Prophetic scrolls 125

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 125

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The new coming age – “The Scriptures reveal to us quite a few events that will be occurring directly during the Great Tribulation and on. – But there is little said concerning events leading to it. But by prophetic gift we will do our best to show events preceding the Tribulation and during the Tribulation, Armageddon, etc. The approaching events will be very dramatic and earth shaking! Unusual and great unprecedented changes will transpire! -The events coming will merge into the apocalyptic judgments of the book of Revelation! – Now always remember, the Church will be translated 31/2 to 7 years before the Great Tribulation ends!” -“The world is on the edge of doom, more so in the later 80’s and 90’s!” -“A complete change altering the very nature of man’s living, events like never before, the earth will become a new empire by this man denoted in II Thess. 2:4. Dan. 11:36-39 describes his huge palace or fortress that leads to abomination of desolation – leaving the earth almost a barren wilderness finally!” -“He will promote a fantasy world leading to his worship; a super dictator coming in an angel of light dealing with electronics with his strange god and lifelike computers!”

The future – “In the coming years civilization will be near collapse two different times in the years ahead! The first time, man will be able to pull out of it. Even before this it will occur in a minor way! And the final collapse, in my opinion, will take place before the ending of the 90’s! – Also during this period great land movement and changes in the continents will occur! -There will be great volcanic eruptions, the greatest of earthquakes! – Also in places the earth will open up fissures as large as the Grand Canyon and huge pits will appear! – Some cities in Asia and Japan will disappear into the sea before our generation ends! ” – “Also the United States and along the coast of California will be greatly affected in the not too distant future!” – “Part of what I have seen will finally lead into this scripture, Isa. 24: 1, 19-20. – Some cities that are not destroyed by atomic desolation will literally be swallowed up whole and with all of their inhabitants! -This Scripture evidently refers to what I have seen in Rev. 16:19. “

The future – “Man’s Inventions or God’s Judgments? –This was given to me many years ago but I did not release it until now! – Unveiled to me were huge electrical storms and within the clouds it looked like some great energy weapon. The bolts of electricity gave the effect of gamma or cosmic lightning! -The reason I say a new weapon or God’s judgment is because huge lightning bolts were also seen in a clear sky on a clear day! – It was terrifying, because it spread over miles of territory and destruction! The feeling was so very ominous and very authoritative! – Also ice and water caught on fire from its deadly rays and heat! It seemed to me as being in the realm of supernatural, and yet it could have been man ‘ s weapon reaching in and bringing energy out of another dimension similar to how they split the atom!…But also could God have given us a preview before, when Elijah called fire (or lightning) out of heaven! And also one form of God’s judgment is lightning and thunder and it is mentioned around the Throne! (Rev. 4:5) It mentions fire! -And we all remember that in the days of Elijah the fire and lightning of God caused the water to be on fire and evaporate! …What I have revealed above is futuristic! – If this is not man, he will definitely have something similar to it communicating absolute destruction and death! ”

The future – A Reality -“After we have some economic crisis later! – We will have a terrible and major crisis world-wide! …And all paper money that we know of now all over the world will be declared worthless! …A new electronic money system will be set up. (We will see the early stages of this beforehand.) – A new way to buy, sell and work is coming! A super dictator will bring the world into a new form of prosperity and madness! – A fantasy of delusion never seen before, but it also will end in doom! – Before all this takes place the worst global famine and starvation the world has ever seen will be occurring, leading to the horror of the apocalypse, the black and pale horse! (Rev. 6:5-8) -The nightmare of terror commences!” -“Oh how wonderful it is to know the elect will be with Jesus!”

The prophetic circle of power – “Will glowing fiery chariots appear over the Battle of Armageddon? Yes, the Lord Jesus and the angels will be seen in flaming light! The lights and rays that He uses will literally freeze, paralyze and melt the armies at Armageddon! (Zech. 14: 12) -He is swift in action and His remedial measures are perfect in controlling mankind! ” -“Speaking of Armageddon, Isa. 66: 15 says the Lord will come with fire and with His chariots like a whirlwind. And He will rebuke the armies of the earth with flames of fire and rays of power! – His hands will be full of power and coals of fire never seen before! Out of His mouth and eyes will go forth eternal flames (various rays) unseen before until then! -The very brightness of this will do away with many! II Thess. 2:8 – Rev. 19:12-16) -“Evidently these horses mentioned in verse 14 are supernatural and you would be surprised what they can change into! -As you just read practically the same scripture in Isa. 66: 15.” – “The celestial chariots of the Lord are 20,000 (Ps. 68: 17) …Ezek. in chap. 1, was well aware of these supernatural lights! -Elijah was carried away into another dimension by one of these celestial wheels of fire!” (II Kings 2: 11-12) – “Remember the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy -the future!” (Rev. 19: 10) -“We might add that satan also has saucers and false lights, and the creatures in these things have already promised people a way of escape, new worlds to go to, new pleasures unheard of and so forth, according to the news reports! – But all of this is just imitation, strong delusions and many times just a mirage from demons, etc.” -“But God’s Words are a true reality!”

Prophecy and science projections – “Through electronics, among the extraordinary possibilities in store for consumers in the future, the standard telephone console will become the only computer terminal most people will need. Text and pictures will be viewed on a video screen attached to the phone…and additional data will be delivered as electronically synthesized speech. Phone users will also be able to see who is calling before answering! ” – “Combining laser optics and computers, 3-dimensional holographic images will appear in the living room with almost life-like clarity! It’s the next thing to a life figure! – A little beyond this is 3-dimensional sex involvement! ” – ” Also the anti-christ could appear in the living room in 3-dimensional light to be worshipped- giving forth a kind of spirit’s type experience in feeling, an actual involvement with evil fantasy of adoration! – A satanic prince from the pit in him will hold them spellbound!- Actually there is quite a bit more in describing the inventions of the future, but we will leave that till later! ”

Prophecy reveals – “In this forecast there will be a time of severe puzzlement, confusion, a time of don’t care madness is coming and will begin to overwhelm the world (1989-92). – Chaos and turmoil unheard of in the cities around the world. We will see some of this in its earlier stages soon…plus riots, rebellion and tumults. Also what people see others doing will be unbelievable and shocking to their eyes and ears!”

Prophetic update concerning immoral’s -“In one of the prophecies it was revealed that the future job of many young boys and girls would not be as the usual work as secretaries, craft, etc. – but would be going into the line of prostitution. Just lately someone sent me a magazine article that showed pictures of young girls in various nations over the last 10 or 12 years that have been bred solely for the purpose of prostitution! – And they are fully developed between the ages of 10 and 12 years old, and they are dispatched in different parts of the world for sexual pleasure! – Most of these girls’ lives will be over at the ages of 18-21 because of the drugs, etc. – It’s actually slavery! (Rev. 18: 13) – A documentary was filmed concerning Paris and its houses of legal prostitution! …In one location it showed a picture of the building where one or two girls were at, and on the outside there were hundreds lined up waiting for their turn in this area where the price was cheap! -The man said it was like an assembly line where they did it quickly and orally! -They said it was a form of slavery because some of the girls were taken against their will from other parts of the world! …And they said nothing was ever done to stop it! “- “Also a while back on a public television talk show, there appeared 5 or 6 male prostitutes and they were revealing about how women were coming to them for pleasure, telling of what they wanted and how, and also about the different ages of the women, etc. They revealed how the money was transacted before hand and how much! They got $125.00 per hour or $1,000 for a whole day! … But what shocked the audience was when one of them said that sometimes the husband actually pays the fee and some of them even watch the affair!” – Jesus said, “it shall be like the days of Sodom and Gomorrah all over again!” -“Now one can see why God will judge the earth due to this and other factors that you have read herein! – Also in the same statement Jesus said fire and brimstone would come out of heaven upon the earth! – I have withheld many prophecies until now! – Don’t miss part 2 concerning science, prophecy and startling events that will amaze the reader! ”

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