the mystery?” . . . “Let us rightly divide the truth. Some of the drawings are authentic and thousands of years old! — For one thing God could reveal mysteries to the ancients concerning our modern age! — They in turn drew them upon stones! … Then too, satanic lights appearing in different parts of the world where devil worship and paganism was instituted! This was proven by artifacts in different parts of the world including South and Central America!” — “Also in the Bermuda Triangle (some believe it is near the sunken city of Atlantis) where, under water, was found a huge satanic Pyramid by sea divers. And in this Pyramid was found things which was associated to magnetic forces evidently that satan revealed to the people of that time!” — “It is claimed a lost civilization sunk here! . . . It is believed this area was satan’s pre-Adam kingdom before he polluted Eden! — It is in this territory where space flight is drawn on different stones and miles of huge landing sites!” — “Remember the Bible says Satan is the ‘prince of power’ of the air! He was known as the cherubim of light that covereth!”

Jesus said, “Satan fell from heaven like lightening! In other words traveling in a flash of fire towards some location on the earth! — As you know lightening travels fast, so whatever he was in it was really moving! — Satan has been in this area because they dug up ancient artifacts that prove human sacrifice was introduced here, the worshiping of the sun, stars, etc. along with the most lurid rituals of devils and paganist doctrines!” — “And in the writing it says they worshipped the great one who fell from heaven! Who set in a great crystal of light and had the power of flight! — Archaeologists said this great civilization was destroyed thousands of years ago!”

Continuing — God’s lights — “We also know just before the destruction of different civilizations God’s angelic lights appeared… known as celestial chariots! And many times it was a warning for men to repent because judgment was coming! — This could account for some of the pictures that men drew on rocks and yet not understanding all of the divine purpose! — And those who did would also draw what they saw! ”— In Ezek. chap. 1, “just before judgment was to fall upon Israel, God’s divine lights appeared in a startling fashion! — Ezekiel saw them as a flash of light, wheels whirling within a wheel; he saw them pulsating in different colors, he revealed some as in amber light!” — “For instance, one of them pulsated with the colors of the rainbow! (Verse 26-28) — He said, they went and returned as a flash of lightening! … Four angelic messengers got out of one of them and was covered in symbolic faces!” — “There was something inside the other celestial wheels and he was able to see something like coals of fire running up and down!. . . Now these lights appeared to Ezekiel when Israel’s cup of iniquity was full and judgment was just around the corner. ” . . . “So even today the world’s cup of iniquity is getting full and God’s angelic lights have been seen appearing in the heavens as a warning!” — Luke 21:11 says, “great signs shall there be from the heavens. So just like in the days of Ezekiel, God is revealing time is up, judgment of the earth is near! — May I add a word to this …. I have absolutely seen divine lights of some sort over our Capstone Headquarters here in Arizona! It is rare, but it has occurred! — Could this be similar to what was seen in Ezek. chap 1? — Evidently it is! — For he also saw the glory of the Lord and the presence of the Lord all around where he was standing! — Ezek. chap. 10!”

The cup of iniquity is full — “And also according to the prophecy fulfilling around us Jesus can come at any time! — Because remember the earth goes on a few more years after the Translation, so don’t be lulled to sleep by the later dates of destruction! . . . But pray that you escape beforehand!” — “Almost all the prophecies concerning this Church age has been fulfilled, and the rest of Bible prophecy concerns the Great Tribulation and the Battle of Armageddon!” — “It’s high time to awake and be ready!” — “We will continue some important events in future writings concerning some vital occurrences and what is occurring now that people do not see. It will be very informative as we continue Special Events!”

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