Prophetic scrolls 127

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 127

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Entering the visions -“The world’s days are numbered, the people are weighed in the balances of God, the handwriting is on the revelation wall! The sinners and lukewarm understand it not, but the people that know their God will understand and do great exploits in the name of the Eternal One, the Lord Jesus!” -“We are actually living in the last prophecies and visions of the Bible and what God has given through the prophetic gifts! …The nations soon are going through a cycle of change again, bringing it right to the door of global take-over! …And just before this we can expect a wonderful outpouring from the Lord! …Across the earth is coming a great revolutionary attitude concerning passions, desires, the way people think; a mental change concerning the very character of the people of the earth! …Only by the supernatural presence of God will one be able to escape the evil influence that will come, but His children will be kept until translation! … He will give them the manifold wisdom of God – such revelation and power never having been seen before in our age!” -” Also, we will write this before hand… a total change in the way that we do business around the world will occur in the years ahead! …Later we will discuss more of these events and others in particular….The anti-christ system is getting very near and it is vital that we do write some more concerning a world leader that is rising!”

Important prophecy -“Paul said concerning the end of the age that it is high time to awake, time is short, it is even at the door!” -” According to Dan. 7:23, the fourth beast is the last world power. It describes it as brutal, will devour the whole earth and will destroy anything that gets in its way! …Will totally change the laws and constitution of the earth including ours in the United States!” – “This devil man will even defy the Most High for a given time. He will wear out the Tribulation Saints and the Hebrews that are left! ” (Rev. chap. 12) -“The elect will be translated before this last 42 months of death and terror!” – Dan. chap. 8, “repeats and gives added information! The total Scriptures sum up and reveal a personage like this, and by prophetic gift we can reveal further information! ” – “When the people of the earth become morally decayed and rotten to the core a cunning king will rise, his brain will be saturated with shrewdness and secret intelligence; satanic waves will control his thinking! …His power at first will be hidden, but his power is subtile and by devilish strength and inspiration he will rule, finally prospering no matter which way he turns! …He will destroy all who oppose him -no matter how great their armies he will vaporize them. …He will suddenly uproot 3 nations swiftly and will threaten to desolate them completely!…Ten kings will swing to his side immediately, he will be entrenched in power -a master of deception catching the sleeping off guard!” – “Without warning he will destroy! …Finally in his egotism he will fancy himself above all and any god! …He will even challenge the Most High, and that is when he seals his doom! ” – “He will not be directly in line for the royal position, but he evidently takes over during a crisis. The Bible says he starts from a small beginning, but grows until he sweeps away all opposition! …His promises will look real and fantastic, but they are full of deceit from the very start until the ending!”

The prophetic picture – “There is an element of mystery about him and his race. And because of Dan. 11:35-37, it says he disregards the God of his fathers. By revelation it would lead us to believe that he is partly Jew! Evidently the hidden factor is that he is a mixture!”-Dan. 9:26-27, “says he will be a Roman Prince, he will revive the Greek Roman Empire. People often have thought he could be a Pope! As some see …this would be a perfect seat for it! But, also remember that he will sit in the Jewish Temple. ” Here is a reprint from my past letter…“THE ANTI-CHRIST WILL USURP the position of the Pope controlling all Babylon religions! -Rev. chap. 17.” -“He will usurp the position of Christ and be the ‘false messiah’ to the Jews and a super prince to the Moslems!” -“His coming is soon, all the strange planetary conjunctions and lineups allude to this as well as the coming of Halley’s Comet! -Watch! -Fireworks lay directly ahead for the nations! ” –“It also reveals to us that Jesus’ return is very near! ”… “There is more concerning this subject that I will do in the future in clarifying his identity!”

What meaneth this? – “By prophetic gift, if one interprets this properly, a whole new spectrum of revelation opens up matching our modern age. It also compares with other Scriptures. ” – “The anti-christ is skilled in intrigue, one who understands riddles and dark sentences, hidden secrets! -Satan reveals to him certain things about the cosmos not known before by man! – Dan. 11:38, gives a wonderful insight! -It says he honors the ‘god of forces’ (the god of science, too)! – Forces is fullness in atomic energy, the gamma-rays (death), the elements (electricity) – the gravitational forces of the sun and the moon, secrets concerning gravity and lightning! …These are the god of forces; the weather as a weapon. …Satan will reveal to him the electromagnetic forces. He will discover the cosmic detonator releasing enormous energy cataclysmic and deadly -vaporizing all that is in its path! – He will have weapons that make others obsolete nearly! -The powers of the heavens shall be shaken, the earth will tremble off its axis ending Armageddon! ” –“The laser will reach its utmost in energy and heat and will be used with other atomic and energy rays! -This verse depicts him in a strong hold with a strange god indeed! – Satan has given him many secrets concerning the pulses and energies of our galaxy but they are the revelation of doom and destruction!” – “When the secrets are given to controlling the ‘god of forces’ one has powerful weapons indeed! ” … “As Rev. 6: 8 aptly named him ‘death’ and hell follows him, and Rev. 9: 11, ‘calls the king of the bottomless pit Abaddon, the Destroyer’!” -.”And, saith the Lord, this evil prince is on his way! -Actually only part of this is given here, as it is to be given in a whole message on cassette later.”

Prophetic capsule of events – As some may have missed these events we will reprint them. Many of these will take place between 1984-92 … “According to prophecy that the Lord has given me, we know that some of the most important events will take place in the Middle East during the 80’s! -Later in the decade and in the 90’s, the kings of the East will be greatly stirring!” -“Preceding this will be wars in Asia, Africa and the Mediterranean areas!” …”Finally, prosperity will come to South and Central America. -And I was shown other countries that have not prospered before – will prosper. But as I see it, this will be during the days of the anti-christ, for these nations will still face much ‘turmoil, wars and revolution’ first! ” – “Also a total and revolutionary change will come again to the United States by the latter 80’s! …First prosperity will return some again as we predicted! But later, there will be more crises and economic problems in the age! -But the anti-christ will rise and he will bring prosperity again during his reign, but it too will end in a final great depression across the world at the end, leading to Armageddon!”- “Also, years ago we predicted a world famine and some nations are feeling the impact and finally leading to a world food shortage and mark!” – “Lo, the black horse cometh!” (Rev. 6:5-8) -“The earth is scorched with drought and the cattle and men do groan in pain and hunger! ” … “We can also expect more signs from the heavens, lights, saucers, etc. Also there will be world revolutionaries in many nations, change-over in leaders, riots and intensified crises – 1984-87! ” …”And in the years ahead, there will be more falling away into apostasy and uniting of false churches. But, on the other hand, to the true believer will come a mighty restoration revival in the miraculous uniting of the true believer into the spiritual body of the Lord Jesus! ” -“Watch and pray!”

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