Prophetic scrolls 122

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 122

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The prophetic fullness of time – Dan. 8:23, “And in the latter time of their kingdom when the transgressors ‘are come to full’ a king of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences shall stand up!”—Luke 21:24 — Rev. 11:1-2, “reveal at the ‘fullness of time’ Israel would become a nation and a Temple would appear in Jerusalem! — According to Luke 21:24, we know it is the fullness of time when Israel reclaimed the Old City of Jerusalem (1967)!” — “We are seeing before our very eyes the fullness of iniquity and absolutely the fullness of the Gentiles, reaching the fullness of inventions, knowledge and false religions, etc. . . . And the elect will reach the fullness of God’s anointing and restoration soon!” — “One dictionary defines fullness as the state of being full; complete, then goes on to say the proper ‘appointed time’ — exactly, in many places as the Scriptures declare it by saying in the latter time!” — “We know the anti-christ is alive now; only awaiting to be revealed. . . . We are entering the final fullness of appointed time! The cup of the earth’s abominations is reaching the top!” — Concerning the time that we are living in, Jesus said in Matt. 24:34, “Verily I say unto you, ‘this generation’ shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled!” — “The Scriptures reveal the invention and use of mass destructive weapons would appear!” (Rev. 18:8-10 — Luke 21:26 — Joel 2:30) — Prophecy declared the arming of all nations at the end! (Zech. 14:1-7) — The rise and power of the Russian bear at the end! (Ezek. chaps. 38 and 39) — And the restoration of the Old Roman Empire (Mid East and Europe) — Dan. 2:43 — Rev. 13:1. — “The awakening again of China to war in the latter times!” (Rev. 16:12-14) — “Swift and electric-like travel was predicted and is here! —The predictions of radio, TV and satellite. Wars and rumors of war and we see them all around us! — This all points to Jesus’ return in our generations!”

Prophecies continue — II Thess. 2: 7-12, “reveals the mystery of iniquity would reach fruition in the last days, including lawlessness, allowing the rise of the anti-christ. We see the crime wave, murder, robbery, etc. — debauchery in all forms of lustful indulgence imaginable!City night streets, etc. — but the worst abominations will come when the beast rises in the Temple claiming that he is god! — II Tim. chap. 3 gives you full insight for the latter times!”

Secrets out of darkness — Prophecy declares the beast of fierce countenance will have the understanding of dark sentences! His power is by satanic forces; he will reveal how to solve global problems! Give them an answer to peace! . . . He will increase trade to unknown proportions. . . . World leaders will flock to his gateway for this super understanding! But by peace and prosperity he will do away with all!” (Dan. 8:23-25) — Dan 11:21, “He will rise to power through propaganda and delusion, peaceful overtures, and by deception and flatteries! — In other words he quietly rises into his position no matter how much commotion is going on before hand!” — Verse 24, “gives us a clue, he is similar to communism — for he gains power by taking things over and scattering the prey and riches among the people! — For instance this evidently includes the Middle East, he will have control of the oil and scatter some of the revenue among the people and become a great prince! — Later after this he will control Israel and their fruitful land!” — Verse 39, “says he will even divide the land for gain! — Verses 36-38, says he will do whatever he pleases, he will exalt himself above all . . . he will use the god of forces (secret weapons, etc. …he will control all the silver and gold and precious things and use it in idolatry form and to uphold his way!” — “Thus shall he do with a ‘strange god’ in his stronghold palace! — Strange god, is evidently associated to satan, but he also uses the strange god of science. Evidently we are speaking of ‘a super computer’ that is able to divide up the land and riches controlling the people of the earth! (marked) — One other thing, in verse 24, the word ‘forecast’ appears, meaning he will use radio-TV communications for his benefit!”

Prophecy declares a calculation device (Rev. 13:16-18) — Computers with artificial intelligence (light, etc.) will control all commerce and banking under its control. A computer code mark is given! — According to a magazine, here is the latest in strange computers. It reads, “biochips are made ‘from antibodies’ that are prevalent in the human body that fight disease germs. — These antibodies have only a short life span, but through an induced fusion between them and cancer cells, the result is . . . a wildly reproducing cancer cell (which) results in a unique inheritance: and (they say) an immortal hybrid cell, or hybridoma, that forever manufactures antibodies, one after another, each identical! – This new generation computer will, in effect, be a living entity! It will reproduce itself and program itself and, theoretically, one super computer could indeed control the total activities of every human being on earth!” — “It seems to me that this is a good way for demons to enter in to these inventions through the cancer cells! (death) — In verses 15-18, “reveal the image is associated to computer television and death!” — “This is a view-point, and much more will be involved, but this could be part of the prophecy picture!” — “Let us bring it a little plainer. . . . In other words the new computers will be made of living cancer cells impregnated by a virus! — They will be able to reproduce themselves and program themselves. — For practical purposes, they will be alive! — Silicon chips will be phased out, and bio-chemical chips will take their place!” — Quote — “All present information stored in memory banks of all the computers in the world could be stored in a space no bigger than a sugar cube in just one of the new computers!” — “I believe that men will even go beyond this and discover life-like rays that will be used in various new inventions!” — “Through all of these inventions mankind is finally led to Armageddon! (Read Rev. 16:13-14). — Also part of the anti-christ understanding of dark sentences will come from the use of a super computer!”

Things to come — We continue to quote other articles…. “Japanese sources which claim that the new biocomputers will solve the world’s unemployment, energy shortages, medical costs, problems that come with old age, industrial inefficiency, food shortages and money crises!” — “No matter how smart they get, they cannot compute away the great coming famine of Rev. 11:6. — No rain for 42 months! Evidently to get them out of the great coming inflationary depression they will use computers and the ability of the anti-christ will take them out of it!” — “According to Rev. 6:5-6, a worldwide inflationary depression will occur again during the latter part of the Great Tribulation period! — But I believe before then they will have a severe economic crisis using a new type of money! — Also in an economic crisis the anti-christ will rise, bringing prosperity!” — “Let us quote what Colorado ‘s Governor Lamb projected for the late 80 ‘s and early 90’s on 60 Minutes TV program 1984 (CBS)!” — “He said this would occur by 1994. He was liberal in his dates, but he is right concerning various events!” — “Quote, he says, there will be massive unemployment in the United States, interest rates would exceed 25 percent, there would be runaway inflation, and he even foresees civil unrest and anarchy!— The governor predicted further that the dollar would decline to a fraction of its present value and gold would rise to $2,000 an ounce. Rev. 18:12 reveals much buying and selling of gold! Of course silver would increase greatly too!” — My opinion is, “before it reaches this price there evidently may be a major correction around 1987. Nevertheless we are going to see strange events in economics! (Also, we should warn that metals can be highly volatile and caution should be used.)… . “The governor listed the factors that would cause all of this social and economic upheaval in the United States!”… “Many of these events were predicted years earlier on our Scrolls. — I also believe that much of this will take place before the last 90’s date that he gave! — It is good to see that we have a governor with good foresight!”

Prophetic view — “Some people think that the quoting of such high prices of gold is fantastic, but now many economic experts say, and the Scriptures lead them to believe, that prices will be very high nearing Tribulation!” — “Evidently paper money has become worthless!” — “According to Rev. 6:5-6, one measure of wheat for a penny (penny in those days meant silver!) — “The rendering means a whole day’s wage — whatever the day’s wage is at that time in silver. — This reveals prices are inflated too. . . . Just imagine what the price of gold would be! — But finally these world shortages lead to the very mark of the beast! — All the gold is hoarded up!” — “So we see in the distant future some real incredible occurrences that have to do with the economy, working conditions and the coming of the new social order of this world!” (James chap. 5 — Dan. 11:36-38, 43) — “It is good to know Jesus will take care of us as time closes out. — His return is near! — Let us watch and pray! Time is fleeting, let’s do all we can in His harvest work!”

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