Prophetic scrolls 115

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                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 115

          Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


The modern scientific outlook – Even today some scientists see no future for mankind but finally self destruction. – They are right in one way, but the Lord Jesus Christ will protect and lift out His own! While other scientists are forecasting what they will be doing in the future concerning the advances of mankind, Dan. 12:4 … “reveals the increase of super knowledge!” – “For the 1980’s experts speak of inventing an implantable nuclear-powered heart that can survive its owner and be implanted in another!” – “But Jesus said, let not your heart be troubled. Besides giving peace He can also miraculously heal the heart!” – “A breakthrough has been made in a small electronic brain stimulator to ease chronic headaches, to allow paralyzed persons to regain the use of their limbs and, in some cases, to modify the behavior of mentally ill persons. – It is wonderful that science can relieve suffering; but Jesus said, He gives us a sound mind, and relieves us from tension and suffering! And by faith all things are possible to him that believeth! (Mark 11:23) – Faith is the key! … Whosoever then, can have whatsoever he saith!” (Verse 24) – “They visualize for the late 80’s or early 90’s the dazzling prospects of artificial wombs in which fetuses can be kept alive until ready for birth, of synthetic blood, computer implants for brains to boost physical or intellectual performance!” … “The Scriptures say they work in vain, for God is the creator of life, and He will have the final say in the wisdom of His judgment at the White Throne!” – “For the 90’s they also forecast hibernation to extend human life by intermittent slowing of body processes!” – “Yes, they will hibernate alright by that time, for it says, men hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains from the wrath of the lamb!” (Rev. 6:15-17) – “They forecast memory correction, the prolonging of virility, and a restoration of 120 years after Noah’s day.” (Gen. 6:3) – “They also vision space arks where people will travel long distances in space they claim.” – “They are working on new weapons . . . energy rays of death. They are also inventing many new ways to use light rays for modern conveniences, bringing on a fantasy type world soon! – Also when all science becomes one under the anti-Christ system, nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagination to do! (Gen. 11:6) – But God will interrupt and scatter them abroad again!” (Verse 5) – “The time Armageddon!” (Jer. 25:31-33 – Isa. 24:1, 19)

The prophetic cycles – “In the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament age, God has always given various cycle signs. For instance cycles of famine, war, pestilence, cycles of weather, volcanoes and heaven’s, cycles of sin and apostasy, cycles of prosperity and depression, cycles of revival and restoration, cycles concerning Israel (fig tree) – “the cycles of the Gentiles and the cycle of Babylon, etc” – God has set times and He has seasonal times! (Eccl. 3:1) – “Cycle of the heaven’s, we know at certain times there are signs in the heaven, forewarning of events that should take place upon the earth. (Gen. 1:14- Luke 21:25) – “As we know approaching the birth of Christ there were many heavenly signs, plus the forerunning of Halley’s Comet! – And again in the middle 80’s and early 90’s will be an array of heavenly signs, plus other comets! – For one, Halley’s Comet appears 1986-87. They are for signs! In the past, important comets predicted devastating changes of times and states. – Throughout the ages comets have been harbingers of famine, plague, doom and destruction. Evidently at some point in the 90’s a huge asteroid appears. (Rev. 8:8-10) – Following this it trumpets forth the death and woe of the pale horse!” (Rev. 6:8) – “I’ve followed the prophecy in the Bible and the cycles in the Bible and one of the most unusual and strange cycles will cross between 1988-92. But the most mysterious dark and cycles of upheaval ‘Cross between’ 1993-99. Remember also there is a shortening of time to consider. (Matt. 24:22) – Will there be anything left by that time except Christ’s kingdom? -We know that the end of the age could take place sooner than the last cycle; and that the Church (Elect) always leaves anywhere from 31/2 to 7 years earlier! (Rev. chap 12)

Continuing -the cycles of famine, war and apostasy are coming –“In our age, famine will become so severe over the world that a United States President will declare an emergency to help feed some of the nations! – But even later in the age the United States itself will suffer through a severe famine and drought. Evidently the latter part of this will be associated closely to or during the time of the mark of the beast!” – “As we said in the other scrolls, new wars will be coming to many parts of the world. – Also there will be coming cycles of prosperity and also cycles of economic crises! – There will be another cycle of restoration and revival soon and is even being felt some now!”

The cycles of Babylon (apostasy sign) – I was given a vision of a beautifully clothed woman … clothed with much wealth, diamonds and jewels sparkling in every direction from toe to head, and she began to place some evil type substance on other plain clothed women, up until this time, and then they, too, began to look and act like the other woman! – What does this mean? – “I went quickly to the Scriptures and this is none other than the notorious Babylon Church (false religions) working in the evil substance with the U.S.A. Protestants and world religions for a super world state church!” – “Also, have you noticed the prophecy beginning to take place concerning the Vatican State and the United States government working together!” – “What was the evil substance? It evidently was like the parable of Matt. 13:33, wherein a woman took leaven (false doctrine) and hid it in 3 measures of meal (the body of Christianity) until the whole was permeated into corruption! – Who was this woman with the evil leaven? – She was the woman of Rev. 17, mystery Babylon, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth! – This takes in the church of Rome, but it also takes in much more! She is the apostate Christian church that seeks to dominate and direct world powers! – She is the spirit of Jezebel that will get into the lukewarm churches at the end of the age! – They will be in union with the anti-Christ system!” – Evidently what I saw concerns these 2 Scriptures (Rev. 17:4-5 – Rev. 3:16-17). Also other events were given me, will release later!”

The difference – religious and commercial Babylon – “Both of these institutions will work together as the woman rides the beast of wealth! Let us explain the two Babylons…Both have shed the blood of the saints. (Rev. 17:6- Rev. 18:24) -Both commit fornication with the kings of the earth; one in a religious way, the other in a commercial way! (Rev. 17:2 -Rev. 18:3, 9) -Together they give the mark of the beast where no man can work, buy or sell, etc.” – “The difference, merchandise and commercialism are not described in the first one, but it is described in Rev. chap. 18- Rev. 17, the woman and the beast are symbolic, and it is explained. But in the 18th chapter nothing is symbolic and nothing is explained; it is literal! Both Babylons are called a city! – “One is world-wide commercialism, and one is world-wide religious system!” – Zech. 5:9-11, “explains at the end of the age that the headquarters for Commercial Babylon will evidently be transferred to a spot in the Middle East! And finally religious affairs will be governed world-wide from the area of Jerusalem! – This shows definite movements at the end of the age!” (II Thess. 2:4 – Dan. 11: 45) – “While it is true that both work together, there is a final blowup! – Because God puts it in the hearts of the 10 Kings of the anti-Christ to destroy mystery Babylon (religious system)!” Rev. 17:16-17) – “And then just a little later on Russia destroys the Commercial Babylon controlled by the anti-Christ at Armageddon!” (Dan. 11:40-45) – “So we see plainly that Rev. 17 is a religious system, while Rev. chap. 18 is a commercial system world-wide!”

The anti-Christ world leader associated to commercial Babylon –“Through his policy he shall cause craft to prosper! (Dan. 8: 25) – “He is identified with the number 666. (Rev. 13: 18) – Here is a prophetic viewpoint. –The number 666 is joined to only one other thing in the Scriptures: gold. (II Chron. 9: 13) -It evidently becomes very important in his final system and he holds the greatest hordes! (Rev.18:12) – He brings such prosperity then that men worship him!”

Some things this world leader will do – “The anti-Christ will put down rebellion and anarchy by using force that ‘he calls’ peace! He will have an agreement with Russia and the United States! – He will in some strange way resolve the Arab-Israeli feud for a while! – He will work with and control the Catholic Church and all religions! But as we said in the end will destroy all religious institutions! – He is a military genius; because it says, who can make war with him? (Rev. 13:4-5) – “He is a wizard in electronics, to control.” – “He makes it look like he is master of all he surveys! (Ezek. chap. 28) – The master of the game trade, prosperity and peace, but underneath the pot will be boiling! His kingdom will erupt like a volcano – Armageddon! Watch, all the above… it is coming soon, as we said, important comets are harbingers of things to come!”

Scroll #115©