Prophetic scrolls 129

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 129

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The two witnesses -“Right after the translation two strange but amazing prophets will appear in Jerusalem. (Rev. 11:3) –They will warn the Jews of the deeds of the anti-christ and will literally smite the earth with plagues! -They will call asteroids and fire right out of the heavens; also they will literally dry up the atmosphere for 42 months!” (vr. 6) – Rev. 8:7-12- “It is evidently at this time that scientists try to develop new inventions to bring rain, but evidently these inventions are turned into war weapons later!” (Ezek. 38:9, 22) -“Who are these two defenders that challenge the anti-christ? The Scriptures definitely reveal that Elijah is one of them. (Mal. 4:5) – But if you notice right above in verse 4 it mentions Moses, too! And his type ministry does favor some of the events that take place in Rev. 11:6, like turning the water into blood as he did in Egypt, etc.” – “They also lead the 144,000 Hebrews!” (Rev. chap. 7) -“The two witnesses are killed and translated just before the 7th trumpet and the 3rd woe. (Rev. 11:12-15) – Before this their duty is to turn the hearts of the children of Israel back to God and to worship the Lord Jesus; and to declare the false Temple of the Jews as the abomination of desolation where the beast sits!” (II Thess. 2:4)

The Jewish temple – “As we know there is a Temple in Jerusalem now called the great synagogue…. some believe this to be the Tribulation Temple, but I’ve always said, if it is not, one will shortly be built!…And just of late there are rumors that there could be another one built soon, and this one right at or near where Solomon’s ruins lie today!” – “Although they build the Temple unto God it is turned over into the hands of the anti-christ! (Rev. 11: 1-2) – Of course the Jews think this false prince is the Messiah, which he is not! -He is the one who makes a covenant with them and breaks it later! “(Dan. 9:26-27) – “So if the other Temple is not it, of course we will see some dramatic events take place soon!”

The mystery –“What is the final outcome of satan?” -“We know what happens to his man the beast, but what is the final outcome of satan.” – Ezek. 28, “reveals many secrets, and we will consider a few. The first few verses reveal in symbolism the actual anti-christ. Verses 12-17 reveal the beautiful energy and forces that satan is created out of. But God said that He would destroy him that once was a covering light (cherub) and cast him out from his flaming wonders (stones of fire) vr. 16. -Evidently within satan’s own creative fixtures (glowing stones that make up his form covered by strange lights for he is an angel of evil light) – within these stones in the beginning was made his destruction to ignite at a certain time hence! –Because vr. 18 says God will bring fire from the midst of him, completely devour him and leave him in ashes!” Vr. 19, “completes the picture, and it says, never shalt thou be any more!” …”Think about this, God truly is the only one that is eternal and He giveth this light to His saints!”

Continuing prophecy – “Let us add one more note to this! – Isa. 14:12-14 reveals satan’s exaltation and plans. Vr. 4 mentions the king of Babylon and the golden city! – And vr. 25 mentions him as an Assyrian! Now there were kings like this in old times, but there was a purpose for this at the end of the age; it is prophetic. God often uses this mixture, the Babylon-Assyrian, to describe the anti-christ! – Men from this land have mixed with the Jews, Arabs, etc. so the actual anti-christ could have this mixture and lineage! ” – “Read Isa. 10: 12-17, 24 – notice vr. 12 reveals these things take place when ‘his whole work’ is finished upon Israel at the end of the age! He calls him the Assyrian. Vr. 14 says he has gathered all the earth! – Vr. 24 reveals him again as the Assyrian! -The anti-christ could appear in Jerusalem from any direction, but the actual land of Assyria is known today as ‘Syria and Iraq’ which is modern Babylon! Read my former Scripts for more information!” …“The earth can get ready, for dramatic events will soon take place concerning the Middle East and Western Europe!”…”We notice one more thing, in vr. 14 he knew where the real wealth was. As if it were unnoticed, as if it were forgotten in a nest, it says! – This harks as if it were gold! And no one lifted a hand or said anything while underneath he was doing this! And when paper money becomes worthless…evidently he has power in the wealth! (Dan. 11:43) -Because also remember an economic mark is given!” (Rev. 13:15-16)

The forces – “I gave a message here concerning this subject and also wrote some concerning it ‘the god of forces’!”(Dan. 11 :38) – And just the other day the news revealed indeed the scientists are seeking to find out what the four main forces are that are in the cosmos and the elements that make up the universe! -To make a long story short, they believe it’s in the ‘protons’ that are made out of the four elements!.. The first one is the electromagnetic waves, the second one is gravitational forces, the third the nuclear which hold the nucleus together (atomic forces) and the fourth which is the same as the third except in a smaller sub-state!” – “They believe these forces come together to make one single grand force that turns our universe! – If they can discover how these rays operate then they will have power beyond any force that has been invented by man! -In fact, if used wrong, could vaporize this planet immediately and burn up all the works therein, unless Jesus intervenes! ” (Matt. 24:22) – “For more insight read Script #127, ‘ As we already see, the Reagan administration is checking into all forms of energy weapons’!” -“One must remember that in this one single force, for which they are searching, are many deadly rays therein! -For instance, in the atomic force alone, to explain: a nuclear explosion transmits much of its energy in the form of x-rays, radiation and gamma rays! – The ‘gamma rays’ are the most powerful. Also in the vacuum of space these rays can travel at the speed of light! – Men would like to use these rays in an energy form to stop enemy missiles! – Today men are also working on the laser and the particle beam weapon to be used in space against enemy weapons!” – “The Bible describes these cataclysmic rays in many ways, but one thing it says, at the end of the age they are able to destroy the largest city on earth in a moment’s time! …Plus, their weapons will literally melt the glass and steel cities and the people!” (Zech. 14:12- Rev. 18:17-18) -“And according to Scriptures satan reveals many of the secrets to the anti-christ himself controlling the earth in terror!” – Remember Ezek. 28:3 says, “Thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee!”- “And later Daniel wrote about this in Dan. 11: 38-39! …The god of forces and a strange god of science indeed! ” -“These powers the scientists are looking for…could it be that out or from these forces (rays) God created satan as we described before hand? – And could it be that their plans backfire just like satan’s and wipe them out in fire, unless God intervenes?”-“In one place in the Bible it says the foundations of the earth are on fire, then it means these forces for which they are seeking have actually been tampered with, emitting tremendous energy! -The atomic structure, the electromagnetic waves and the gravitational forces have all been interrupted and the earth is reeling and shaking under the impact exactly as Isa. 24: 1, 6, 19-20! – These verses describe perfectly what all of these ‘energy forces’ have done to the earth! – As we said before, men believe that these energy forces are actually in one unit. If they can discover it and how it works they claim they have discovered the secret of secrets! – But as the Scriptures say, satan’s and man’s wisdom and knowledge will lead to their own doom! ” -“From a distance, in the air looking back on this planet going through destruction, it would actually look like smoke, fire mingled with ultra violet and purple rays mixed with an orange dark glow -as Jesus intervenes!” (Rev. chap. 19) – “If He did not do this a chain reaction would take place and wipe out the planet!”

Continuing – “When I started this article we had no idea that the Holy Spirit would lead in this direction revealing so many ways of destruction! -To bring out a point, let us consider what was written in the early 60 ‘s, and realizing what we have today is far beyond this in weapons!” Quote: – “A ten megaton burst into the atmosphere 30 miles above the earth could set fire to combustibles over 5,000 square miles on a clear day! -It further stated that a single polaris submarine has the destructive capability of all the munitions used in World War II, shooting forth atomic missiles!” -“It said the public doesn’t realize what it will be like until it takes place! – No wonder Rev. 6:8 aptly terms the pale horse and its rider as Death, and hell follows him! ”- “Prophecy indicates that when the anti-christ rises he will definitely use these forces!” – Rev. 13:13, declares, “And he doeth great wonders so that he maketh fire to come down from heaven in the sight of men!” -“As if to blackmail the earth into his mark! (verses 15-18) – So we see it all works out like this -it is either receive his subtle peace plans or be destroyed! ” – “But the Scriptures say that desolation will final come anyway!”- “But we, the elect, are not to fear these things at all, for God has ordained us for translation and not destruction! – O how wonderful Jesus is!” – “Those who believe in His Word, watch and pray, will escape! – Jesus gives us this and many promises in Luke 21:35-36!” -“Let me say this, the entire earth will not be destroyed, but the evidence is that before this century ends that there will be an atomic war!” …”The 80’s are harvest time, and evidently at some point in the 90 ‘s it will turn into a vapor and smoke!”

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