The translation – then the great tribulation

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The translation – then the great tribulationThe translation – then the great tribulation

Translation Nuggets 70

And now these two subjects. Because we are getting very close to it, it is very vital that we understand the revelation” -Rev. 12:1, “reveals the church of the ages including the New Testament Church!”-“The woman clothed in symbolism of the sun, moon and 12 stars reveals the past, present and future ages! Verse 5 reveals the true elect are caught up! (translation) – And then we find out in verses 16-17 there are still people left; these are Tribulation saints!… They are called the remnant of her seed. Rev. 7: 14 confirms these same Tribulation saints. They are on earth with the sealing of the 144, 000 Jews!”(verse 4) – Matt. 24:39-42, “reveals the same thing that we just spoke of in Rev. Chap. 12. -Where people get confused is that they read Matt. 24:29-31… But as you notice in verse 31 the Translation has already taken place, because you notice He is gathering His elect from the 4 winds, from one end of heaven to the other! …And is only returning with them to interrupt in the Battle of Armageddon!… You see them clothed in fine white linen with Jesus!” (Rev. 19:14-21) –“Jesus said, as the elect watched and prayed that they would escape the horrors of the Great Tribulation!” (Luke 21:36) – “Matt. 25:2-10 gives a definite conclusion that part was taken and part was left. Read it. Use these Scriptures as a guideline to keep your confidence that the true Church will be translated before the mark of the beast, etc.” (Rev. Chap. 13)

Prophecy – time and dimension

“One day millions of people, of all ages, will depart this earth in a second -in the twinkling of an eye!” (I Cor. 15:52) -“First Jesus shows how sudden the change will be! –Then He reveals the revelation. ” -“The Lord so cometh as a thief in the night!” (I Thess. 5:2) –“He used this comparison in several Scriptures, why? –Because a thief comes unannounced and unexpected, but they know he has been there by seeing what has been taken! -And a thief takes only the valuables, like jewels, gold, etc. ” –“And Jesus will take His jewels away! (Read Mal. 3:17) Also a thief usually leaves behind much more (less valuables) than he takes!” – Note: “The elect will not know the exact day nor hour, but the “very season”, will be unveiled to them of Jesus’ return! We are absolutely entering the season of His soon appearance!”

Continuing – Luke 17:34-36, “Jesus discloses the translation will take place in different places and various time zones; but yet it will occur at the same time all over the world!” -“He said, there shall be 2 men in one bed, one shall be taken and the other one left! This speaks it will be night time in one part of the earth! -Next two women shall be grinding (making bread) together! -In Bible days the women did this early in the morning. This speaks of (dawn, morning)!” -“Then two men in the field, this would speak of later in the day.”- “So Jesus is telling us that when He appears some will be sleeping, some working and some will be just getting up!”-“There was a period of night, dawn and day!” –“For an example let’s go back to the word thief. To unexpectedly catch people off guard in the USA, the best hours in this great industrial complex would be from 3 A.M. to 5 A.M. – There would be less crashes and deaths on the highways, in cities, planes, etc. although there still would be some. It would be less noticeable until people woke up and wondered what in the world had taken place!”-“Now remember we do not know the exact time, this is just an example. We are to watch all seasons and periods! So we see in prophecy, the Lord depicts time and dimension! (twinkle-changed-gone!)

Continuing –“The sudden disappearance of millions of people from the earth will cause a mysterious crisis, confusion, chaos and panic among those who feel they know what occurred! -Death and misery will abound everywhere! But all of this will be explained away by the world government!” -“People’s attention will be drawn away from the event by the lying signs and wonders of the antiChrist! This world leader will actually mock the event the same as they did when Elijah the prophet was translated!”

Scroll #172

The mystery of the infallible Godhead and water baptism

How will the Lord judge? (1 John 5:7). The Early church baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, (Acts 2:38; Acts 19:5). But in Matt.28:19 it reads in the “name” of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Why did the Lord allow it to look two ways? By the wisdom of God I wilt show there were several reasons why. If some wonder if I am teaching Jesus (Only) no, but He loves those people too. Now read Eph. 4:4. There is one body and one spirit! We are baptized in one body, not three different bodies! (God dwelled in the body of the Lord Jesus Christ) (Eph. 4:5). One Lord, one faith, one baptism! – (1 Cor. 12:13). This is infallible saith the Lord God! Paul wrote and I quote – (1 Cor. 13:1-3). Though I speak with tongues of men and angels and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge though I have faith even to move mountains (This means even to create or raise the dead). And though I give my body to be burned! Now I will write by command – even if a person is baptized the original way of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38) of for that matter the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and has not “love” he is a loud noise! I am become a sounding brass and a tingling symbol. (I Cor. 13:1). Although important, the water alone will not rapture you! But love will! That’s the secret which raptures the Bride away! Live by the Word with “spiritual love!” This is the message which we received from the beginning! (I John 3:11). Again the Lord warns us not to put all our salvation and confidence in just water alone, or to argue it, no sir! The Lord does not want that! It is absolute fact the early Church (of Acts) baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 8:16- Acts 2:38) but not in Jesus (Only). Because some people name their children this in foreign countries, but Lord Jesus is different. Now why all the mystery about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit baptism? Because Jesus wanted to bring the right way by revelation to His Elect of each age! They always have the closest truth, also He said I have other sheep not of this fold (St. John 10: 16). How the Lord will bring some of the other groups in and to heaven is a mystery! But He is all wise and knows every heart. And in this way will save more and all His children, because of (Matt. 28: 19 and Acts 2:38). He knows His people! Nothing that is His will be lost! Now I must say Jesus loves both, but some don’t always love the revelation of His Word! I know in (St. Matt. 28:19) it says in the name (singular) of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost but notice “Name” not names! Jesus said I came in My Fathers name (St. John 5:43). In St. John 1:1, 14) it says that the Word was God and was made flesh. We are not baptized into three different bodies, only one! This is the Lord Jesus (the body that God dwelled in). He told Philip, you have been with me this long and don’t know me, and the Bible states the Scripture cannot be broken (read St. John 14:8-9) this is the case of many today! I am writing this in love. Maybe if one can not entirely agree that’s fine, but we are still brothers in the Lord and if we still don’t love one another we will not be taken up! The water baptizing and the Godhead is one thing the Organization can’t decide for a person, you alone will have to according to the Scriptures (St. John 10:30). There is one God, but He works in three different ways. There will be people in heaven who believe in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, working together as the self same spirit! But at the same time I don’t believe there will be many there who believe in 3 different Gods! For He said, “hear O Israel for the Lord your God is one!” Jesus said to the Jews before Abraham I was! (St. John 8:58). (Don’t separate them, believe them as one together, this is the secret of faith and miracles!) Amen! I do not deny the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, but I state emphatically and it is the absolute truth that these three are one same spirit. Just like (Rev.5:6) it says 7 spirits of God, but these are all one spirit working 7 revelative ways! If people knew who Jesus was, then they would know what He meant when He said in the “name”! (St. Matt: 28: 19 – Acts 9: 17 -Luke 10:21-22). Behold what I have spoken about the water is true! What I have spoken about my name is true! It is I the Lord Jesus which has spoken unto my people the Bride! And unto them who will take my name will become my Bride! And unto her is given my Kingdom to rule with Me! For she has spiritually married me and has taken my name the Lord Jesus Christ, for she is My own, the very handy work of my spirit! For even now the time must shortly come when I will take her to My palace. Watch! I say watch! Behold now is the end of the age come! And I will reveal hidden manna! I was God walking in the body of Jesus, walking the hot roads of Galilee, and gave rest to the weary! Healing the sick of Israel! I am your Lord, let no man deceive thee! And there is no other God besides Me! Behold i have hidden myself in Jesus in such away that the foolish virgins and the world can not see me, until the time that i shall reveal it, but my elect was born to believe it and another they will not hear I am Alpha and Omega, yea a man’s hand has not written this, but the hand of power the Lord of hosts has written it! – I want to say in closing, anyone in his right mind could only say surely God is speaking to His people. May our Lord Jesus bless and rapture everyone who believes this message. Amen! Man has put his foot upon the moon, also God will put His foot upon the earth soon! (Rev. 10). Scroll #35


Prophetic time –

“From the very beginning the Lord was giving us clues! -He would reveal the season of His return concerning the latter times! -Not the day nor the hour but the appointed season! -In the Old Testament He actually revealed dates concerning important events! -He gave a date for the flood! (Gen. 6:3) -This was His first warning! And as time drew near He told Noah the flood would occur in 7 days! (Gen. 7:4) – It was very accurate; it took place exactly as appointed!”… “450 years later God set a date for the fiery overthrow of Sodom and surrounding cities! In this instance Abraham knew within 24 hours of this judgment! (Gen 18:20-22, 33) -Lot knew the destruction was coming within one night! (Gen. 19: 1, 12-15) – Also the Lord told Abraham that He would ‘not hide’ from him the thing that He was to do! (Gen. 18:17-21) – So the elect will have an understanding of God’s prophetic time clock!” -“He revealed the ‘exact date’ of Isaac’s birth to Abraham! (Gen. 17:21) – He foretold the date that Israel would come out of Egypt! (Gen: 15: 13, 16) –He set the date the Jews would come out of Babylon! “(Jer. 25:11- Dan.9:2) -“God set a date of the exact year that the Lord Jesus would, come as the Messiah! (Dan. 9:25) -And 69 weeks, 7 years per prophetic week, meaning 483 years later this occurred!” -“None of this was hidden in the Old Testament, but was revealed to those who loved God, the prophets! -The Lord also has a date set in His heart for the Translation! -For at the ‘appointed time’ the end shall be! – (We will know the season!)” (Dan. 11:27) -“There are several other timed events the Lord gave to Daniel concerning the rising of the beast power, the Tribulation and the Jews entering the Millennium!” (Read Dan. 12:6-12) -“Jesus said that our days would be like the days of Noah and Lot! And the actual dates were given to both overthrows and etc.!” –“Now we will not know the exact day nor hour, but it will be revealed to the elect ‘very near’ the event of His coming! – And we have given time cycles of ‘the season’ evidently in past Scripts! – And as the Lord reveals we will be writing more concerning the nearness of His appearing! -Our generation should close it out!”

This generation

Luke 21:32 – “The future ahead will bring a time of religious, political and social upheavals of such magnitude that the world will be drawn towards a dictator! -Jesus’ coming is extremely near, the prophetic cycles reveal this! – Plus the signs that are being fulfilled right before our very eyes!” – But let us pray that God will help those who will let Him!” – “The rapid development in world events reveal to us that only a short period remains for us to work! The rest of the 80’s and early 90’s will surely bring forth some of the most startling events of mankind and fulfilling some of the prophecies already written on the Scrolls!” Scroll #144

Continuing – “Some people believe they have all the time in the world, but according to the Scriptures and what I have seen, it will come suddenly and as a snare!” – “Remember this, just before the Translation in the midst of a great spiritual stirring will come terrible persecution against those who preach the whole truth and those who have the faith!” -” This persecution will come from the lukewarm apostates who have been deceived, and love not the truth! -But this too is ‘a sign’ to let the true believers know that the trumpet of God is about to sound for them as they are caught up in rapturous joy! ” – “Yea, for it is true, for in an hour ye think not, the Lord cometh!-Be ye also ready and prepared; take not this script lightly, but let My Word sink into thine heart!” – Amen! – “Soon the voice will say, Go ye out to meet Him!” Scroll #142

Be ye also ready – “We are living in what we call the latter, of the latter times! After this recession crisis mankind will promote fast adventures in so many different ways as to alter the earth completely! Man will try to work toward a perfect world of global peace and plenty for all! Of course, it will be like the lies of the dictators of the 30’s, and we all know what happened! And so again it will lead into a gigantic war! And so they will declare peace and safety for all, but it shall not end in that fashion. Even the Jews will be deceived for a season of time. Right now in this very hour they are working on plans to fulfill Rev. chap 11: 1-2 – 1st Thess. 2:4 – “In all I have written here, what I am actually trying to say is, that truly the whole world is going to be caught off-guard! More false christs and false prophets will rise! The Bible predicted in the last days a great ‘falling away’ would occur just before Translation! Some people are not actually falling away from church attendance, but from the real Word and Faith! Jesus told me, we are in the final days and to declare it with the utmost urgency!”

The final days – “Along with the technology, science and inventions will come new styles and changes for women and men. Soon the Pentecostals of our past age will look more like the movie world in appearance. Very few are going to hold onto the old paths and stay with the full Word of God! I tell you, as I have told you before, revolutionary changes are coming that one will only believe as they see it! Such a world of sin and debauchery. What the Scripts have said about the motion pictures have absolutely proven correct. They are now using special effects, magic and sorcery like. They can almost create any kind of fantasy and practically place them in it, and do so in some instances. And new advancements are coming. Truly man is trying to replace reality with fantasy for the appearance of the antiChrist!”

The latter times (now) – “We see all kinds of signs in the religious world. It seems that the appearance of the Virgin Mary takes place almost daily at some place in the world. – Also the religious world will use magic and deception to deceive people away from the real Word of God! As they did in Mose’s day, they will try to do it again today, by not only using false spirits, but electronic magic! In some places the showing of the Virgin Mary in tears and then Christ appearing in mid air as if to be visions! But they are using sophisticated holograms by projecting the picture in the air in front of the crowds to cause the audience to think it is real! It is actually demonic apparition by using modern electronic and laser methods! – Surely real wizards are coming and making their appearances in the 90’s to deceive the people and those who have departed from the faith. – Already 1992 is showing the fulfillment of the Scripts prophecy, celestial and Biblical, etc. Much more is yet to occur. After this next election our world is going to change vastly. Like the moon changes in phases each month so shall the changes be in this nation during the coming years. – So the USA, like the world, the cup of iniquity shall be filled.

Our generation – The Last Stages – Except for pretension and brief periods of self-righteousness among the churches the immorality of the world will be considered the normal thing. Even what we call Christians today across the nation will dress and look worse than some of those in the world. The witch and the bitch look will prevail in finality. There will be a mixture of different styles and wears, but the near nudity look will be acceptable among the nations during our generation. The outrageous, shocking, devilish, alluring, ultra seductive movement and look will appear and dominate. The strong Satanic spirit will be overwhelming in lewd debauchery as the masses fall into fantasy worship and pleasure! The Jezebel spirit of old will work right along with all of this and seduce the Protestants and other religions into the great whore system!” (Rev. 17:1-5 – Rev. 2:20-22) “But they will be cast into Great Tribulation for not listening to the past admonition of the Lord to them. It is being given now!

Continuing – “While the world is living it up in false religion and pleasure, the shadows of God are already crossing the earth in judgment! We see all nations in distress, ready to listen to a false dictator. Perplexity and starvation is reaching into more nations! What we are seeing is the beginning of sorrows and the anguish of the coming of the Great Tribulation! With plagues and so great a famine will appear in our generation soon! Nature will completely be out of control; plus the greatest earthquakes since the recording of history shall definitely take place! The riots and rebellion the Scripts predicted are taking place, with yet more fulfillments! All nations seem to be a brewing pot headed for trouble! Scroll #200

COMMENTS – CD-1156 – “WORRY” – {The scripture may not call worries sin explicitly, but it is clear that anxiety and/ or worry are a failure to trust God, or His goodness or believe in His word. (Be anxious for nothing, Phil.4:6-7). People believe what is not real around them. Allow the great Comforter to be with you. Worry a sinister companion of man for about 6000 years of man. When God first created man there was no worry, but when man rejected his word, it started. Man began to do his own will. Worry is an unwanted concern that is not reality. If you are in the same room with your children and you are worrying and imagining all kinds of things, that is unnecessary worry. But if they are away you may find yourself worrying, that is warranted. But by trusting the Lord, He will move for you. When you get alone with God there is peace, Psalm 91:1. The key is to be alone with God, in study of the word, prayer, praises and witnessing.

Worry is a persistent anxiety, it is the old age destroyer that controls a person’s life. It creates diseases. One of man’s problems is the worry that does not go away and causes illness such as ulcers; it upsets the digestive system. Jesus has come to help us take care of this worry ,if we can hand him control of our lives. Worry works with fear. People who are well today do not know how many people, including the rich and famous, are suffering from anxiety and depression. Worry is the source and no amount of wealth or fortune can buy you out. Peace is in the word of God. Study Matt.6:34. Watch your thoughts for all these issues start there. People are living today but are full of worries about tomorrow. “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”

Some people look back and worry, if God forgave them their past sins. God is not man If you sincerely confess, He sincerely forgives and that is over if you have faith to believe his word of promise. You can plan and be cautious but not worry about it, commit it to the Lord and trust him. Jesus had a concern which was to give the people the word and that is supposed to be our concern. How we give the word of God out today should concern us because we will be judged by what we did with the word, how we presented it, the testimonies out of it based on what you presented about Jeus Christ. If you are going to have one concern let it be about your bringing the word of salvation and deliverance and hope to the people. His words will remain forever.

If you allow the human body it will worry about things that will occur 100 years from now; or worry about what you will be doing in heaven. Don’t worry about that, He is an active God, He will have enough for people to do. People worry about what they are going to do in heaven or their minds go off into eternity; see how far they worry about: shut it off. Live for today, use divine wisdom for tomorrow. Don’t allow anxiety to build up in you or soon there will be so much tension and sickness sets in. Remember Philppians 4:6, “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplications with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Do not come to God with anxiety, come to God with praise, joy and boldness; keep your mind on God till all those anxieties and worries leave. God wrote down and knew all your prayer requests before you were born; for those who doubt if God heard their prayers. He had made everything well.

Nothing was created as man; it is a masterpiece and only God can fix it. Some people worry about getting into or out of debt. Commit it all to the Lord. Live one day at a time and don’t allow tomorrow to be a worry. The key to getting out of anxiety and worries is to get alone with God; shut in with God in a secret place. Thank God for your past, present and future. If you want to feel good let the word of God soak into you. Sometimes people allow their worries to get out of hand that they even think and begin to believe that God is responsible for it all. But if they can get alone with God, they will soon find out that God is not responsible for their worries. A lot of people create their own problems and begin to look for whom to blame. Take no thought about tomorrow. Sometimes destiny and providence may be at work in your life. Remember the story of Job. Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Sometimes it takes looking back to see what God did or is doing in your life. Some people are saved in old age, whom God foreknew that if they got saved younger may backslide and fall away.

It is not always that when things are working well that it is working for your good. Sometimes when things are going bad for you is actually when things are working for your good. If you are not expecting the Lord then He is not coming for you. If you call on the Lord He will answer and work for you and all will work out well. The thief on the cross, suffering the agony of crucifixion cried out to Jesus, he knew he was dying but reached out to God. And all things worked out for his good despite the pain and agony he was facing on his cross. He had an appointment to meet with Mr Eternity, the Lord Jesus Christ, under such horrible circumstances but as can be seen all things worked out for his good. He was promised by the Lord a safe passage to Paradise, eternal life. He was absent in the body but alive with Christ in Paradise. He became the first witness to those in Paradise of what happened about the crucifixion of Christ. He was an eyewitness to those in Paradise.

Always as a Christian take no thought for tomorrow. Take it one day at a time. Remember the sinister companion to anxiety is worry. But rather have the peace and word of God in your heart. Use wisdom to regulate all these, watch and pray, committing all things to the Lord. Don’t leat worry get you to an early grave, or allow melancholy, sadness, suicide or sickness. Teach your children the way to handle it. At the end of time things will go against the children of God; but the pressure and push on them will bring them where they suddenly put on the glorious body and are caught up to Christ in the clouds of glory; the translation.

Each day has enough trouble of its own, that God wants us to be present in the here and now; knowing that He will take care of our future. Remember Philippians 4:5-7, the peace of God that passeth all understanding. We must shift our focus to the present and not worry about tomorrow.}


070 – The translation – then the great tribulation