Prophetic scrolls 128

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 128

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Mysteries concerning time – Rev. 10:4-6 “reveals to us certain secrets concerning earthly time wherein the angel said, time shall be no longer! -The first calling of time will be the translation, then there will be a time for the Great Day of the Lord ending Armageddon; then a calling of time for the Millennium, then after the White Throne Judgment, time blends into eternity! -Truly time shall be no longer!” “Concerning the prophetic future, Dan. 12:7-12 reveals the ending of the age! -Daniel unveiled the last 42 months (1260 days) -the last part of rule of the anti-christ -from the abomination of desolation. – Then 30 days for the cleansing period afterwards, and 11/2 months ‘waiting’ period, then Jewish millennium is on! – It says blessed is ‘he that waiteth’ and cometh to 1335 days! – (Verse 12) But the question is when shall all of this take place, including the translation? -Jesus said it would occur in our generation! (Matt. 24:34) So let us see what time we are in now!”

Prophetic time – the 11th and 12th hour – Eccl. 3:1. “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven!” –“Let us note a most significant point. According to the evidence and signs the 11th prophetic hour began November 11, 1918. The war ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, 1918!” …”This was the Lord’s way of alerting the world that we had entered the 11th hour of providence! – Then the 2nd World War started and ended with the introduction of the Atomic Age revealing that events would occur suddenly and swiftly afterwards , getting nearer the 12th hour!” -“The atomic scientists now reveal the ‘minute hand’ is close to the midnight hour for the world and oncoming destruction! ”…”After the translation will the desolation take place somewhere in the 90`s according to the signs around us? Let us check!”

Six thousand years –“Man’s prophetic time allotted, ends between now and 1999! -If we are precise and use the original calendar of 360 days per year, then this time has already run out! -And, as I said before, we are actually in a ‘transition period’ waiting the final outpouring and translation! -But according to the Gentile calendar our date is at this point 1985, but in God’s prophetic time it is much later! -Man’s 6,000 years completes soon!” -II Peter 3:8, “tells us not to be ignorant of the time. One day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day! -In God’s time before the first 2 days (first 2,000 years) elapsed we had the flood! …Then the next 2 days (2,000 years) Christ came as the Messiah! ” -“Since then nearly 2 days (2,000 years) have elapsed! And before the ending of the 6,000 years the elect leaves -making it 6 of God’s days (6,000 years) appointed!” -“Then afterwards we have the Thousand Year Millennium! (Rev. 20:7) -So including this there is a period of 7,000 years concluding one week of God’s time!” – “The fact that 6,000 years of man’s week will be up before the ending of the 90’s strongly indicates to us that His coming is sooner than most think!”… “Be ye also ready for in an hour that ye think not, the Lord cometh!”- “Also all signs indicate and it is my opinion that Armageddon cannot escape the 90’s! -A cataclysmic fire is in evidence to visit mankind!”…”The first atomic explosion was ominous, revealing indeed man was nearing the ‘last midnight’ hour! And that occurred 40 years ago. So we can see our generation is ending. The time of the Gentiles is up! ”

The prophetic cycles – time – ”Throughout the Bible the numerical phenomenon of the cycles of divine reckoning is beyond the ability of most to comprehend! -They reveal the working of an infinite mind! ”… ”Wherein we have the apostasy cycles every so many years, the restoration cycles, the 40-year cycles throughout the Scriptures, the 450-year judgment cycles, the 490-year cycles, the famine cycles and weather cycles, etc.!” -“There are many more -this is just a few to bring out a point. We do not have time to explain here, but according to all the Biblical cycles they begin to culminate, crossing together more heavily, revealing a very important period starts between 1988 and stepping up momentum the 5-7 years to follow! – Now this may not be perfect, but it is as close as one can measure (cycles)! – Also remember, as we stated before, from the appearance of Halley’s Comet 1986 onward would be some remarkable and startling events to occur on the earth!” Confusion as age ends – “But the wise will know and understand!” -”In the last 85 years men have preached the coming of the Lord is near, some have gone so far as to set the exact date, and others have truly just preached the urgency of it! -And many cried the Lord could come at any minute! …In other words it has been preached so often and so much that multitudes have lost hope and are not paying too much attention anymore! – So satan has used this to his advantage; but now just at a time when people will not ‘hearken’ is just at the ‘very time’ that the true sounding is going forth. And, yes, His coming is upon us!” -“So we see over the past hundred years so many false alarms have sounded that it has produced an era of scoffers that would say, where is the promise of His coming? (II Peter 3:3-4). But for the first time in history we can definitely see all the prophecies that lead to Jesus’ return are in full bloom! -In fact, if men would have studied the Scriptures, the Lord could not have returned before 1946-48 because Israel was not home as a nation yet! – But now the Bible says the generation that sees Israel go home as a nation will be the generation that Jesus returns in!” -“Plus also He could not appear before we had a ‘miraculous outpouring’ of the Holy Spirit with the restoration of the gifts and power!” …”Now the former rain has already occurred, we are absolutely entering the latter rain of full restoration that will produce translative faith! And it is called a quick short work! …The midnight cry is going forth!” – (Matt. 25:5-6, 10) -“So we see because it is being said so many are offguard sleeping! -That is why Jesus made the statement to the lukewarm churches!” -“For in ‘such an hour’ as ye think not, the Son of man cometh!” (Matt. 24:44) – “so we see it is even at the door, He can come at any time soon!”

The apostasy cycle –  “Simultaneously, alongside God’s mighty outpouring, will come a great ‘falling away’ from the true faith and Word! -It is called the great apostasy leading to the imitation, the deceiving of The masses into false doctrine!” …”God gives a name in Rev. 17:5, Mystery Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots, and abominations of the earth! – The Lord Jesus actually used something that was occurring in that day to symbolize this passage of Scripture! – In verse 5 we see this name inscribed upon the forehead of a woman, much as in the days of Rome (John the revelator’s time) when too the harlots of the brothels would inscribe their own name upon their forehead so the men or women coming for pleasure could easily select the one they wish to have! ”… “So we see as pagan Rome this mystery woman had a name written on her forehead! – Rev. 17:5 reveals the religious prostitutes! And Rev. 18: 13 reveals to us the physical or commercial prostitutes! So we see at the latter end of the age these two will merge together doing a great business upon the earth! -And don’t forget the apostate Protestants are joined into this also!” (Rev. 3:15-17) – “Much of this now is hidden, but will be revealed more just before the Mark of the Beast!”- “She had a golden cup in her hand wherein she received the earth’s wealth!”- “The finger of God’s prophecy brings it into full view! But the wise will understand the signs of the time and prepare for the Lord’s return! ”

The latter days – “Many of my partners ask me to write more concerning the anti-christ. One thing for certain we know that he will take over and control the above false churches to suit his fancy and his own use! -With so many problems, troubles and perplexities throughout the countries the world is looking for a leader! –They want a super hero, one who they think can bring peace and turn things around! – We’ve seen our predictions come true concerning the rebellion and terrorists among other things, who have hijacked our airplanes and held Americans as hostages! – But what if one of these Arab or Moslem nations associated to the anti-christ threatens to use an atomic bomb on the nation that does not meet their demands!” – “Now we see the world looking for a super hero who can solve global problems, control the terrorists, deal with the Communists, provide plans for world peace, receive the honor of the masses, and gain support of important world leaders. – And did you know Prophecy says that just this type of leader is rising right now, and my opinion is now in the 80’s, unseen, but will be fully manifested later on!” …”Whose coming is after the work of satan with all power, signs and lying wonders…and with all deceivableness! ”- “And it says the ones who did not believe God’s Word are the ones he deceives!” -“So seeing all of these things are upon us and that the whole globe can be controlled by a few super computers and that this control can be put in to one system – then we should work swiftly in the harvest and do all that the Word of God commands us to do while we still have light to do it in! – I want each one who is reading this to know that I will be praying for you daily and we will complete the task that is set before us! Amen!”

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