The worldwide economic snare is coming

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The worldwide economic snare is comingThe worldwide economic snare is coming

Translation Nuggets 71

“Finally leading into a diabolical tyrant!” — James 5:3 reveals their treasure will be heaped together during the last days ushering in the controlling mark!” — (Quote) “A financial adviser explained that, we are in a period of inflationary depression, it is the longest period of inflation in the past 360 years. The inflation is worldwide!” — “At this writing what we have is a business recession equal in severity to some of the past, but we are also experiencing inflation at the same time! When inflation gets this bad generally deflation doesn’t occur until much later, but rather generally more inflation appears, but finally a study of other runaway inflations such as the Germans and the Chinese experienced shows that they had both, inflation and depression both occurred simultaneously in the end result!” (Rev. 6:5-8) — “A continuation of the current policies of our government will slowly and eventually lead to the loss of our free economy!” “The nations are facing an ominous future. Events such as these will lead to Rev. 13:15- 18 control!”

The future – A Reality -“After we have some economic crisis later! – We will have a terrible and major crisis world-wide! …And all paper money that we know of now all over the world will be declared worthless! …A new electronic money system will be set up. (We will see the early stages of this beforehand.) – A new way to buy, sell and work is coming! A super dictator will bring the world into a new form of prosperity and madness! – A fantasy of delusion never seen before, but it also will end in doom! – Before all this takes place the worst global famine and starvation the world has ever seen will be occurring, leading to the horror of the apocalypse, the black and pale horse! (Rev. 6:5-8) -The nightmare of terror commences!” -“Oh how wonderful it is to know the elect will be with Jesus!”

“The misuse of gold power” — “A British writer and economist warned a movement from world currencies into gold is inevitable if or unless recession and inflation are not corrected soon, leaving no alternatives!” He thinks the projected mammoth United States budgets may lead to national bankruptcy! “Due to this and the default of the currencies evidently is just what the antichrist system is maneuvering and waiting for. Let us find a Scripture to substantiate this. Dan. 11:38, 43, “reveals, he shall have power (authority) over the treasures of gold and the silver. So you see if currencies default, -he would have the power of wealth, establishing his own gold currency (mark)” — “Also with the controlling of food this would end all freedom except for homage to him!” “Also watch the Middle East; if there is any hint towards gold you know the antichrist is very close! The Lord describes the end of this system, Isa. 14:4, “Take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, how hath the oppressor ceased! The golden city ceased!” Read verses 16 -17 — “Let us take one more quote from an editorial concerning past events which allowed a takeover! — August 1922 Germany’s money supply stood at 252 billion marks. In January 1923 it was 2 trillion. In September 1923 it was 28 quadrillion. And in November 1923 it reached 497 quintillion — that is 497 followed by 18 zeros. This runaway inflation of the money supply stopped, finally, when the currency became virtually worthless, its stated value was worth literally less than the cost of the paper it was printed on! The old mark was replaced in 1924 with a new “Reichsmark”. The old marks were withdrawn from circulation and ceased to be legal tender! With these events Hitler rose to power! Concerning all these events something similar to this will happen to the U. S. A. If they continue in inflation it is either this, strong controls or both!” (Rev. 13:15-18) — “When the gospel message finishes to the bride elect then I believe it is about this time that the collapse leading into these things will take place! God will protect and prosper His children, we are joined to God’s economy and His resources are not tied to man’s economy! Joshua 1:9 commands us to be strong and of good courage!”

Scroll #71

The beginning of the last sorrows and ending of this present world – read carefully as I bring each timely event and place it in the right position. Upon entering the Great Day of the Lord and the judgments begin to pick up momentum on the nations when the first 4 Trumpet angels sound. (Rev. 8:7, 12, 13) After this it intensifies even more, as the first woe and the fifth Trumpet sound (Rev. 9:1, 3 and 12) And the locust demons cover the earth, with power like scorpions! Now the sixth Trumpet sounds and the “second woe” starts (Rev. 9:13, 16) With this 200,000,000 demonic infernal horsemen are turned loose! And a third of men are killed! (Rev.9: 18) With this the judgment is about to reach an intense crescendo, as God will now begin to gather them to Armageddon. (Rev. 16:16) where the blood flows 5 feet high for 200 miles! As the “third woe”, starts quickly when events blend into the 7th Trumpet (Rev. 11:14-15) with the sounding of the 7th Trumpet angel, swift judgment follows! (Now remember all of God’s children are out. (Rev. 15:2) and now the 7 most powerful plagues the world has ever seen begin, (Rev. 15:7). Watch this carefully. The seven vial plagues of the 7th Trumpet were more devastating and more universal in scope than the first 6 Trumpets. They become almost unbelievable under the third woe! (The difference is degree and scope each.) For instance the second Trumpet affects only one third of the sea. (Rev. 8:9) where in the second vial of the 7th Trumpet turns all the sea into blood and destroys all life in it! (Rev. 16:3) Remember the first six Trumpets only have one plague each, but the 7th Trumpet releases seven last vial plagues, universal in scope!! (Rev. 16: 1) With this the whole world is in gross darkness, as men gnaw their tongues in pain and seek death! No repentance left. All life in the sea perishes as the mountains and islands flee away! And men crawl beneath the rocks of the earth. “Behold this is the day of the great god almighty.” Possibly 11/2 billion people die before the plagues are stopped! The world as we know it has changed. When the seventh angel sounded Jesus said it was done! (Rev.16:17) Moses was prophetic of this, only his plagues were minor to these! (Ex. 8) Here are the events that are fulfilled under the last 7th vial plague (Rev. 16:17-20). The main events are: Great atmospheric explosions with thunder and lightning! (2) The greatest earthquakes the world has ever known, as Jerusalem is divided into 3 parts! (3) The great cities of the nations fall. (4) Great hail falls. (5) Mystery Babylon receives the fullness of God’s wrath! (6) The destruction of the anti-christ and the chaining of Satan! Also the shame of the nations who did not die! (Zech. 14-16.) Scroll #23 -2

(These scrolls #23 will have to be read many times with the Bible in order to have complete understanding. Read especially the 10th Chapter of Rev.)

God starts the prediction – Gen. 37:7- 9 Joseph Exalted suddenly to a royal position! Gen. 41:41-44 (Read this closely; this is a many splendid prophecy revolving into dimensions of spectacular wonders!). Connecting to a (new prophecy) given exactly as God writes it! “Behold, I am showing my servant what I am about to do again:” Joseph and pharaoh typed a picture of what will be the last seven years on the earth. Only the last two men at the end will work together falsely! Watch! Joseph the true prophet possessed a divine gift of wisdom and knowledge, and by divine utterance he settled the problems of Pharaoh and the nation in great statesmen like fashion! He interpreted Pharaoh’s dream as seven good years and seven bad years. Gen. 41:16 – 30. With this wisdom he became the most powerful figure of all the world! And during the famine and the Great Tribulation his Jewish brethren turned and joined themselves to Joseph and Pharaoh in a covenant. (Gen. 45:7-16) No one could buy, work or sell without first coming to Joseph. Gen. 41:44 Now an exact picture of this will take place in the end! Only there will be a false type Joseph (false prophet) in the land during the Tribulation. And no man will be able to work, buy or sell during this time without a mark or number issued! There will arise a false type of Joseph in this nation connected to a type Pharaoh (A Pope or religious leader) -Read Scroll #18 – And great famine will come during this time. This man like Joseph will rise suddenly and by supernatural utterance by Satan will be able to solve many problems! He will be exalted into a high position! And like Joseph during this famine and Great Tribulation the Jews will turn and a covenant with this false type (Joseph and Pharaoh! – Dan. 9:27) A great revival will come just before this time. This is for certain, a Star Leader will rise in America’s future History. He will be a champion among the people! Seemingly able to solve the nation’s problems. When he appears there will only be 7 years left upon the earth! In the beginning of this period the Bride will rapture. He is the one who allows the image to be made unto the Beast (United Babylon-Rome) Rev. 13:12-15. People will bow to this man like they did Joseph but only for evil! (Gen. 41:44). Joseph also had a rainbow coat. (Gen. 37:3) He was clothed with revelation secrets-gifts!” And in the next part of Scroll below another Rainbow messenger appears in our time. “A Prophet”.

As we go towards the 4th of July the year 2021, what a year we have been in. The nation is 245 years old and look at all of the events that have taken place. In this letter I will begin on a new series called The Black Horse Rider. Prior to the black horse we saw the white horse ride (Rev. 6:2) traveling across the world. And after the white horse rode, the Bible indicates the riding of the red horse (Rev. 6:4). And the red horse is riding as one can see, killing and murdering on the grand scale all across the world. Now let us begin with the black horse (Rev. 6:5 & 6). Already one can see shortages and inflation riding at the same time. Many financial writers depict this event as an inflationary depression.

Now let us insert a few quotes from Brother Neal Frisby’s library:
“The governments have printed too much paper currency and this is one cause which creates inflation! So money becomes of less and less value and prices are forced higher and higher! This paves the way for dictatorship, remember Adolph Hitler rose to power after the inflationary bankruptcy in Germany!” “The entire economy and government itself can be taken over by this same type of dictatorship!” (Read Rev. 13:11-18 and Rev. 6:5-8) – “This inflation, coupled with shortages and famine can absolutely bring on strong control! Also crimes and violence increased greatly during the destructive time in Germany! During this chaotic period Hitler started his rise to power!” So more inflationary violence will come! “The recessions will worsen into a depression, but out of this will come a new world system and later prosperity will return, but finally leading right into the anti-Christ mark!” (Luke 17:27-29 – Rev. 13 – Dan. 8:25) “Then famine will increase even more horribly during the Tribulation!”
“Now let’s insert an important part here. What was the Bible pattern for dealing in trade and economic matters? Abraham and Joseph gave the proper manner, although many other Scriptures confirm it also! (Read Gen. 23:16 – Gen. 24:35 – Gen. 43:21 – Gen. 44:8 – a good example, Gen. 47:14-27.) These great prophets used their wealth properly – But in James 5: 1-6 it shows that evil men misuse it, and then God brings judgment at the end time.” “A financial expert on currency and a financial advisor to many large companies and foreign governments said a new currency and system is coming. He believes inflation will continue upward and more devaluation of the dollar. “All of these events, shortages and famines happening in the world could finally bring about a police state and martial law!” (Rev. 13) “Then the tribulation black horse rider will appear (Rev. 6) bringing economic convulsion and starvation!”
“I’m not writing against the U.S. dollar, spend it and use it for the Gospel as long as it works; but what we are saying is they’ve gotten off the constitutional standard and the people have been cheated of much of their value!” “Also the U.S. is losing the value of their morals and going into a sinful catastrophic overthrow! These words can sum up the whole article, the ‘boom’ and the ‘bust’.” End quote.

The mark casting its shadow before – “Foreboding and ominous signs are beginning to appear that was predicted by the Scripts for this decade! ” – New type systems in money and identifications are appearing now and in the next year or so! For instance the microchip, (The News report says) is no bigger than a grain of rice and it can contain all of the information about the person that they need! And in the future they have a microchip that can be used in the same manner that sends out signals that can locate the person no matter where they go or try to hide! “In the hands of a dictator it means absolute control of those who are left behind on the earth! – Also new things are coming in the banking system! I predicted in the 70s that they would have a card that would instantly take money from people’s accounts, on the spot electrically. This has already come to pass! It is called the debit card. According to news reports they are going to mail one just to about everybody who is joined to these banks and they can do business with 10 million merchants worldwide! By computerized system, a person can do business anywhere on the earth without writing checks by just using their personalized number that is given to them! – Many newer changes and alterations are on their way that will blend into International trade. (Rev. chap. 18) – A word of warning! “All will lead to a mark in the skin finally, known as the mark of the beast! It will be digital meaning the name, the number and the mark will all represent the same thing, etc.” Scroll 224-2

Super science – the future – “We are entering an age now of super science where much will be done in a few years. Because the rule of the antichrist is short, only 7 years to do all of his subtle work!” – “Super science will produce a cashless society and a computer identification mark! -We are drifting steadily towards global control!-And because he has but a short time, he will ride the progress of science in electronics; using sensors, lasers and ultra computers, not only for business and technology, but finally for war!” – “Even today in several test areas they are starting to use what they call electronic food stamps! …Saying this will replace paper food coupons in an effort to reduce fraud etc.! And during the coming world food shortage a system will be set up in similarity! -A mark associated with electronic computers!”- “Despite advanced technology hunger is spreading worldwide, it is said one bad harvest could affect the entire world’s food economy! -International energy demand is also increasing to double proportions! – Currencies are depreciating! –The Middle East and some nations are secretly hoarding gold and silver!…Ancient art prices are beyond people’s belief!” – “The antichrist, though not revealed, is already involved in events! -We see prophetic events casting their shadows before! -There are gradual subtle workings underneath that will suddenly rise and take the world in its snare!”

Continuing – “During the time frame we gave the Jews will make an agreement with a false messiah! Also it seems during this time Daniel’s 70th week will begin! And it is my opinion the Translation could take place during the time we spoke of! We shall also see plagues, famine and disease sweep across the earth! – Currency will finally be illegal to use as the mark of the beast rises! -Prominent signs are already signaling to us these two events are on the horizon! During the time measures we spoke of will come inflationary-depression and a burst of great prosperity! From electronic lasers and computers a world of fantasy will be created for the masses! – Super pleasure will control this planet! – People will be worshiping the image and statue of the beast. And the United States makes a system like unto this Roman prince, and his dictator stamp will be issued not only here, but worldwide! Scroll 176-7

Now let us touch on our weather. Lately there have been a great amount of powerful storms, destructive, reaching across parts of the U.S. in our southwest huge destructive fires are almost everywhere. Many large lakes are almost bone dry, creating a huge water shortage should this drought continue. Scientists say nothing as serious as this has occurred in over 125 years – This series on the black horse rider could not come at any other time for during and after the black horse rider the greatest tribulation of all time will be upon the whole earth. More on this later. This month I am releasing a wonderful new book called “Eternal Friendship”. You will know who your best friend is! Also a DVD, “The False Prophet.” – The timing to support the ministry could not be more important than it is now. We’re publishing a new series of books that you will be able to ask for in the near future. I know God will bless and guide you with His wonderful wisdom. I sincerely appreciate all that you do and I will always continue to keep you in my prayers. Scroll 23-part 2

071 – The worldwide economic snare is coming