Translation Nuggets 061

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What is next?Translation Nuggets 61

Translation Nuggets 61

Witnessing prophecy — The nations and the USA are in astonishment and perplexity as internal, presidential and worldwide events bring one shock wave after another! Bewilderment and fear has gripped the populations! You might wonder, what’s next? — “The ending of our Church Age, the former and latter outpouring is here, and a quick short work in the harvest is finishing up!” Food shortage, famines and drought, plagues, floods and storms have overwhelmed this planet. The Scripts are fulfilling, and they haven’t seen anything, yet that will be! — “Jesus foretold of the days approaching, he gave forewarning in the Scriptures and the celestial.” And we see signs everywhere! — While science and medicine are curing many diseases — new ones will spring forth!

Run prophecy run — Hab.2:2-3, “And the Lord answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” — It says at the end it shall speak! And by the signs we are already to go and the elect are preparing for Translation! (Matt. 25:5-6) — Some terrible calamitous events will take place before and after 1999 (Scripts predictions) — We are not saying His return is in 1999. It could occur at any time in the season, on this side or the other side of the century.

What’s next? — The ending of the Church Age! Jesus told me the midnight cry is going forth! — “Go ye out to meet Him! — Action — preparation!” — Soon rainbow in view. (Throne) — I preached a message here, “The Final Look” and showed pictures of the most beautiful mountains, trees, wilderness, flowers, nature, sea, oceans etc. Magnificent creation! Because, later on it will be like volcanic ash in a burnt over place in much of its glorious scenery! — In the not-too distant future, it will seem like this Scripture, Joel 2:3, “A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.” (Read Joel chap.1, about drought) —Isa. 24:6, “Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.” — The prophetic clock is ticking, and He will come to those who love His appearing! Incredible and awesome events lay ahead for this nation, make no mistake about it. (Remember our youth) Watch and pray! Be alert at all times! Scroll #263

The vital generation – We’re living in the most dangerous and unusual times in the history of the world. This generation has never seen such vital prophecy revealing we’re turning the corner towards the coming of Christ and the great tribulation. Every facet of this planet is changing as predicted. It has been like a flood of events, as the prophets said, ending the age. We will have more of the same, only worse. Scientists are baffled by all the strange phenomena concerning under earth, on the earth and in the heavens. As Daniel said, knowledge shall increase, and we’re in the age of superintelligence. Later, which will seem to bring peace, but bring nearly annihilation. God is uniting His real Elect at this moment. Not only will the unexpected be among His children, but the world will be caught off guard in a subtle snare wherein the lamb turns into a dragon.

We’re seeing revolutionary events concerning society and the four elements. You might say, the world has not seen anything yet and will be ill prepared for what is ahead. But the joy of the Lord will be with His real believers! They will not follow the imitation arising at this hour, but will stay with the Word and real Spirit. The midnight cry is here and the thunders are rolling! The world will be in confusion, but the Elect will receive renewed knowledge, power, faith and an outpouring of His Spirit. We will be wrapped up in a rainbow and leave!

National calamities – We have certainly seen God’s wake up trumpet with the cataclysms that took place in the USA on 9-11-2001 up until Jan.-Mar.2002. Also before all this different events took place, concerning politics, economics and society, I wrote this on a script (#281). Quote: THE UNVEILING – This subject will involve the spiritual to the real believer, and also it will concern important events concerning the nation! (It concerns exposure.) “The unseen shall be seen. The hidden shall be revealed, the unknown, known. The unheard shall be heard.” Events kept secret will come to the forefront and bring drastic changes to the U.S.A. and world now and 2001-2002, etc. The subterfuge will rise. Unexpected shock waves coming. The celestial phenomenon also bears witness to this. Concerning the spiritual, the Elect will receive the final secrets concerning the Thunders, translation and resurrection. He is already moving in that direction. “Soon time shall be no more here for the believer as they leave into another dimension.” God gave me this. This is a true parable. It covers both sides, the materialistic world and the spiritual. Watch and pray.

God’s trademark – Just as Satan has a trademark of violence, destruction and desolation, unbelief, etc. God’s trademark is on His children – love, joy, peace. – Gal. 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” Paul even states these are even more valuable than the gifts. And for most people it’s hard to keep a few of the fruits let alone all of them. Cor. 13:1, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.” Also read verses 2-13. Scroll #295

Unveiling the future time dimensions – “According to the Scriptures there is coming at the end of the age a time angel with a messenger!” (Rev. 10:7) – Daniel knew this messenger as the Palmoni, the wonderful numberer of secrets! – He will be the rainbow angel to the end time messenger!” (Rev. 10:1) – Now vr. 2, we will use the Amplified Greek to explain it, He had a little book (scroll) open in his hand, He set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land. – And it bears out in the original Greek the word “Scroll”. – Evidently in this little Scroll, a time dimension was given concerning the elect and the ending of events! Also in vrs. 3-4, it reveals seven thunders uttered their voices! And John was told, do not write the secrets that are in the seven thunders! – Evidently the secrets are in this little book or scroll. And it will be revealed to the end of the age saints during the days of a time messenger!” (Vr. 7) The Thunders has to do with a message, the resurrection and the translation of God’s people! – The little book is also symbolic of the names of whom He will redeem! After this messenger in vr. 7, we see following in the next chapter, the beginning of the Great Tribulation. ” (Rev. 11:3-6)… Note: In Rev. chap. 6 – “One Thunder sounded – Six seals were opened!” (7th Seal silent) – “In Rev. chap. 10 – Seven Thunders uttered – and one little book (seal) or Scroll was revealed!” Scroll #188

Prophecy – prophetic horror –“This is not a comforting subject to write about, but the Lord Jesus told me I must warn people!” “It is said if mankind just used one percent of its stockpile of nuclear weapons, a hundred million people would die suddenly! As much as the entire population of Europe, half of the United States and the Soviet Union would die later of radiation!” –“Now consider this, if an all out nuclear war started, scientists ‘claim’ it would leave in its wake 2 or 3 billion victims or more!” -“If Jesus did not intervene and cleanse the air it would wipe out all flesh!”(St. Matt. 24:22-Rev.19:20)”- “And with the new type of weapons, much can occur within one day! (Rev. 18:8-10) – The land masses would shift, gigantic tidal waves would occur! Jesus said, the seas and the waves roaring! And gigantic firestorms and whirlwinds; the whole earth and weather pattern would change! -“This Scripture is very timely, Isa. 14:16-17, “He foresaw a sinister figure who made the earth shake and tremble; and made the world as a wilderness, destroying the cities thereof!” “Also much destruction of the ozone layer would occur and fiery skin diseases (sores) would take place!”(Rev. 16:2) – “Mankind will also invent futuristic energy weapons that can set cities on fire, or some can literally cause a blackout of lights! This fits the description of various Scriptures, like this occurs in Rev. 16:9-10” -“It’s strange, but some scientists foresee an American and Chinese War in this generation! And it could occur within a decade, but what they don’t know is Russia and Eastern Europe will be involved also! (Vrs. 12, 16 – Ezek. Chap. 38) -Russia, China and Japan will have received its technology from the USA; and their weapons will not be inferior in some ways!”

Science continuing –“Remember I foresaw some weapons that looked like lightning beams or that man had controlled lightning! Part of this is coming true already, called killer beams! -The particle beam fires a stream of sub-atomic particles such as electrons, protons (ions). The beam’s effect resembles a bolt of lightning! -It can smash satellites in the sky or turn tanks and vehicles into fiery graves! -They are working now on a giant electronic gun. It uses huge bursts of electronic energy to destroy! They are working on weapons that will send energy beams at the speed of light; that vaporize satellites and spacecraft! They are inventing computerized robots that can help soldiers on the battlefield! Some of this predicted by the gift of prophecy and other parts were foreseen in the book of Revelation! -The USA has invented a Stealth Aircraft armed with nuclear bombs, and it is invisible to radar!”

Continuing – “Russia has a great fleet of submarines, but the USA has satellites that can detect submarines hidden in the ocean’s depth. And, also invented new nuclear depth charges!”-“An American Trident submarine carries awesome power -192 nuclear tipped missiles with a range of nearly 5,000 miles. This one submarine could literally wipe out nearly all the big cities of Russia, and they in turn could do likewise!” –“As prophecy declares it seems the world will be turned into an electronic battlefield finally!”

What does science predict? -“They see synthetic narcotics in the 90’s. -This is already occurring in what is called designer drugs, and is finding its way to the street market!” -They say Marijuana and certain type drugs before the year 2000 will replace much of the tobacco market.” -“They predict space stations; and also sexual intercourse and children in space!” – Obad. 1:4, “speaks of a nest in space as we have mentioned before! This could occur soon or during the last part of the Tribulation!” -“They predict robot evangelists. -We have enough of this in the natural; men are already governed by their systems like robots!” -Could be -“They see robot cars! True, but in prophetic advance of this will be computerized electronic radar control highways in the 90’s!”- “TV, images to be projected 6 feet in front of the set! The scripts describe the 3-dimensional type in advancement! – “And artificial cloth and paper dresses!” –They foresee the government giving citizens of the future an identification number and mark to keep track before the year 1999! This matches Rev. 13: 13-18.”- “Also they see the disappearance of money as a means of exchange!” – “Special pleasure cities to placate the masses, some on huge floating barges. -Special rooms and restaurants to increase one’s appetite with hunger gases and increase sexual potency wherein every type of perversion known to man or woman can be bought, etc. (Sodom repeats) -Plus women with male organs and men with female organs! – transsexual (This is already occurring in Paris) -‘ ‘They see a world dictator before 1999! -Cities on earth are burned in food riots! Food is rationed! All media censored by the government. -World government before 2000!” (Rev. 6:5-8- Rev. chap. 13) -“The work force will work one half of the week and the other will work the second half of the week because of computerized electronic world!” –“Inventions that see through walls (no privacy) – Materialize and dematerialize objects! (already done in sorcery) -Perhaps we can continue more later!”

Prophecy confirming prophecy – “The Scripts has given us such an in-depth and wide coverage concerning events of the future that when we do search out prophecies that were given in past history of long ago; we find out in one way or another the prophetic scrolls have also covered those in much detail too! … And we also only print what matches the Bible or the Scripts! – Here is an ancient prophecy given about the time of the Reformation hundreds of years ago… A medical doctor wrote to his Majesty, King Henry II, and told him of a vision to occur by the end of the 20th century. When dissention and conflicts over faith will be overshadowed by the greatest plague of history. And we Quote: “Then the impurities and abominations will be brought to the surface and made manifest… towards the end of a change in reign. (This could mean when the last personality or king rises in England or France) – The leaders of the Church will be backward in their love of God… Of the three sects the Catholic is thrown into decadence by the Partisan differences of its worshippers. The Protestants will be entirely undone in all of Europe and part of Africa by the Islamics, by means of poor in spirit, who led by madmen (terrorist) shall through worldly luxury (oil) commit adultery. (Note read Rev. chaps 17 and 18) – In the meantime there appears a plague so vast that two-thirds of the world will fail and decay. So many (die) that no one will know the true owners of fields and houses!

The vision of evil – “According to what the Lord unveiled to me there are four sinister figures ‘alive now’ on this earth and will rise to their positions sooner than later. (Probably within the next few years) – The one personality will be the most subtle and diabolical of the four. At first, he seems like a charmer and a man of peace! God will allow Satan to bring forth this man that the world will love at his appearing! At first, he will restore the nations out of chaos and bring in prosperity and so-called peace. He will control the Vatican and all religions and guarantee Israel protection in a covenant! – He will negotiate with all nations. Finally every major nation will be under his control. We are seeing the beginning of global economics and trade. He will bring it to new heights not seen before! – He will be adored by the population, but underneath in his very being lurks Satan and his plans to dominate this planet! By his flatteries and propaganda he will seduce the major leaders including the three we spoke of! – Then, all of a sudden, the people must take his mark of allegiance or they cannot share in his plans of peace and prosperity! And those who do are tossed into the twilight of no return! – By the use of computers and electronic means he will be able to control the people on this globe! – No doubt about this time the world will be shattered by nature, crime, lawlessness, famine, etc. And this man of peace stabilizes the world economy as all religious systems gather unto him. And he will demand total loyalty! He is Satan’s masterpiece of destruction! All real Christians should watch and pray as never before, and they will escape out of his hands, according to Jesus’

A sure word of comfort – “Life on this planet is sure of uncertainties. The weather is erratic, the economics are out of control, the population faces crises on every hand, the earth is shaking and releasing fire, disease and famine are stalking the nations! -Also the shifting sands of man’s world produce insecurity, instability, despondency, and a final sentence of death! – But in the midst of this what a wonderful privilege to turn to the infallible Word of God and find that the anchor of the Christian is “both sure and steadfast” (Heb. 6:19). In a shaky and uncertain world, we know that “The foundation of God standeth sure” (II Tim. 2:19) – And as the Scriptures say, the peace of Jesus passeth all understanding. And more of this comfort will come to those who love His appearing!” Scroll #196

061 – Translation Nuggets