Prophetic scrolls 116

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 116

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The spiritual dimension of the beyond – “Life after death! What do the Scriptures say about the hereafter? – Science and nature offer some real evidence of the reality of life after death. But it is by Scriptural revelation that we have definite facts concerning the departed soul! – Let’s begin at first to list some important Scriptures.” … “Man can kill or destroy the body, but not the soul! (Matt. 10:28) – The spirits of the redeemed or righteous at death are transported to Paradise! (Luke 23:43) – God is not the God of the dead, but of the living and souls in heaven! (Luke 20:38) – To depart from the body is to be present with the Lord! (Phil. 1:23-24) – Paul gives evidence of the beyond by being caught up to the third heaven!”(II Cor.12:2-4)

Visions of Hades (dark region) and of paradise – “The Bible gives a remarkable and complete revelation in establishing the doctrine of the hereafter. Both concerning the righteous and wicked are revealed. We know John on Patmos was caught up into eternity! (Rev. 4:3) – He also witnessed the Holy City, and the righteous in heaven!” (Rev. chapter 21 and 22) – “As we said Paul was caught up into Paradise. He saw and heard things that were unbelievable and unspeakable, but a true reality! But in later times there have also been others who have been caught up into Paradise. And one of the most remarkable of such cases in modern times was that of Marietta Davis (and we give it in part).” – Quote … who for nine days lay in a trance from which she could not be awakened and during which times she witnessed visions of heaven and hell. Nothing speaks more eloquently of the authenticity of her narrative than her language and style which has a definite inspired touch. The story which she told after her return is quite in harmony with the Biblical revelation of the nature of man’s existence after death. The narrative relates many incidental details of interest as to what takes place after the human spirit leaves the body. The unfolding drama is a solemn object lesson to which every mortal who lives in this world would do well to take heed. In this chapter we shall give summary of the story of what Marietta saw during the nine days when she was out of the body. Besides visiting Paradise, she was permitted for a brief period to enter Hades and learn some of its dark secrets. What she tells us is quite in harmony with that which Christ revealed to us concerning the state of the rich man of Luke 16.

Visions of heaven and hell – As the spirit of Marietta Davis left her body, she saw a light descending toward her having the appearance of a brilliant star. When the light drew near, she found that it was an angel who was approaching. The heavenly messenger saluted her and then said, “Marietta, thou desirest to know me. In my errand to thee I am called the Angel of Peace. I come to guide thee where those exist who are from earth, whence thou art.” Before the angel escorted her upward she was given a view of the earth at which the angel made this comment: “Time quickly measureth the fleeting moments of human existence and generations follow generations in quick succession.” Explaining the effect of death upon a human being the angel declared, “The departure of the human spirit from its unsettled and shattered habitation below, worketh no change in its nature. Those of discordant and unhallowed natures are attracted by like elements, and enter into regions overhung with clouds of night; while those who for the love of good, desire pure associations, are by heavenly messengers conducted to the orb of glories appearing above the intermediate scene.” As Marietta and the angel ascended they at length came to what she was told was the outskirts of Paradise. There they entered upon a plain where were trees bearing fruit. Birds were singing and sweet scented flowers were blooming. Marietta would have spent some time there but was informed by her guide that they must not tarry, “for thy present mission is to learn the condition of the departed child of God.”

She meets the redeemer – As she and her guide continued onward, they at length came to the gateway of the City of Peace. Entering, she saw saints and angels with harps of gold! They continued on until the angel brought Marietta into the presence of the Lord. The attending angel spoke saying, “This is thy Redeemer. For thee in incarnation, He suffered. For thee without the gate treading the winepress alone, He expired.” In awe and trembling Marietta bowed before Him. The Lord however, raised her up and welcomed her into the city of the redeemed. Afterwards she listened to the heavenly choir and was given an opportunity to meet some of her loved ones who had passed on before her. They freely conversed with her and she found no difficulty in understanding them, for “thought moved with thought.” She saw that in heaven there is no concealment. She observed that her former acquaintances were happy souls contrasting with their careworn appearance before they left the earth. She saw no old age in Paradise. Marietta quickly came to the conclusion that the beauty and glory of heaven as she had imagined it was not overdrawn. “Be assured,” said the angel, “the highest thoughts of man fail to approach the reality and the delights of the heavenly scene. Marietta was also informed that the Second Coming of Christ was drawing near at which time the redemption of the human race would take place. “Man’s redemption draweth nigh. Let angels swell the chorus; for soon the Saviour descendeth with holy attending angels.”

Children in paradise – Marietta observed that there were many children in Paradise. And this of course is in harmony with the Bible. When Jesus was on earth he took little children and blessed them saying, “of such is the kingdom of heaven.” The Scriptures do not go into detail as to what happens to the spirit of a child that dies, but we gather that its spirit is safely conveyed to Paradise, there to receive training and loving care by the guardian angels. The angel noted that “if man had not departed from purity and harmony, earth would have been a proper nursery for new-born spirits.” Sin coming into this world, death also entered, and children were often its victims as those who were older. Marietta was told that each child on earth has a guardian angel. The Scriptures were quoted. (Matt. 18: 10 – Isa. 9:6) – God beholds even the sparrow that falls to the ground, how much more those created in the image of God! As soon as the spirit of the little child leaves the body, its guardian angel conveys it safely to Paradise. Marietta was informed that when an angel bears an infant into Paradise, he classifies it according to its particular type of mind, its special gifts and assigns it to a home where it is best adapted. There are schools in Paradise, and there the infants are taught the lessons that they were intended to have learned on earth. But in Paradise they are free from the defilements and vices of a fallen race. She was told that if bereaved parents only realized the bliss and happiness of the child they had lost, they would no longer be overwhelmed with grief. After the children have completed their courses of instruction, Marietta was informed, they were moved upward to a higher sphere of learning. She was told that wicked spirits have a discordant nature that is out of harmony with the prevailing laws of Paradise. Were they to enter this holy region they would suffer intense agony. Therefore God in His goodness does not permit such spirits to mingle within the sphere of the righteous, but a great gulf is fixed between their respective abodes.

Christ and the cross is the center of attraction in heaven – When Jesus appears in Paradise, all other activity and occupation ceases, and the hosts of heaven gather in adoration and worship. At such times the newly arrived infants that have come to consciousness are assembled to behold the Saviour and to adore the One who has redeemed them. Marietta describing it said: “The entire city appeared as one garden of flowers; one grove of umbrage; one gallery of sculptured imagery; one undulating sea of fountains; one unbroken extent of sumptuous architecture all set in a surrounding landscape of corresponding beauty, and overarched by a sky adorned with hues of immortal light.” In contrast to earth, there is an absence of rivalry in heaven. The inhabitants dwell there in peace and perfect love. Don’t miss next script! Astounding, incredible insight! Is it true… do the Scriptures confirm it? – We enter a whole new realm of vision! – Many secrets revealed of the night region, etc. If you are truly interested in Heaven, be sure and read it! – Next scroll – the informative conclusion continued.

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